U.S. Department of Commerce

American Community Survey

Census.govAmerican Community Survey › Data & Documentation: Downloadable data via FTP server
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Downloadable data via FTP server

File Transfer Protocol (ftp) server

The Census Bureau produces downloadable American Community Survey (ACS) data files on the Census Bureau's file transfer protocol (ftp) server.

American Community Survey directories can be found easily on the ftp server by looking for "ACS" at the beginning of the directory name. The ACS directories contain:

Data Tables

Table shells /acs/downloads/shells/

Summary Files

  • 2005 - present (by year, e.g. acs2007)

Public Use Microdata Sample (PUMS) Files

If you are using a ftp client, the server address is http://ftp2.census.gov. You do NOT need a user name and password. If prompted for one, use "anonymous" as the user name, and no password.

Files on the FTP server are intended for advanced users. For easy-to-use online data from the American Community Survey, visit the American FactFinder website

Source: U.S. Census Bureau | American Community Survey Office | Email ACS | Last Revised: June 27, 2012
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