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  Scientific & Technical Publications
Headquarters—1994 to Present

5-Year OCS Leasing Program,
2002-2007 new documents

Titles are listed alphabetically below; links are provided to abstracts or full text when available. These files can be downloaded and read using the free Adobe Acrobat Reader.

To order copies, contact either Headquarters or the National Technical Information Service listed in each citation:

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Annual Report to Congress, FY95: OCS Oil & Gas Leasing & Production Program.
M.J. Hoover, comp. 1996. U.S. DOI. 21 p. Available from HDQRS (MMS number not printed on cover). OCS Report, MMS 96-0065; cover

Annual Report to Congress: FY96 & FY97, OCS Oil & Gas Leasing & Production Program. M.J. Davis Hoover, comp. 1999. U.S. DOI. 23 p. Available from HDQRS or as web file. OCS Report, MMS 99-0059; cover

Assessment of the Undiscovered Hydrocarbon Potential of the Nation's Outer Continental Shelf. Minerals Management Service. 1996. U.S. DOI.
         1996. 40 p. OCS Report, Available from HDQRS. MMS  96-0034;  appendix
         2000. 12 p. Available as web file only. 2000 assessment brochure

Boundary Development on the Outer Continental Shelf. L.F. Thormahlen. 1999. U.S. DOI. 21 p. Available from HDQRS or as web file. OCS Report, MMS 99-0006

Central Gulf of Mexico Sale 175, March 15, 2000, Sale Summary, Bidding Results, and Related Analyses.
Larry Slaski. 2000. U.S. DOI. 60 p. (HDQRS) Available on the web only. OCS Report, MMS 2000-062

Central Gulf of Mexico Sale 178, Part 1, March 28, 2001, Sale Summary, Bidding Results, and Related Analyses.
Larry Slaski. 2001. U.S. DOI. 69 p. (HDQRS) Available on the web only. OCS Report, MMS 2001-060

Development and Design of Biological and Physical Monitoring Protocols to Evaluate the Long-Term Impacts of Offshore Dredging Operations on the Marine Environment, Final Report. Research Planning Inc. et al. 2001. U.S. DOI. 129 p. (HDQRS) Available on the web. OCS Study, MMS 2001-089

Economic Analysis for the OCS 5-Year Program: Theory and Methodology. W.E. King.
U.S. DOI. Available from HDQRS or as web file. OCS Report:
1996. 30 p. MMS 96-0048
      2001-2007. 2001. 22 p. MMS 2001-088

Effects of Offshore Employment in the Petroleum Industry, The: A cross-national perspective. Rodney Cluck. 2001. U.S. DOI. 57 p. Available from HDQRS. OCS Study, MMS 2001-041

Energy Alternatives and the Environment. W.E. King. U.S. DOI. OCS Report:
         1996. 41 p. Available from HDQRS (limited supply). MMS 96-0049

         2001. 50 p. Available from HDQRS or on the web. MMS 2001-096

Environmental Report for Outer Continental Shelf oil and gas leasing program: 2002 – 2007. Continental Shelf Associates, Inc. and LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc. 2001. U.S. DOI. Available from HDQRS. OCS Study:
     Vol. I A & IB: Text. MMS 2001-029
     Vol. II: Graphics. 157 p. MMS 2001-030

Environmental Report: Use of Federal Offshore Sand Resources for Beach and Coastal Restoration in New Jersey, Maryland, Delaware, and Virginia (November 1999). The Louis Berger Group, Inc. 1999. U.S. DOI. 372 p. Available as web file or as CD. OCS Study, MMS 99-0036

Environmental Studies Relative to Potential Sand Mining in the Vicinity of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia. G.R. Cutter, Jr., et al. Virginia Institute of Marine Science, College of William and Mary. 1998. U.S. DOI. 430 p. Available in electronic form only (.pdf) from this citation. OCS Study, MMS 97-0025

Environmental Survey of Identified Sand Resource Areas Offshore Alabama. M.R. Byrnes et al. Aubrey Consulting, Inc. et al. 1999. U.S. DOI. 327 p. Available from HDQRS as CD ROM and as web file. OCS Study,  MMS 99-0052

