

At NGA we hire for a variety of work roles to execute our robust mission.  Below are just a few of the exciting work roles at NGA!

Accountants perform accounting and financial processes and transactions related to recording and reporting NGA's financial activity. They review financial and accounting results to ensure quality, accuracy, and compliance with appropriate legal, regulatory, and procedural requirements to produce auditable financial statements. Accountant Analyst Work Role Information

Aeronautical Analyst
GEOINT Analysts (Aeronautical Intelligence) exploit worldwide aeronautical data and other sources of intelligence in support of national security goals, concerns, and strategies. They produce oral, written, and graphic intelligence reports. They collaborate with partners and co-producers across the community and ensure that the intelligence information is available in Intelligence Community databases and products. They also ensure the quality, accuracy, and currency of aeronautical information produced in-house, by contractors, and by national and international co-producers. Aeronautical Analyst Work Role Information

GEOINT Analysts (Bathymetry) receive, analyze, and deconflict U.S. and foreign bathymetric data (both digital and analog) for use by the IC and external customers. They populate and maintain data and metadata in the bathymetry database, ensuring the accuracy of metadata pertaining to collection source platforms and depth recording devices. Bathymetrist Work Role Information

Cartographer (GEOINT Analyst)
GEOINT Analysts (Cartography) acquire, analyze, compile, evaluate, and review geospatial data for use in standard products, non-standard products, and/or data holdings in support of mission requirements. They attribute, exploit, extract, format, manipulate, position, and symbolize geospatial information. They ensure the quality, accuracy, and currency of geospatial information produced in-house or in cooperation with contractors and national and international co-producers for national, military, and civil partners. Cartographer (GEOINT Analyst)

Contract Specialists (DAWIA)
Contract Specialists-DAWIA develop, plan, organize, manage, solicit, negotiate, award, terminate, administer, and close out acquisitions to meet customer needs. They interact with the contractor and the customer to meet customer needs. They may also hold a warrant that would authorize them to obligate the Government subject to limitations expressed on their warrant. They must obtain DAWIA-certification in Contracting, as appropriate for the band, within 24 months of appointment to this work role. Contract Specialist (DAWIA) Work Role Information

Counterintelligence (CI) Officers
Counterintelligence (CI) Officers perform a variety of functions in the counterintelligence area including CI preliminary inquiries, data research and analysis, CI training and awareness, briefings, and debriefings. They detect, analyze, and mitigate foreign intelligence and terrorist threats affecting NGA personnel, technologies, infrastructure, and/or capabilities. CI Officers also monitor security incidents, coordinate damage assessments, advise NGA leadership, and conduct liaison with Intelligence Community, National, DOD, and local law enforcement agencies. Counterintelligence Officers Work Role Information

Enterprise Account Managers
Enterprise Account Managers track customer issues and collaborate with customers to identify and define needs. They research alternatives and develop and recommend strategies to satisfy customer requirements, and then shepherd requirements through the relevant process. They maintain situational awareness, anticipate potential impacts, and notify relevant parties of possible impacts. Enterprise Account Managers Work Role Information

Financial/Budget Analyst
Financial/Budget Analysts formulate, analyze, present, defend, communicate, and execute NGA’s financial program. They provide financial analysis, guidance, and advice to customers.  Financial/Budget Analyst Work Role Information

Finance and Accounting Analyst
Finance and Accounting Analysts research a wide range of financial and accounting issues. They provide regulatory and procedural guidance and assistance to customers. Finance and Accounting Analyst Work Role Information

Geodetic Surveyors
GEOINT Analysts (Geodetic Survey) collect geodetic and geophysical data and reduce them to precise positions and gravity measurements. They use and maintain a variety of survey equipment used in data collection. They compute, adjust, and evaluate data acquired by other organizations. They provide technical expertise on geodetic and geophysical issues to customers and represent NGA in external community forums that establish DOD and Intelligence Community doctrine and policy. Geodetic Surveyors Work Role Information

Geospatial Data Stewards
GEOINT Analysts (Data Stewardship) manage the development, approval, and population of data within NGA's feature database, ensuring that it can be used to satisfy customer requirements. They have read/write access to that database, and make qualitative decisions about the data. They understand the capabilities and limitations of the feature database systems. They have a wide range of product knowledge and understand the capabilities of the various systems to support the extraction, analysis, and finishing of in-house, co-production, commodity, and contract data. Geospatial Data Steward Work Role Information

