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FY 2012 Application Open
The Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) is pleased to announce that the application period is open for the Southwest Border Prosecution Initiative (SWBPI) FY 2012 Reporting Periods (October 1, 2010 through June 30, 2011). The deadline to complete the SWBPI application submission is June 18, 2012 at 8:00 pm est.

Updated SWBPI Guidelines
The Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) has completed the update to the Southwest Border Prosecution Initiative (SWBPI) system for accepting applications and has created new guidelines to more accurately reflect actual prosecution and detention costs for SWBPI applicants. These changes will take place starting with the FY 2010 application period. For any questions or comments on the updated SWBPI guidelines, please email

Please see the 2010 award amounts here.

Please see the 2008 SWBPI award amounts here.

You can view the latest SWBPI Application Funding Levels by clicking the Payments Report link.

A county or state government in Arizona, California, New Mexico, or Texas may participate if it prosecuted or detained a defendant in a federally initiated and referred criminal case disposed of during any one of the eligible reporting periods.

In New Mexico, only detention services may be reported in a county's on-line application. Prosecution services are provided through various state agencies and will be reflected in a state level application.

Eligible county and state governments register and apply on-line through this Internet site. Once an award has been made for an applicant jurisdiction the jurisdiction may request payment through their on-line account. Awards will be deposited directly to the jurisdiction's bank account once the payment request has been approved by the BJA. All electronic transactions and information are secure, using the latest Internet encryption technology.

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