Environmental Survey of Potential Sand Resource Sites Offshore Delaware and Maryland, final Report. G.R. Cutter, Jr., et al. Virginia Institute of Marine Science. 2000. U.S. DOI. 514 p. Available from HDQRS or on the web. OCS Study, MMS 2000-055

Environmental Survey of Potential Sand Resource Sites Offshore New Jersey, Executive Summary and Final Report. Mark Byrnes et al. Continental Shelf Associates, Inc. 2000. U.S. DOI. 2 vol. Available from HDQRS or on the web. OCS Study, MMS 2000-052; appendix

Evaluation of Hurricane-Induced Damage to Offshore Pipelines. J.S. Mandke et al. Southwest Research Institute. 1995. U.S. DOI. 75 p. Available from HDQRS (limited supply). OCS Study, MMS 95-0044

Examination of Regional Management Strategies for Federal Offshore Borrow Areas along the United States East and Gulf of Mexico Coasts. Research Planning, Inc. et al. 2001. U.S. DOI. 45 p. Available on the web (HDQRS). OCS Study, MMS 2001-090

Facts About Offshore Natural Gas. R.A. Gächter. 1994. U.S. DOI. 24 p. Available from HDQRS. OCS Report, MMS 94-0069

Federal Offshore Statistics: Leasing, Exploration, Production, and Revenue. U.S. DOI.  Available from HDQRS. OCS Report:
      1993. As of December 31, 1993. D.K. François. 1994. 171 p. MMS 94-0060
      1995. As of December 31, 1995. Rolando Gachter. 1997. 103 p. MMS 97-0007

Forecasting Environmental and Social Externalties Associated with OCS Oil and Gas Development: The Offshore Environmental Cost Model. Energy & Water Economics. 2001. U.S. DOI. Available from HDQRS. OCS Study:
          Vol. I: Model Methodology, Documentation, and Sample Output. J.R. Plater et al. 76 p. MMS 2001-017
          Vol. II: Determination of Environmental and Social Costs. Brian Roach et al. 259 p.  MMS 2001-018

Geological & Geophysical Data Acquisition. U.S. DOI. Available from HDQRS or on the web. OCS Report:
         A 20-Year Retrospective 1976-1996. George Dellagiarino, Patricia Fulton, and David Zinzer. 1997. 39 p. MMS 97-0035
        Outer Continental Shelf through 1997. George Dellagiarino, Patricia Fulton, Keith Meekins, and David Zinzer. 1998.  32 p.  MMS 98-0027
          Outer Continental Shelf through 1998. George Dellagiarino, Patricia Fulton, Keith Meekins, and David Zinzer. 1999.  32 p.  MMS 99-0058
        Outer Continental Shelf through 1999. George Dellagiarino, Patricia Fulton, Keith Meekins, and David Zinzer. 2000. 32 p. MMS 2000-071
        Outer Continental Shelf through 2000. George Dellagiarino, Patricia Fulton, Keith Meekins, and David Zinzer. 2001. MMS 2001-092
        A 25-Year Retrospective 1976-2001.
George Dellagiarino, Patricia Fulton, and David Zinzer. 2003. 46 p. MMS 2002-079
        Outer Continental Shelf through 2002. George Dellagiarino, Patricia Fulton, Keith Meekins, and David Zinzer. 2004. MMS 2004-003

Guidelines for Obtaining Minerals Other Than Oil, Gas & Sulphur on the Outer Continental Shelf.
A.C. Giordano, Barry Drucker, and Khaled Bassim. 1999. U.S. DOI. 19 p. Available from HDQRS. OCS Report, MMS 99-0070

Gulf of Mexico Update: July 1992-June 1994.
R.A. Gächter. 1994. U.S. DOI. 29 p. Available from HDQRS. OCS Information Report, MMS 94-0057

Hurricane Andrew's Impact on Natural Gas and Oil Facilities on the Outer Continental Shelf, interim Report as of November 1993. G.R. Daniels. 1994. U.S. DOI. 49 p. Available from HDQRS or from NTIS PB94-176575. OCS Report, MMS 94-0031

