Press Releases

September 14, 2012
“Today’s report demonstrates exactly why we need to replace the sequester by passing a big and balanced deficit reduction plan this year.  If the sequester were to take effect in January, the consequences would be devastating to our economy and to our national security.
September 14, 2012
“Tomorrow we celebrate the start of Hispanic Heritage Month, an opportunity to acknowledge the countless contributions Latinos have made to our nation. During this time, I join in recognizing how the Hispanic community has shaped and improved our nation – through science, sports, politics, entertainment, business, and many other fields.  The roots of the Hispanic community in our country run as deep as its history, and Latinos have played a central role in helping our nation succeed and grow.  We are especially thankful for the service and sacrifices of Latino service-members on the front lines in Afghanistan, as well as those who have served in prior conflicts throughout our nation’s history.  During Hispanic Heritage Month, we look back on the community’s achievements while also celebrating their continued role strengthening America.
September 14, 2012
“Sunday evening, across America and throughout the world, Jewish families will usher in a new year – one that I hope is filled with the blessings of peace and happiness for all.  Rosh Hashanah offers an opportunity to remember the important contributions made to our country by its Jewish community, which has enhanced America in the fields of science, politics, law, entertainment, athletics, and a host of others since the days even before our nation’s independence.   
September 13, 2012
“We are reminded of the danger that our men and women, who are sent abroad to represent the United States of America, to promote democracy and freedom around the world, we know the danger to which they are exposed. The tragic death of Ambassador [Christopher] Stevens, [State Department official] Sean Smith and others in Libya point out how dangerous the daily lives are in these areas of the world. We express our deep sympathy. But I'm sure that every embassy in the world has been put on high alert, particularly in areas where we know there are violent proclivities but also around the world, to make sure our embassy personnel are on guard, Americans are on guard and we keep our people safe.”
September 12, 2012
"Today's announcement by the Census Bureau that our poverty rate fell for the first time in three years is welcome news, as is the fact that 1.3 million more Americans have health insurance coverage, a sign that the Affordable Care Act is working. 
September 12, 2012
"I was deeply saddened to learn this morning of the news from Libya of the tragic death of Ambassador Christopher Stevens, Foreign Service Information Management Officer Sean Smith and two other American personnel in an attack in Benghazi. Their families are in my prayers today. Ambassador Stevens and Sean Smith were distinguished career diplomats who embodied the best of our Foreign Service and were instrumental in helping Libya’s democratic transition.
September 11, 2012
“Hopefully [a deal to avoid the fiscal cliff] will come together before the end of the year. I've been working on that. Others have been working on that. Contrary to what I heard Mr. Cantor say, the President of the United States in the 32 years I've been in Congress, has spent more time working with Republicans and frankly with Democrats in the White House around his conference table to try to get to an agreement. The Republicans walked away from the Bowles-Simpson plan. They walked away from the [Vice President] Joe Biden talks. Mr. Cantor himself walked away from those. And they walked away from the [Speaker John] Boehner- [President Barack] Obama agreement. So I'm hopeful that we will come to agreement. I think Moody's is correct - if we don't, we will undermine confidence and undermine credibility of the United States. We need to come to agreement. We need to sit down together and reason together and adopt a balanced plan. That's the trick.”
September 11, 2012
“On this solemn anniversary, we must never forget those who lost their lives in the most heinous terrorist attack in our country’s history. To the families of those who were killed on that tragic day in New York, Washington, and Pennsylvania, we will always remember the victims and recount the stories of heroism that will be their legacy. To those who have served in our Armed Forces since 9/11, we remain grateful for their sacrifices. To all who have worked as first responders and kept our communities safe here at home, we offer our thanks for their steadfastness. 
September 11, 2012
“Once again, we are seeing evidence of how the Affordable Care Act is benefiting Americans by lowering the costs of care and putting patients first. Today's report that the health reform law enacted by Democrats last Congress has saved consumers $2.1 billion through its rate review provisions and the medical loss ratio affirms that reform is working.
September 10, 2012
“I’m pleased that the District of Columbia’s statue of Frederick Douglass will now be on display in the U.S. Capitol. Douglass, who was born in the state of Maryland, spent his entire life fighting injustice and demanding equality for all in our democracy.  This statue will join the halls of the Capitol building as the third statue or bust of an African American, and is a wonderful tribute to a great Marylander and civil rights hero.”
September 7, 2012
“For the thirtieth month straight, our economy continued to add private sector jobs in August.  With 103,000 more Americans back to work last month in the private sector and the unemployment rate dropping from 8.3% to 8.1%, our economic recovery is moving forward, and our nation is headed in the right direction. 
September 4, 2012
“Today’s Institute for Supply Management report, the third in a row showing contraction in our manufacturing sector, reinforces the need for Congress to address manufacturing competitiveness and job growth in a comprehensive way.  Democrats’ Make It In America plan will do just that by investing in education, innovation, and infrastructure to attract well paying manufacturing jobs and keep them here on our shores. 
