Taxes and Fiscal Responsibility

For too long Congress has lost sight of its responsibility to be a good steward of your tax dollars. Just like Hoosier families must make decisions about what to buy and how to save, I believe our government needs to make the same kind of disciplined decisions and live within its means.

Today our nation is facing unprecedented economic challenges that have required bold action to protect our jobs and savings, as well as sustain our economy. While I believe that these actions were necessary, we must not lose sight of the government’s responsibility to be good stewards of our tax dollars.

There are many practical tools available to Congress to get our fiscal house in order.  For example, we need an independent, bipartisan commission to recommend solutions to the long-term fiscal problems facing the U.S.  That is why I am a co-author of The SAFE Commission Act, which would create such a group and would force Congress to cast an up or down vote on bipartisan recommendations that can reduce our debt.  Also, we need a Pay-As-You-Go approach to spending taxpayer dollars.  I am a co-author of The Statutory Pay-As-You-Go Act that would require all new government spending or new tax cuts to be “paid for” so they do not add to our national debt.  Finally, we need some good, old fashioned belt-tightening.  In the three years since coming to Congress, I have voted against hundreds of billions in government spending, and I want to see a budget this year that immediately freezes the cost of current programs at current or lower levels.   I remain committed to smart investments in our national economy, but Congress needs to trim costs just like the hard-working families in Northern Indiana have already done.

Furthermore, I believe a fair tax policy is critical for maintaining a healthy economy. I support responsible efforts to promote tax relief to help small businesses and middle-class families and keep our economy healthy. That is why I voted for The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, which provides direct tax relief to 95 percent of working families in the United States. The legislation also provides tax relief to small businesses and family farmers to encourage investment in the equipment and resources they need to remain competitive in today’s global economy. As your congressman, I will continue to promote responsible tax relief for those who need it.

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