Impacts and Direct Effects of Sand Dredging for Beach Renourishment on the Benthic Organisms and Geology of the West Florida Shelf. N.J. Blake et al. University of South Florida. 1996. U.S. DOI. Available from HDQRS (limited supply). OCS Study:
        Executive Summary. 23 p. MMS 95-0004
        Final Report and Appendices. 2 vol. MMS 95-0005

Incidents Associated With Oil and Gas Operations, Outer Continental Shelf. U.S. DOI. Available from HDQRS or on the web. OCS Report:
        1991-1994. Ulysses Cotton, comp. 1995. U.S. DOI. 107 p. Available from HDQRS (limited supply). OCS Report, MMS 95-0052
        1995-1996. L.J. Chadwell, Melinda Mayes, and Cheryl Anderson. 1998. 121 p.  MMS 98-0030
L.J. Chadwell, Cheryl Blundon, and Cheryl Anderson, comps. 1999. 112 p.  (Updates MMS 98-0030) , MMS 99-0047
       1998. L.J. Chadwell, Cheryl Blundon, Cheryl Anderson, and Mariella Cacho. 2000. 107 p.
MMS 2000-021
      1999. Kristen Stanley, Cheryl Anderson, L.J. Chadwell, and Karen Sagall. 2001. 117 p. MMS 2001-015

Lease Sales: Evaluation of Bidding Results & Competition, Annual Report to Congress Fiscal Years 1991 & 1992, Outer Continental Shelf.
Minerals Management Service. 1994. U.S. DOI. 34 p. Available from HDQRS. OCS Report, MMS 94-0017

Mapping the Foot of the Continental Slope with Spline-Smoothed Data Using the Second Derivative in the Gradient Direction. J.O. Bennett. 1998. U.S. DOI. 23 p. Available from HDQRS. OCS Report, MMS 97-0018

Marine Aggregate Mining Benthic & Surface Plume Study. Coastline Surveys Limited. 1999. U.S. DOI. 146 p. Available as web file only. OCS Study, MMS 99-0029

Marine Mining Technologies and Mitigation Techniques, a Detailed Analysis With Respect to the Mining of Specific Offshore Mineral Commodities.
C. Woodworth-Lynas et al. C-CORE. 1996. U.S. DOI. Available from HDQRS (limited supply). OCS Study:
        Executive Summary. 21 p. (MMS number misprinted on cover) MMS 95-0002
        Technical Report. 250 p. MMS 95-0003  (2003 KB file)

Methodology and Criteria to Assess the Impact of Sand Volume Removed in Federal Waters on the Nearshore Wave Climate, Final Report. Old Dominion University, Coastal Engineering Centre et al. 1999. U.S. DOI. 75 p. (HDQRS) Available as web file. OCS Study, MMS 99-0046

Minerals Management Service Catalog of Publications, Scientific and Technical Publications about Offshore Oil and Natural Gas and Marine Minerals. U.S. DOI. Available from HDQRS. OCS Report:

         1995-1996. A.M. Bajusz and M.A. Gall, comps. 1998. 46 p. MMS 98-0015
         1997-1999.  A.M. Bajusz and B.C. Lombard, comps. 2001. 39 p. Available from HDQRS or on the web. MMS 2001-033

MMS Style Guide, Scientific & Technical Publications. Minerals Management Service. 1995. U.S. DOI. 203 p. Available from NTIS PB95-224556. OCS Monograph, MMS 94-0049

MMS Worldwide Tanker Spill Database: An Overview. C.M. Anderson and E.M. Lear, ed. 1994. U.S. DOI. 120 p. Available from HDQRS (limited supply) or from NTIS PB94-144763. OCS Report, MMS 94-0002

Movement of Alaskan North Slope crude, 1977-1994. C.M. Anderson. 1995. U.S. DOI. 7 p. Available from HDQRS. OCS Report, MMS 95-0042

Numerical Modeling Evaluation of the Cumulative Physical Effects of Offshore Sand Dredging for Beach Nourishment, Final Report. S.W. Kelley et al. Applied Coastal research and Engineering, Inc. 2001. U.S. DOI. 114 p. (HDQRS) Available as CD Rom or on the web. OCS Study, MMS 2001-098

