How Can I Help?

Please select one of the options below by clicking on the title.

Academy Nominations
Each year I have the privilege of nominating young men and women for admission to the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, the U.S. Naval Academy at Annapolis, the U.S....more.

Congressional Art Competition
All high school students in the Second District of Tennessee are eligible to compete in the Congressional District High School Arts Contest. The winner of the contest will have his...more.

Congressional Page Program
Notice: Pursuant to the announcement by the Speaker and Minority Leader on August 8, 2011, the Office of the Clerk and other House officials have ended the Page Program.  For...more.

Contact Information
My staff in Washington, D.C. and the district are ready to serve you.more.

Looking for answers to your questions? Look no further! The FAQs page provides a list of questions that are typically asked. Use this online resource to find what you need.more.

Financing College
This page guides students through the process of locating and applying for financial aid.more.

Flag Requests
You may order a United States flag by contacting my office. At your request, a flag can be flown for an individual, group, or institution or to commemorate a particular...more.

Grants & Financial Assistance
Guidance and key resources to help eligible grant-seekers find information on federal grants, loans, and other assistance for projects, as well as on private funding.more.

Internship Opportunities
Internships Internships are available in my Washington, D.C. and District Offices. WASHINGTON: In Washington, internships run throughout the summer semester for college students only. Your work day will run from...more.

Just for Kids
Our younger constituents are the future of our district and providing them information that can enhance their education is important to their development. Below are some resources that will be useful to kids.more.

Small Business Assistance
The Internet provides a wealth of information, data, and tools of use to small businesses. Below are just a few... The U.S. government's export and international trade assistance portal...more.

Staff Directory
Bob Griffitts - Chief of StaffMy staff and I are here to assist you in a variety of matters.  Please use the guide below to find the office that...more.

Visiting Washington, DC
I am excited that you are planning a trip to Washington D.C. This historical city has much to offer and the list below includes many of the popular and important...more.

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Thomas Jefferson

National Debt of the United States