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MinorityBiz Fast Facts

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Download MinorityBiz Fast FactsOur Mission is to Keep America Competitive

MBDA fosters the growth and global competitiveness of U.S. businesses that are minority-owned. MBDA is building minority-owned firms of size, scale and capacity. More than 6,000 new jobs were created and thousands more were retained by minority firms in 2010 as a result of MBDA’s programs and services.

Serving Minority Businesses Since 1969

MBDA is the only federal agency dedicated to creating minority firms of size, scale and capacity. In 2010, MBDA helped minority firms access nearly $4.0 billion in contracts and capital.

Creating a New Generation of Multi-Million Dollar Firms

MBDA serves minority entrepreneurs across America who are building and growing their enterprises and those in the high growth or new frontier industries. In doing so, minority-owned firms are better equipped to create jobs, impact local economies by contributing to the tax base, and compete successfully in domestic and global marketplaces.

Our Reach is Nationwide

MBDA is headquartered at the United States Department of Commerce in Washington, DC with five regional offices that manage minority business development in the following assigned geographic areas:

  • Atlanta: AL, FL, GA, KY, MS, NC, SC, TN

  • Chicago: IL, IN, IA, KS, MI, MN, MO, NE, OH, WI

  • Dallas: AR, CO, LA, MT, NM, ND, OK, SD, TX, UT, WY

  • New York: CT, DE, ME, MD, MA, NH, NJ, NY, PA, RI, VT, VA, WV, District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands

  • San Francisco: AK, AZ, CA, HI, ID, NV, OR, WA, American Samoa

With a national network of 40 MBDA business centers, MBDA provides minority business owners and entrepreneurs with strategic business consulting, procurement matchmaking, capital sourcing, bonding and certification services, teaming arrangements and global marketing.

Our Programs and Services Add Value

  • Access to Capital

  • Access to Contracts

  • Access to Markets

  • Business to Business Forums

  • Global Trade Opportunities

  • On-Line Business Tools

  • Executive Education

MinorityBiz Fast Facts*

  • 5.8 million minority business enterprises (MBEs) in the United States, District of Columbia and Puerto Rico

  • MBEs represent 22% of all U.S. classifiable firms

  • They generate a total of $1.0 trillion in annual revenues

  • Minority-owned firms employ 10% of all paid employees

  • MBEs are twice as likely to export compared to non-minority-owned businesses

  • The global reach of MBEs span 41 countries on six continents

  • Mexico, Brazil, Dominican Republic, Nicaragua and India as the top five markets for minority-owned firms export activity

  • The minority population has an estimated buying power of about $2.5 trillion

*Source: Minority Business Growth and Global Reach Fact Sheet, MBDA, 2011

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