OCS Reserves Handbook, 1993. G.B. Carpenter, B.S. Dickerson, and E. Ruiz. 1994. U.S. DOI. 17 p. Available from HDQRS. OCS Report, MMS 94-0065

Offshore Scientific & Technical Publications, 1990-1993. A.M. Bajusz and M.A. Gall, comps. 1995. U.S. DOI. 69 p. Available from HDQRS. OCS Report, MMS 95-0008

Oil-Spill Risk Analysis: Beaufort Sea Outer Continental Shelf Lease Sale 170, Revised., C.M. Anderson, W.R. Johnson, C.F. Marshall, E.M. Lear, ed. . U.S. DOI. OCS Report, MMS 97-0039, (NTIS PB98-116635).
Oil-Spill Risk Analysis: Central and western Gulf of Mexico Outer Continental Shelf. J.M. Price and E.M. Lear, ed. U.S. DOI. Available from HDQRS or from NTIS. OCS Report:
        Lease Sales 152 and 155. 1994. 328 p. (NTIS PB94-167392) MMS 94-0034

        Lease Sales 157 and 161. 1995. 409 p. (NTIS PB95-208203) MMS 95-0026

        Lease Sales 166 and 168. J.M. Price, C.F. Marshall, and E.M. Lear, ed. 1996.
        211 p. (NTIS PB96-176821) MMS 96-0013

Oil-Spill Risk Analysis: Contingency Planning Statistics for Gulf of Mexico OCS Activities. Zhen-Gang Ji, Walter R. Johnson, Charles F. Marshall, Eileen M. Lear (ed.). 2004. U.S. DOI. 53 p. Available from HDQRS or on the web. OCS Report, MMS 2004-026.

Oil-Spill Risk Analysis: Cook Inlet Outer Continental Shelf Lease Sale 149. W.R. Johnson, Charles Marshall, C.M. Anderson, and E.M. Lear, ed. 1994. U.S. DOI. Available from HDQRS or from NTIS. OCS Report:
        Vol. 1, The Analysis. 119 p. (NTIS PB95-137592) MMS 94-0042
        Vol. 2, Conditional Risk Contour Maps of Seasonal Conditional
345 p. (NTIS PB95-137600) MMS 94-0043

Oil-Spill Risk Analysis: Destin Dome Development and Production Plan. J.M. Price, C.F. Marshall, and E.M. Lear, ed. 1998. U.S. DOI. 302 p. Available from HDQRS (limited supply), or as web file, or from NTIS PB98-159700. OCS Report, MMS 98-0037

Oil-Spill Risk Analysis: Gulf of Alaska/Yakutat Outer Continental Shelf Lease Sale 158. C.M. Anderson, W.R. Johnson, C.F. Marshall, and E.M. Lear, ed. 1995. U.S. DOI. 56 p. Available from HDQRS (limited supply) or from NTIS PB95-193256. OCS Report, MMS 95-0006

Oil-Spill Risk Analysis: Gulf of Mexico Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) Lease Sales, Central Planning Area and Western Planning Area, 2007-2012, and Gulfwide OCS Program, 2007-2046. Zhen-Gang Ji, Walter R. Johnson, Charles F. Marshall, and Eileen M. Lear (ed.). USDOI. 2007. 65 p. Available from Headquarters or on the web. OCS Report MMS 2007-040.

Oil-Spill Risk Analysis: Gulf of Mexico, Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) Central and Western Lease Sales, 1998-2002, and Gulfwide OCS Program, 1998-2036. J.M. Price, C.F. Marshall, and E.M. Lear, ed. 1997. U.S. DOI. 410 p. Available from HDQRS, or as web file, or from NTIS PB98-116643. OCS Report, MMS 97-0040

Oil-Spill Risk Analysis: Gulf of Mexico, Outer Continental Shelf (OCS), In Support of the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for Proposed Lease Sale 181. Report IS NOW OBSOLETE. J.M. Price, C.F. Marshall, G.B. Rainey, and E.M. Lear, ed. 2001. U.S. DOI. 50 p. (HDQRS) Available as web file. OCS Report, MMS 2001-007 This Report is obsolete since the proposed leasing area has changed after its release.

