

Acquisition Process






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Focuses on news, announcements, training, search functions, Ask-a-Professor, and similar services with direct links supporting DoD acquisition.

Focuses on the three key processes that must work in concert to deliver the capabilities required by the warfighters: the requirements process (JCIDS); the acquisition process (Defense Acquisition System); and the program and budget development (PPBE) process. Links on these sites will provide you with DoD and Service policies, guidance, tools, and resources to help you better understand the acquisition process.

Provides information focused on Career Management and the Human Capital Initiative in the Department of Defense, including services on career planning, leadership training, overarching planning and guidance documents, and relevant professional organizations.

Focuses on encyclopedic sources of acquisition policy, following a hierarchy of policy issuance (i.e., executive, legislative, federal, etc.), with policy documents filtered according to organization, career field, and special topics.

Provides quick links to communities of practice and special interest areas; the latest contribution and discussion posts for open ACC communities; community highlights; and links to other related communities.

Provides information on training and continuous learning assets in support of DoD acquisition objectives, including information to assist in managing professional training portfolios, as well as general information on the various types of training available at DAU and DoD/Armed-Services activities.

Provides links to information for DoD industry partners that will assist in participation and execution of DoD processes, including industry support pages, news, information, and links for private sector acquisition contractors.

Focuses on DAU training opportunities and what's new at DAU in acquisition.

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Center for Army Lessons Learned
The Center for Army Lessons Learned (CALL) exists to collect and analyze data from a variety of current and historical sources, including Army operations and training events, and produce information serving as lessons for military commanders, staff, and students. CALL disseminates these lessons and other related research materials via a variety of print and electronic media, including this web site. The CALL Database, a component of this web site, is an electronic research library composed of digital books, periodicals and archives. The electronic archives include the Army record of actual operations from Grenada to the present and the joint record of such recent contingencies as Haiti and Bosnia. Information available via this web site includes that which is fully public releasable plus that which is restricted to military commanders, staffs, students and selected Department of Defense civilians. Access to restricted information is granted by the Director, CALL, based on an application available on the web site.
CEO Express
This link is a "one stop shopping" site for business information including newspapers, magazines, financial information, government and organization websites, and "all things Internet." Notice: The information contained within this website is not official United States Government policy and cannot be construed as official in any way, nor does the Department of Defense exercise any editorial control of the information on this website.
Combat Rations Network for Technology Implementation (CORANET)
Established by DLA in 1988, CORANET focuses on maintaining a flexible industrial base capable of satisfying peacetime and emergency requirements for combat rations. A recent focus was on establishing tray pack seaming processes that could be transferred to civilian food items. CORANET is funded by DLA's ManTech Program.
Combined Arms Center
1. Command and General Staff College(training the future leaders of the military) 2. Center for Army Lessons Learned(field/combat lessons learned past and present) 3. National Simulation Center (training through simulation) 4. Battle Command Training Center(enhances our commander's combat skills)
Commerce Business Daily
The Commerce Business Daily (CBD) lists notices of proposed government procurement actions, contract awards, sales of government property, and other procurement information. A new edition of the CBD is issued every business day. Each edition contains approximately 500-1,000 notices. Each notice appears in the CBD only once.
Contractor Performance Assessment Reporting System
The Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) requires that past performance information (PPI) be collected (FAR Part 42) and used in source selection evaluations (FAR Part 15). The CPARS process establishes procedures for the collection and use of PPI for the business sector contracts. CPARS generated PPI will be one of many tools used to communicate contractor strengths and weaknesses to source selection officials and contracting officers. The Department of the Air Force usage of an automated CPARS collection capability is aimed at reducing reliance on paper, improving the business process, and being more efficient.
Contractors on the Battlefield
The purpose of this site is to accumulate and offer materials helpful to resolution of legal issues from the in-theatre use of contractors to support military operations.
Council of Logistics Management
The Council of Logistics Management is a not-for-profit worldwide professional association for people interested in logistics management.
Cyber Cemetery
The University of North Texas Libraries and the U.S. Government Printing Office, as part of the Federal Depository Library Program, created a partnership to provide permanent public access to the electronic Web sites and publications of defunct U.S. government agencies and commissions. This collection was named the "CyberCemetery" by early users of the site.
Center for Optics Manufacturing
The Center is a partnership of the American Precision Optics Manufacturers Association (APOMA), several universities (Rochester, Central Florida and Arizona), and the U.S. Army. This award-winning cooperative effort is developing real-world technology solutions that are redefining industry manufacturing capability.
Contractor Supported Weapon System (CSWS) Program
Contractor Supported Weapon System (CSWS), formerly Reformed Supply Support Program (RSSP), is a supply support approach for establishing contractor inventory control points and then integrating them into the Air Force's overall support structure.
CommerceNet is a neutral, global organization with a ten-year history of helping compaines achieve improved business performance through the adoption of new technologies. We provide opportunities for ourmembers and the largest business community to collaborate with industry, government, academia, and standards organizations to solve real-world business problems.
Council of Defense and Space Industry Associations
The Council of Defense and Space Industry Associations (CODSIA) provides a central channel of communications for improving industry-wide consideration of the many policies, regulations, implementation problems, procedures and questions involved in federal procurement actions.
Chief of Naval Operations' HPC SPIDER
The Human Performance Center's (HPC) SPIDER is the Navy's premier online resource for human performance and training technology for lifelong learning. Evolving from the OTT SPIDER, the HPC SPIDER provides a wide range of information to help you analyze performance requirements and use the latest training research to develop system or training solutions, integrate learning tools, and evaluate results. Major topics are in the menu across the top of the screen and include: Human Performance Measurement, Needs Assessment, Training Design and Development, Educational Technology, and Distance Learning.
Comparative Testing Office
The Comparative Testing Office (CTO) administers the Defense Acquisition Challenge Program and the Foreign Comparative Testing Program.
Coalition Warfare
Coalition Warfare initiative supports international cooperative development of technological solutions that enable U.S. and friendly armed forces to operate more effectively together across the full spectrum of multinational operations.
Code of Federal Regulations (CFRs)
Central Contractor Registration
Registration for businesses wishing to do business with the federal government under a FAR-based contract.
Committee for Purchase from People Who are Blind or Severly Disabled (JWOD)
Information and guidance to federal customers on the requirements of the Javtis-Wagner-O'Day (JWOD)Act.
Computer Hardware, Enterprise Software, and Solutions (CHESS)
Be the Army's "Primary Source" to support the Warfighter's Information Dominance objectives by developing, implementing, and managing Information Technology contracts that provide comprehensive hardware and software solutions with Enterprise-focused support services within the Army Knowledge Enterprise Architecture.