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Condition Based Maintenance Plus (CBM+)

Visit the Condition Based Maintenance Plus (CBM+) homepage

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Condition-based maintenance (CBM+) can be defined as a set of maintenance processes and capabilities derived, in large part, from real-time assessment of weapon system condition obtained from embedded sensors and/or external tests and measurements using portable equipment. The goal of CBM+ is to perform maintenance only upon evidence of need. The desirable outcome of CBM+ is a force of maintainers with knowledge, skill sets, and tools for timely maintenance of complex systems through use of technologies that improve maintenance decisions and integrate the logistics processes.

CBM+ focuses on inserting, into both new and legacy weapon systems, technology to support improved maintenance capabilities and business processes. It also involves integrating and changing business processes to dramatically improve logistics system responsiveness. Under consideration are capabilities such as enhanced Prognostics & Health Management (PHM) and Enhanced Diagnostics techniques, failure trend analysis, electronic portable or point of maintenance aids, serial item management, automatic identification technology and data-driven interactive maintenance training. The ultimate intent of this initiative is to increase operational availability and readiness throughout the weapon system life cycle at a reduced cost. CBM+ will help predict a system's remaining operational life span, support operator decision-making, interface with control systems, aid maintenance repairs, and provide feedback to the logistics support and system design communities.

Defense Acquisition University (DAU) Acquisition Community Connection Web site for Condition Based Maintenance:

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