Oil-Spill Risk Analysis: Gulf of Mexico Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) Lease Sales, Central Planning Area and Wester Planning Area, 2003-2007, and Gulfwide OCS Program, 2003-2042. Zhen-gang Ji, W.R. Johnson, C.F. Marshall, G.B. Rainey, and E.M. Lear, ed. 2002. U.S. DOI. 61 p. (HDQRS) Available on the web. OCS Report, MMS 2002-032

Oil-Spill Risk Analysis: Liberty Development and Production Plan. W.R. Johnson, C.F. Marshall, and E.M. Lear, ed. 2000. U.S. DOI. 57 p. Available from HDQRS as web file or from NTIS: PB2002-107675. OCS Report, MMS 2000-082

Oil-Spill Risk Analysis: Pacific Outer Continental Shelf Program. W.R. Johnson, C.F. Marshall, and E.M. Lear, ed. 2000. U.S. DOI. 290 p. Available from HDQRS or as web file. OCS Report, MMS 2000-057

Oil-Spill Risk Analysis: Sivulliq Exploration Project. Authors: Walter R. Johnson, Charles F. Marshall, and Eileen M. Lear (ed.). USDOI. 2007. 59 p. Available from Headquarters or on the web, PB2007-111364OCS Report, MMS 2007-039

Oil-Spill Risk Analysis: Use of Loating Production, Storage, and Offloading (FPSO) Systems in the Gulf of Mexico. J.M. Price, C.F. Marshall, E.M. Lear, ed. 2000. U.S. DOI. 283 p. Available from HDQRS or as web file. OCS Report, MMS 2000-059

Outer Continental Shelf Natural Gas and Oil Resource Management Program:    Cumulative effects. M.A. Bornholdt and E.M. Lear, comps.  U.S. DOI. Available from HDQRS. OCS Report:
        1987-1991. 1995. 228 p. (limited supply) MMS 95-0007
        1992-1994. 1997. 164 p.  MMS 97-0027

Outer Continental Shelf Oil & Gas Leasing Program 1992-1997. Minerals Management Service. 1992. U.S. DOI. OCS EIS/EA:
        Proposed Final Report. 52 p. Available from HDQRS. Report

Outer Continental Shelf Oil & Gas Leasing Program 1997-2002. Minerals Management Service. 1996. U.S. DOI. OCS EIS/EA:
        Draft Environmental Impact Statement, February 1996.
952 p. 2 vol.
        Available from HDQRS as reading copy only. MMS 95-0061
        Draft Environmental Impact Statement references.
117 p. Available from
        HDQRS as reading copy only. MMS 95-0068
        Final Environmental Impact Statement.
2 vol. Available from HDQRS (limited
        supply). MMS 96-0043
        Proposed Final Program. 116 p. Available from HDQRS. Report

Outer Continental Shelf Oil & Gas Leasing Program 2002-2007. Minerals Management Service. 2001. U.S. DOI.
      Draft Proposed Decision Document, July 2001. 
80 p. Available from HDQRS or on web. Full text
      Proposed Decision Document, October 2001. 100 p. Available from HDQRS or on web. Full text
      Proposed Final Program (decision document), April 2002. 121 p. Available from HDQRS or on web. Text
      Draft Environmental Impact Statement, October 2001.
2 vol. Available from HDQRS on paper or CD ROM. OCS EIS/EA, MMS 2001-079
      Final Environmental Impact Statement. 2 vol. Available from HDQRS on paper or CD ROM. OCS EIS/EA, MMS 2002-006

Outer Continental Shelf Petroleum Assessment, 2000. Minerals Management Service. 2000. U.S. DOI. 12 p. Available as web file only. (Unnumbered publication) full text

Pacific Update: December 1989-January 1994, Outer Continental Shelf Oil & Gas Activities. R.A. Gächter. 1994. U.S. DOI. 37 p. Available from HDQRS. OCS Information Report, MMS 94-0039

Pipeline Oil Spill Volume Estimator, Pocket Guide. SINTEF Applied Chemistry and Well Flow Dynamics. 2002. U.S. DOI. 31 p. (HDQRS) Available on the web. OCS Study, MMS 2002-033

