Duncan Announces Multi-Million Dollar Grant for McGhee Tyson Airport

Washington, DC -- Congressman John J. Duncan, Jr. (R-TN) announced today that McGhee Tyson Airport will be receiving a grant from the U.S. Department of Transportation in order to construct an emergency response facility on the airport’s property.

Recognizing the need for a more modern facility, the airport applied for the grant to update its emergency response building.  The Metropolitan Knoxville Airport Authority will be receiving over $3 million to construct a new aircraft rescue and fire fighting building, replacing the current facility which was built in 1982. 

The need for a new facility greatly increased following the terrorist attacks in September 2001, when the federal government put new airport security measures in place.  This new facility will accommodate a staff that has tripled in size over the last few years and ensure the protection of those who use the airport.  

“The safety and security of our Nation’s airports is a critical component of our overall national security, and it is vital that they are equipped to respond to any emergencies that could occur on the property,” said Duncan.  “Airline passengers, staff, and airport personnel need to know that emergency personnel have the equipment necessary to react, and this new facility is an important part of the response plan.”

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