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Directive # 5, Standards Working Group Membership Policy

Membership, Rights, and Conditions Policy

Membership, Rights, and Conditions Policy
Standards Working Group


To provide the greatest possible opportunity for interested parties to actively participate in the Federal Geographic Data Committee's (FGDC) Standards Working Group (SWG).


Participation is open to United States agencies, organizations, companies, and citizens. Application for membership can be made to the Chair, FGDC Standards Working Group by the following parties:

    FGDC subcommittees and working groups-- At the direction of the FGDC Coordinating Committee, each subcommittee and working group is a standing member of the SWG. The chair of each subcommittee and working group is responsible for designating a representative and alternate to the SWG.

    FGDC non-subcommittee/working group federal agency members -- Each FGDC member agency is entitled to membership on the SWG.

    Non-FGDC Federal Agencies and Organizations -- Upon written request from an agency member authorized to commit staff resources, the requesting agency will be designated a member of the SWG.

    Non-Federal Organizations -- Tribal, state, or local governments; academic institutions and/or research organizations; professional societies; and private industry. Application for membership is made in the same manner as for non-FGDC federal membership.

    Interested Persons Upon written request from a voting age citizen of the United States which states the person's purpose, interest, and qualifications to be a member and upon approval of a majority of all members attending the SWG meeting at which the request is presented by the SWG Chair, the person will be designated a member.

MEMBERSHIP RIGHTS: Participation in matters before the SWG

    FGDC subcommittee and working groups and FGDC non-subcommittee/working group federal agency members -- As Federal government representatives, members in this category can participate in all matters before the SWG.

    Non-FGDC Federal Agencies and Organizations -- As government representatives, members in this category can participate in all non-FGDC matters before the SWG.

    Non-Federal Organizations -- As non-federal government representatives, members in this category can participate in all technical matters related to specific standards, but cannot participate in FGDC matters or on matters related to Federal government policy and/or commitmentof resources.


When, in the opinion of the SWG Chair or a SWG member, a vote on an issue before the SWG is required, then the following rights are in force:

Each member is limited to a single vote. In order to vote, the member must be in good standing according to the membership conditions. Member's voting categories are as follows:

    FGDC subcommittee and working groups and FGDC non-subcommittee/working group federal agency members As Federal government representatives, members in this category can vote on all issues before the SWG.

    Non-FGDC Federal Agencies and Organizations -- As government representatives, members in this category can vote on all non-FGDC matters before the SWG.

    Non-Federal Organizations -- As non-federal government representatives, members in this category can vote on all technical issues related to specific standards, but cannot vote on FGDC matters or on matters related to federal government policy and/or commitment of resources.

Notification of Meeting Schedules and Agendas

To facilitate active participation and informed voting, the SWG will notify all members of meeting schedules and agendas. Except in special circumstances, schedules will be established at least 10 weeks in advance of the time for a SWG meeting and agendas will be established at least 3 weeks prior to the meeting. The agenda must include items on which a vote is expected. Notification by the SWG of the schedule and/or agenda of any meeting will be considered to have been accomplished if it is posted to the Internet through the SWG homepage and e-mailed to individual members.

However, if a matter is deemed to be of a critical nature by either the FGDC Steering Committee or the Coordinating Group, either may direct the SWG to bring the matter up for a vote or other action without the necessity of the formal notification period given above.


Each approved member, except individual members, may have both a primary and an alternate representative. Individual membership is approved on a single person basis. The primary and alternate must be designated in writing to the Chair of the SWG.

However, if in the opinion of the SWG Chair, and with the concurrence of three-fifths of those FGDC subcommittee/working group members present, a representative and/or membership is deemed to be not in the best interest of the FGDC and/or to pose a conflict of interest, then that representative's and/or member's further participation can be terminated. If such action is taken, it will be (1) recorded in the formal minutes of the meeting at which the action was taken, (2) reported to the Coordinating Committee for review and approval, and (3) provided in writing to the affected organization.

Active Membership
Except for FGDC thematic subcommittee, working group and other FGDC agency members, a member will be considered to be an active member and be retained on the roles only if the member meets the following conditions:

a. The SWG has not received notification of desire to terminate membership.

b. The member has been a member in good standing, i.e., is an active member, for the preceding 12 months. To be in good standing, a member must have attended at least four of the last six regular meetings whose schedule was generally known at least 8 weeks in advance of the day of the meeting (or the first day if the meeting extends over multiple days.) A member is said to have attended a meeting if one or more of the following conditions are met:

  1. The member or alternate is in physical attendance for more than half the duration of the meeting.
  2. The member or alternate participates via conference call for more than half the duration of the meeting.
  3. The member or alternate participated in a special SWG subgroup, workshop, or so forth, during the period since the last regular meeting.

(Note: Attendance conditions apply after FY 1997.)

c. The membership continues to be in the interest of the FGDC and not a conflict of interest.

To facilitate this, the SWG will maintain a list of all members, their credited attendance, and their current standing. Members dropped from active member status must reapply in the same manner as a new member.


Last Updated: Jan 03, 2006 12:34 PM
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