National PACE Association
PACE did the impossible for my mother. I never thought she would be able to live with us again.
"PACE did the impossible for my mother. I never thought she would be able to live with us again."

PACE® Expansion is the Subject of ASA's Generations Magazine Article

The Spring issue of Generations magazine, which is published by the American Society on Aging, features an article on PACE entitled "PACE Provides a Sense of Belonging for Elders."  The article describes the evolution and success of the PACE model and explores opportunities for policy changes to spur PACE growth.  The article was written by Jennie Chin Hansen, former CEO at On Lok Lifeways in San Francisco, and Maureen Hewitt, CEO of InnovAge in Denver. 

Boston Globe Op-Ed Highlights Success of PACE® 

On May 16, 2012 the Boston Globe ran an op-ed highlighting the success of PACE in delivering high quality care while saving taxpayer dollars.  The article highlights the work of PACE organizations in serving a traditionally difficult and expensive segment of the population.  It highlights its success and holds out PACE as an example of how better models of care can both save money and provide a higher quality of care to those served.

The article was written by Lois Simon, President of the Commonwealth Care Alliance, and Tom Reiter, Executive Director of the Elder Service Plan at Cambridge Health Alliance. 

The New York Times Runs Story on PACE® as an Alternative to Nursing Homes

On February 24, 2012 the New York Times published an article on PACE in its Local News Section entitled, "Managed Care Keeping the Frail out of Nursing Homes."  The article, written by Joseph Berger, highlights ArchCare Senior Life's plans to build six new PACE centers, as well as the success of CenterLight Health System (formerly Comprehensive Care Management) as the nation's largest PACE organization.

The article discusses the trend away from relying on nursing homes as a foundation of the long term care delivery system, and highlights PACE as an example of the type of community-based options that provide elders with greater independence with less cost to taxpayers.

Articles about PACE® in Local News around the Country

New Elder Care Program Controls Health Costs
CBS Evening News, 7/1/12

Care Gap Looms Large for Aging Baby Boomers
Republic Newspaper, 7/2/12

Leaving Home
AARP Magazine, June/July issue

On Lok Model Sets the Standard for Elderly Care
San Francisco Business Times, 7/27/12







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