Geospatial Intelligence Analysts
GEOINT Analysts (Geospatial Analysis) analyze geospatial data from imagery, intelligence databases, and various ancillary sources in support of national security goals, concerns, and strategies. They use their understanding of geography, remote sensing, spatial analysis, GIS, intelligence issues, and the social and physical sciences to create information, characterize events, and discover relationships and trends. They develop descriptive and predictive analyses and communicate the results, meaning, and significance as written, visual, and/or oral geospatial intelligence.  They may participate in the evaluation of tools and creation of customized methodologies and applications. Geospatial Intelligence Analyst Role Information

HD Consultants
HD Consultants provide operational services; program and strategy design, development, and customization; Agency policy development and implementation; organizational design and change management; and/or strategic/tactical human resources advice to customers of the Agency's HD programs. Customers include employees, managers, senior leaders, and related stakeholders. HD Consultants Work Role Information

Imagery Scientists
GEOINT Analysts (Imagery Science) apply advanced techniques to determine the intelligence and geospatial information contained in imagery. They develop algorithms, evaluate tools, and create customized methodologies and products to address a variety of geospatial intelligence problems. They typically specialize in precision mensuration, radar, spectral, infrared, and other specialized collection systems. Imagery Scientist Work Role Information

Imagery Intelligence Analysts
GEOINT Analysts (Imagery Intelligence) task and exploit imagery in support of national and military security goals, concerns, and strategies. They conduct multi-INT research, populate intelligence databases, and produce written, graphic, and oral intelligence products. They primarily analyze military force structure, capabilities, intentions, and vulnerabilities of adversaries and potential adversaries, weapons proliferation, emerging technologies, and treaty monitoring. They also work on diverse issues such as environmental concerns, counternarcotics, disaster assessments, infrastructure, underground facilities, and counterterrorism. In some assignments, they may apply specialized science and technology skills in analysis, imagery extraction and visual scene creation, advanced geospatial techniques, CAD modeling, photogrammetry, and precise mensuration to produce highly-detailed, labor intensive products. Imagery Intelligence Analyst Work Role Information

Information Assurance Officers
Information Assurance Officers ensure the confidentiality, integrity, availability, authentication, and non-repudiation of NGA's information and information systems. They apply technical expertise from a variety of backgrounds to provide a multi-layered Defense-in-Depth approach to protection of NGA's critical infrastructure and production capabilities. They monitor information systems and networks to strengthen access controls, detect unauthorized access attempts, and ensure compliance with national, IC, and Agency Automated Information System security policy and directives. Information Assurance Officers Work Role Information

Information Systems Security Specialists
Information Systems Security (ISS) Specialists ensure that ISS policies are implemented and maintained throughout the life cycle of NGA systems and networks. They promulgate ISS policies, certify and monitor systems and networks, and perform investigations of security incidents, including data spills and AIS misuse. They utilize state of the art computer forensics tools and techniques to assist in performing computer-related forensics and investigations. 

Maritime Analysts
GEOINT Analysts (Maritime) acquire, analyze, compile, and disseminate maritime safety information to populate and update nautical databases to support the Digital Nautical Chart, hardcopy charts, digital publications, and Electronic Chart Display and Information Systems. They generate mission specific datasets, promulgate worldwide navigational warnings, and respond to queries from foreign hydrographic offices and the users of our products and services. These duties are performed in fulfillment of NGA's marine navigation obligations under U.S. Code, Title 10, other Federal and International laws and regulations in support of national security goals, concerns and strategies. Maritime Analyst Work Role Information

Open Source Analysts
GEOINT Analysts (Open Source Research) are open and classified source data mining specialists with expertise in identifying, analyzing, evaluating, and acquiring sources and data necessary to further GEOINT analysis. They develop regional and subject expertise in order to provide information tailored to mission requirements. They collaborate with other IC agencies and outside institutions and groups to enhance information access and resource sharing. They recommend and acquire source materials to enhance Resource Center collections and provide training to help customers optimize the use of databases and services. Open Source Analyst Work Role Information

Police Officers
Police Officers enforce Federal laws and ensure DOD and NGA rules and regulations are followed. They provide for the protection of NGA personnel and assets by conducting entry control, internal patrols, limited investigative and dignitary protection, emergency response, and physical security. They also prepare accident, incident, and security violation reports, conduct interviews and briefings, and provide customer support services. They may also provide training services to include the development of comprehensive police-specific training, ensure the currency of existing curriculum, and establish standards for the training program. They must successfully complete an NGA accepted police academy within two years. Police Officer Work Role Information

