U.S. Congressman Kenny Marchant

Proudly Serving the 24th District of Texas
Star of the 24th

The Star of the 24th is an initiative created by Congressman Marchant to recognize outstanding citizens and groups in the 24th Congressional District of Texas.   

STAR OF THE 24TH: Tori Pimentel of Southlake

Tori Pimentel is a sophomore at Southlake Carroll High School.  This young lady selflessly  helped the men and women of the U.S. Armed Forces.  Instead of an extravagant party to celebrate her 16th birthday, Tori created Operation Sweet 16.  The project is a campaign to raise money to help U.S. soldiers and their families.  By Tori’s 16th birthday on March 16, 2012, she successfully raised over $16,000 to donate to charities that support our U.S. Military. 

What inspired you to create Operation Sweet 16?

I’ve been thinking about my Sweet 16 party since I was a little girl.  I guess we all dream of an extravagant party with hundreds of friends dancing, laughing and having fun (maybe even a brand new car).  But with everything that’s been going on in the world lately, I think there’s a better way to celebrate.

The men and women of the U.S. Armed Forces and their families have made the sacrifices that allow me the freedom to dream.  They put their lives on the line and spend months or more away from their loved ones so I can go to school with my friends, have dinner with my family, then drift to sleep without thinking about the dangers in the world.  In their honor, instead of an elaborate party, I’ve launched Operation Sweet 16.

How as this experience affected you?

These past few months have taken me further then any dream could have taken me.  This has been the greatest adventure I could have ever encountered.  I could have never imagined a time so exciting, fulfilling, and exhilarating.  Operation Sweet 16 is a true blessing.  I can not picture my life with out my campaign. Operation Sweet 16 brings me pure happiness.  I am not doing this for myself but for our Soldiers, our true HERO'S of America.  These men and women put their life on the line everyday.  Not only are they fighting for our country but they are fighting for freedom for strangers such as you and I.  Our Troops deserve more recognition then anyone else!  Operation Sweet 16 has allowed me to successfully spread the word, it has allowed me to do my best to put the focus back on these men and women. 

Operation Sweet 16 is currently a Texas 501c3 nonprofit organization.  Please take a moment to visit my project at www.operationsweet16.org.


Archive for 2012 Stars of the 24th
Archive for 2011 Stars of the 24th

Archive for 2010 Stars of the 24th

If you would like to nominate a Star of the 24th, please send an e-mail to Matt.Jack@mail.house.gov with the information listed below. Please title your e-mail, "Star of the 24th Nomination."

Recommended by:

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Contact Number and E-mail:

Person or initiative you recommend for Star of the 24th:
Address (if available):
Contact number:
Reason for recommendation (please be descriptive):