Prelease Permits for Oil, Gas, and Sulphur on the Outer Continental Shelf. P.A. Fulton. 1998. U.S. DOI. 120 p. Available from HDQRS or as web file. OCS Report, MMS 98-0009

Report on the 1999 MMS Social and Economic Studies Conference. LTG Associates, Inc. 2000. U.S. DOI. 198 p. Available from HDQRS or on the web. OCS Study, MMS 2000-016

Resource Evaluation Program: Structure and Mission on the Outer Continental Shelf. George Dellagiarino and Keith Meekins. 1998. U.S. DOI. 43 p. Available from HDQRS. OCS Report, MMS 98-0028

Spatial Data Analysis of Artifacts Redeposited by Coastal Erosion: A Case Study of McFaddin Beach, Texas. M.J. Stright, E.M. Lear, and J.F. Bennett. 1999. U.S. DOI. 2 vol. Available from HDQRS (limited supply). OCS Study, MMS 99-0068.

Strategic Cumulative Effects of Marine Aggregates Dredging (SCEMAD). Oakwood Environmental LTD. 1999. U.S. DOI.175 p. Available on web as Word97 zip file only. OCS Study, MMS 99-0030

Supplement to the 1997 Gulf of Mexico OSRA [Oil-Spill Risk Analysis. 
(Supplement to Report MMS 97-0040) J.M. Price, C.F. Marshall, G.B. Rainey, and E.M. Lear, ed. 1999. U.S. DOI. 194 p. Available from HDQRS or as web file. OCS Report, MMS 99-0010

Synthesis of Hard Mineral Resources on the Florida Panhandle Shelf: Spatial Distribution and Subsurface Evaluation. R.A. McBride. George Mason University and Louisiana Coastal Studies Institute, Coastal Marine Institute. 1998. U.S. DOI. 728 p. Available from HDQRS (limited supply). OCS Study, MMS 99-0035

Three-Dimensional Coastline Projector Computational Techniques for Determining Locations of Offshore Boundaries. W.E. Ball, Jr. (BLM) and A.J. Doughty (MMS). 1999. U.S. DOI. 27 p. Available from HDQRS. OCS Report, MMS 99-0044

Three-Dimensional Equidistant Line Computational Techniques for Determining Locations of Offshore Boundaries. W.E. Ball, Jr. (BLM) and A.J. Doughty (MMS). 1999. U.S. DOI. 52 p. Available from HDQRS. OCS Report, MMS 99-0045

Wave Climate and Bottom Boundary Layer Dynamics with Implications for Offshore Sand Mining and Barrie Island Replenishment, South Central Louisiana. G.W. Stone. Coastal Studies Institute, Louisiana State University. 2000. U.S. DOI. Available from HDQRS on CD-ROM or on the web. OCS Study, MMS 2000-053

Wave Climate Modeling and Evaluation Relative to Sand Mining on Ship Shoal, Offshore Louisiana, for Coastal and Barrier Island Restoration. G.W. Stone et al. Louisiana State University, Coastal Marine Institute. 1996. U.S. DOI. 170 p. Available from HDQRS or from NTIS PB97-185888. OCS Study, MMS 96-0059

Western Gulf of Mexico Sale 171, August 26, 1998, Sale Summary, Bidding Results, and Related Analysis. Minerals Management Service. 1999. U.S. DOI. 60 p. Available as web file only. OCS Report, MMS 99-0013

Western Gulf of Mexico Sale 174, August 25, 1999, Sale Summary, Bidding Results, and Related Analysis. Larry Slaski.1999. U.S. DOI.  64 p. Available as web file only. OCS Report, MMS 99-0071

Western Gulf of Mexico Sale 177, August 25, 2000, Sale Summary, Bidding Results, and Related Analysis. Larry Slaski. 2001. U.S. DOI. 60 p. Available from HDQRS or on the web. OCS Report, MMS 2001-023

Western Gulf of Mexico Sale 184, August 21, 2002, Sale Summary, Bidding Results, and Related Analysis. Larry Slaski, 2003. U.S. DOI. 71 p. Available from HDQRS or on the web.  OCS Report, MMS 2003-010

Last Updated:  09/17/2010 05:08 PM