Political Geographers
GEOINT Analysts (Political Geography) execute a comprehensive analytic program of political and cultural geographic intelligence over foreign areas. They provide political geography solutions to NGA analysis and production elements, US Commands, Intelligence Community, US Government agencies, and customers in the public sector. They manage the foreign names standardization program of the US Board on Geographic Names (BGN) and serve as the Secretariat and research staff for the US BGN Foreign Names Committee (FNC). Applying their knowledge of foreign languages, they research and analyze sources containing foreign geographic names information, and recommend policy and procedure for the standardization of foreign geographic names to the US BGN FNC. Political Geographers Work Role Information

Program Management Execution Officers (non-DAWIA)
Program Management Execution Officers-DAWIA oversee the cost, schedule, and technical performance of Information Technology (IT) acquisition activities. They plan programs in detail, lead program teams and activities, direct the day-to-day running of programs, and monitor all aspects of IT acquisition. In addition, Program Management Execution Officers-DAWIA identify and defend funding requirements, prepare procurement documentation, conduct technical evaluations, and monitor expenditures. They assess contractor performance and may perform source selection evaluation
duties.Program Management Execution Officers (non-DAWIA) Work Role Information

Project Scientists
Project Scientists are responsible for the day-to-day execution and technical oversight of a variety of scientific activities. They develop project schedules, determine resource requirements, provide technical guidance and oversight, and report results. Project Scientists apply in-depth expertise from a variety of scientific disciplines (e.g., Photogrammetry, Geodesy, GIS, Computer Science, Mathematics, Image Science) to develop, analyze, evaluate, and apply new technology; develop expertise and tradecraft for the Agency; and advise senior management on new and evolving technology. They participate in strategic planning, propose and defend program plans, and communicate and market results to customers and decision-makers. Project Scientist Work Role Information

Recruiters acquire the best talent available to satisfy Agency recruitment requirements. They review candidate qualifications, arrange and perform interviews, rank candidates, provide feedback, and engage in networking relationships with their serviced organizations and various external entities. Recruiters Work Role Information

Regional Geographers
GEOINT Analysts (Regional Geography) apply comprehensive experience with, and knowledge of, a country, region, or issue in support of national security goals, concerns, and strategies. They monitor, validate, and maintain source and product data and metadata integrity for various databases. They maintain awareness and expertise concerning physical, cultural, socio-economic, and political aspects of designated countries and regions. They use their expertise to compile and maintain Geospatial Country Assessments and collaborate on ad hoc requests for a variety of customers. They characterize events, discover relationships and trends, infer conclusions, predict behaviors, and communicate these results as multi-source geospatial-intelligence. Regional Geographer Work Role Information

Regional Source Analysts
GEOINT Analysts (Regional Sources) research, collect, analyze, evaluate, integrate, and recommend hardcopy and digital sources for the production of geospatial data and products. They identify source shortfalls, geospatial requirements, and develop strategies to resolve geospatial source gaps. They provide customers with complete source information. Regional Source Analyst Work Role Information

Scientific and Technical Program Managers
Scientific and Technical Program Managers are responsible for planning and managing the resources and work associated with a series of projects linked by a common goal or problem resolution. They apply technical management expertise to develop program schedules, determine resource requirements, mitigate risk, provide technical guidance and oversight, and report results. They brief programs to senior managers and external oversight entities (e.g., community management, HPSCI) and defend resource allocations. They likely serve as COR. Scientific and Technical Program Managers Work Role Information

Source Strategies Analysts
GEOINT Analysts (Source Strategies) collaborate with customers and source providers to develop comprehensive multi-INT, multi-source strategies to address intelligence problems. They create tasking and dissemination requirements, adjudicate requirements, analyze and investigate collection performance, assess and report on end-to-end GEOINT system performance data, and advise customers in support of the National System for Geospatial-Intelligence (NSG). Source Strategies Analyst Work Role Information

Systems Engineers
Systems Engineers enable the delivery of Information Technology capabilities through the use of interdisciplinary approaches (e.g., Computer Science, Engineering, Logistics, and Physical Sciences). They may lead and be responsible for the end-to-end lifecycle systems engineering activities. Systems Engineers support acquisition life-cycle management by performing strategic systems migration planning; capturing and translating mission and customer functional, performance, and support capabilities into requirements; allocating requirements to systems architecture components; developing the requests for change; and testing, validating, and deploying systems. They also perform configuration management, maintain schedules, are responsible for the systems engineering processes that support process improvement, and evaluate technology options and utilization opportunities. Systems Engineers Work Role Information