
Currently showing only: Federal Employees
August 16, 2012Press Item
"I congratulate J. David Cox on his election as National President of the American Federation of Government Employees, and I thank outgoing President John Gage for his many years of service.  I have had the pleasure of working with J. David in his capacity as National Secretary-Treasurer for the past six years, and I know he will do an outstanding job in this new role. 
August 1, 2012Press Item
“Today, for the first time in history, the United States Postal Service is set to default on its obligations because House Republicans refuse to take action on bipartisan postal reform legislation. The Senate passed a bill, by a bipartisan vote of 62-37 in April, that could have prevented default and preserved the Postal Service. Unfortunately, as we head into the August district work period, House Republicans refuse to address this matter at all and are once again walking away from the American people on a critical issue.
June 5, 2012Press Item
For over a quarter century, John Gage has dedicated his career to making sure that government employees can focus on working on behalf of Americans instead of having to worry about receiving the pay and benefits they have earned through their service.  As national president of the American Federation of Government Employees for the past nine years, John has been a tireless defender of our nation’s public servants during a time when they have been asked to do more with less.  Under his leadership, AFGE has continued to be a leading voice for the collective bargaining rights of all our workers in this country.  The son of a Pittsburgh steel worker and union member, John was raised among working families who saw organized labor not only as a means to defend rights but also to strengthen entire communities and help them achieve the American Dream. 
May 31, 2012Press Item
I am extremely disappointed that Republicans are asking federal employees to take a freeze in pay for a third year in a row.  Federal employees have already accepted two consecutive pay freezes with the knowledge that the savings would be applied toward meeting our nation’s fiscal challenges.  At the same time Republicans were asking federal employees to contribute, they refused to ask the same of millionaires and billionaires. 
May 10, 2012Press Item
Democrats are committed to a deficit reduction plan that asks all Americans to contribute their fair share and prevents sequestration from occurring through a balanced mix of spending cuts and revenues. Unfortunately, the Republican plan is not balanced and makes the wrong choices by ending the Medicare guarantee and targeting the most vulnerable among us, while cutting taxes for millionaires and billionaires.
May 10, 2012Press Item
First of all, federal employees have contributed $75 billion over the last two years towards helping us reduce the deficit – $75 billion. No other working American has been asked to do that. You treat federal employees in this House as second-class working people. That's wrong. This is a 5% tax increase on federal employees. Nobody else. Nobody else do we ask. The richest people in America, we don't ask them to help solve this deficit problem. But federal employees, yes, a $75 billion contribution, and you don't blink an eye because it's easy – because we demagogue about government and, by association, we demagogue about ‘bureaucrats’ used as an epithet.
April 26, 2012Press Item
For federal employees and their families enduring years of frozen pay, a new proposal to cut their pay could not come at a worse time. Those who serve at federal agencies are middle-class workers who never see salaries or bonuses like those on Wall Street. Federal employees have been hurt by the recession just like the rest of America's middle class. They work hard each day in jobs that are frequently high in stress and responsibility but low in pay and benefits. But they know they are making a difference and serving their country.
April 24, 2012Press Item
This week, Republicans will continue to outline additional details of their extreme budget that ends the Medicare guarantee, destroys jobs, and cuts taxes for the wealthy. In Committee hearings this week, Republicans are expected to lay out cuts that undermine health care coverage and target our federal employees in order to preserve tax cuts for the wealthy.
February 29, 2012Press Item
“I was pleased to see so many federal employees at today’s event.  These are public servants who perform important work on behalf of this nation, from keeping our homeland safe to ensuring the food we eat is safe and making certain our seniors get their Social Security checks on time.  Federal employees are a living example of government ‘for the people, by the people.'
February 29, 2012Press Item
House Democratic Whip Steny H. Hoyer (MD) will deliver remarks in support of federal workers at a rally hosted by the National Treasury Employees Union (NTEU) today, February 29 at 12:30 p.m. in the Congressional Auditorium in the Capitol Visitor Center (CVC-200). The rally is part of NTEU’s week-long 2012 legislative conference.
February 17, 2012Press Item
I know that everybody on my side would have supported the agreement that Mr. Van Hollen and I put forward. That agreement would, as the current agreement would say, that the only individuals paying for this bill out of 315 million Americans are the two million civilian workers who work for us, who work for all of us, who day after day, week after week, month after month make sure we give the services to the people of the United States, protect the United states, ensure that our food is safe, ensure that we have FBI agents on the job, make sure at the Defense Intelligence Agency we know what other people are doing, these are all civilian employees. Highly skilled, highly trained, highly educated and, yes, highly motivated. And every day they give outstanding service to the people of the United States. We talk here and we pass laws here but none of that talk and none of those laws make a difference unless somebody implements what we say and the policies that we set. This Congress is on the path to be the most anti-federal worker Congress that I have served in.
February 16, 2012Press Item
I am very disappointed that the proposed UI extension will be paid for by increasing the retirement contributions made by new federal workers. When we work to protect the middle class, it is only right to protect them all, and federal workers are hardworking Americans who have already contributed $60 billion to deficit reduction over the next decade. Our deficit problems were not created by these men and women, and they will not be solved by only asking them to contribute. If we are going to address our deficit in a big, bold and balanced way, we must look beyond just federal workers and ask others to share in the contributions our deficit problems demand.
February 1, 2012Press Item
We ought to have a bill, we ought to pass Mr. Van Hollen's bill, we ought to take this out of the politics and then I tell my friends what we ought to do is pass the big deal. We ought to pass a $4 trillion to $6 trillion big deal to get the fiscal house in order of the United States of America. And it ought to include all things on the table, including federal employee pay and benefits, including the military pay and benefits and expenditures, and domestic expenditures as well as entitlements. I've said that. We ought not to do it piecemeal as this bill reflects.
December 15, 2011Press Item
I rise out of deep concern that this Congress continues to ask one group to sacrifice to bring down our nation's deficit while not asking others to contribute. With all of the challenges we face today on a national scale, we ought to ensure that those who help devise solutions and carry them out receive the recognition they are due. They should not be constantly subjected to the kind of verbal attacks and legislative assaults we have seen over the past couple of years.
April 8, 2011Press Item
Democrats have offered on the House Floor five times a clean continuing resolution to keep the government open as negotiations on a full year continuing resolution continue. So far, even though Democrats have gone 70 percent of the way to Republicans’ position, Republicans refuse to compromise over their divisive social agenda. As a result, Republicans are risking a shutdown that will harm the economy and negatively impact Americans.
March 12, 2011Press Item
"But there is a sure sign of someone who does not take those problems seriously: disparaging and scapegoating public servants, instead of taking on the real challenges...
March 7, 2011Press Item
Whether retired or active, Federal public servants and their service to the American people—whether they are Democrats, Republicans, or Independents—deserve respect. As someone who represents almost 60,000 Federal employees in Maryland’s 5th Congressional District and sees the contributions of public servants on a daily basis, they certainly have mine.
March 2, 2011Press Item
The faithful members of NTEU have much to be proud of: protecting our nation’s borders to keep our enemies out; ensuring that our nation’s new financial regulatory laws are implemented so that we don’t have another 2008 Wall Street meltdown; and performing critical scientific research in numerous federal agencies that promote the safety and well-being of all Americans. In short, the vast majority of Americans know that they are serving our nation.