One Sky Center Home Page The American Indian/Alaska Native National Resource Center for Substance Abuse
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One Sky Center is a National Resource Center for American Indian and Alaska Native Health, Education and Research. It is dedicated to quality health care across Indian Country.


Current initiatives include Evidence Based Practices In Indian Country and a Native-to-Native Mentorship program for graduate students and junior and mid-career faculty interested in substance abuse research.



What's New


Health Care Disparities and the Native American Community

Making The Invisible Visible: Portland’s Native American Community

One Sky Center on Native Nations Television

Association of American Indian Physicians (AAIP) honors Jeremy Lazarus, MD, President of the AMA.


Dr. Clyde B. McCoy Wins International Award of Excellence
Dr. McCoy, Eastern Band of Cherokee, is a member of One Sky Center's Native-to-Native Mentoring Program for American Indian/Alaska Native graduate students and early career faculty. Read the complete story. Learn about the mentorship program.

Association of American Indian Physicians Annual Meeting
The AAIP Annual Meeting will be held July 31 - August 5, 2012 in Anchorage, Alaska. Information and a draft agenda are available online.

The Oregonian: Urban Indians in Oregon facing numerous health disparities
American Indians and Alaska Natives in the greater Portland area suffer asthma, obesity and other health problems at rates far higher than the general population, The Oregonian reports. Get the story.

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Upcoming Events

September 22, 2012:
Autum Begins

September 24 - 27, 2012:
National Indian Health Board Consumer Conference & Market Place
- Denver, CO

September 28, 2012:
7th Annual Dancing In The Square Pow Wow
- Portland, OR

October 8, 2012:

More events

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