September 3, 2012
“Today, Americans join together to honor the men and women who help make our nation and its businesses so successful.  Despite a challenging economy, our country’s workers have continued to show extraordinary innovation and determination to out-produce our competitors.  Our nation has a long history of striving to create more opportunities for our people to enter the middle class, and Labor Day is the perfect opportunity to renew our commitment to an opportunity-driven economy that works for working families.   
August 30, 2012
“I applaud today’s ruling by the DC District Court that concluded the Texas voter identification law would make it more difficult for citizens to exercise their right to vote. This law is just one example of legislation that is being passed across the country that could disenfranchise minorities, the elderly, and college students. While proponents of these voter identification laws claim they’re targeting voter fraud, there is scant evidence that such fraud exists. Instead, the real purpose of these laws is to make it substantially harder for eligible voters to cast their ballot and have their votes counted.
August 28, 2012
“I applaud President Obama’s action today that reinforced Democrats’ energy policy that strengthens our economic, national, and environmental security.  The new fuel standards will benefit the economy through lower costs for consumers, and by ensuring our nation remains on the leading edge of technology and innovation as automakers develop the most fuel-efficient cars. The new standards will also increase our national security as we move away from our dependence on foreign oil, and promote energy efficiency and reduce greenhouse gases. This is a bold step, and the right one to help secure America’s future.” 
August 25, 2012
I was saddened to learn about the passing of Neil Armstrong today. He was truly an American hero and icon. He represented the ingenuity and the passion for exploration and discovery that is the hallmark of our nation. It may have been a 'small step,' but when he became the first person to set foot on the moon, it changed the course of history, making the impossible possible. His legacy will live on each time we dare to dream beyond what seems possible, and will continue to serve as an inspiration to us all.
August 24, 2012
“This weekend, I will join with Americans across the country in celebrating Women’s Equality Day, marking the anniversary of the Nineteenth Amendment’s ratification, which recognized women’s right to vote and participate in our electoral democracy.  On this day, we mark the achievements women have made across the spectrum of American society, but we also acknowledge how much work remains.
August 22, 2012
“CBO’s update of its Budget and Economic Outlook released this morning couldn’t paint a clearer picture of our fiscal challenges.  If Congress fails to resolve the so-called ‘fiscal cliff’ by the end of this year, according to the CBO’s projections, the first half of 2013 will plunge us back into recession and sharply increase unemployment. 
August 16, 2012
"I congratulate J. David Cox on his election as National President of the American Federation of Government Employees, and I thank outgoing President John Gage for his many years of service.  I have had the pleasure of working with J. David in his capacity as National Secretary-Treasurer for the past six years, and I know he will do an outstanding job in this new role. 
August 16, 2012
“I commend the Obama Administration for continuing to make manufacturing revitalization a top priority by announcing a new National Additive Manufacturing Innovation Institute in Youngstown, Ohio.  This public-private partnership will begin laying the groundwork for the National Network of Manufacturing Innovation the President proposed earlier this year and remains an important part of House Democrats’ Make It In America jobs plan. 
August 14, 2012
"In the eight years Dennis and I have served together, I have seen firsthand his strong commitment to public service and his love of country.  Dennis has been a tireless advocate for the people of California's Central Valley communities during his time in office, and he will be missed in the halls of Congress by colleagues on both sides of the aisle.  As he returns home, he does so having made a real difference in the lives of those he has represented here and in the lives of countless families across the country, and I continue to wish Dennis, Kathie, and their family well during this time of transition."
August 13, 2012
“I continue to be dismayed by Republicans’ attempts to distract from the real challenges facing this nation by pursuing an unnecessary and partisan lawsuit against Attorney General Holder.  As I said on the House Floor in June, the investigation against him by Republicans on the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee has been motivated by politics, not by the pursuit of justice.  Instead of moving forward with this partisan lawsuit, House Republicans would be better off working with Democrats to address the serious challenges we face by achieving solutions that create jobs, move our economic recovery forward, and set our country back on a sound fiscal path.” 
August 11, 2012
“I congratulate Chairman Ryan on the honor of being chosen as Gov. Romney’s running mate. He and I have served together in Congress for several years, and I know he cares deeply about putting America back on a sustainable fiscal path, just as President Obama and Vice President Biden do.
August 9, 2012
“With a crucial election less than three months away, it’s never been more important for young people to make their voices heard,” said Whip Hoyer. “That is why Democrats are reaching out to colleges and universities across the country to make sure that every eligible student voter has the information needed to cast a ballot this November. The right to vote is the most powerful weapon we have in a democracy. Yet with state voting registration laws constantly changing, often students can be left out in the cold. I hope colleges and universities will do their part to help ensure all students can stand up and be counted this November.”
August 7, 2012
"No matter what party they support or which candidate, every student ought to play a role in this year’s election by registering to vote and knowing how and where to cast their ballots,” said Whip Hoyer. “That’s why I am are releasing this video, which I hope will make it easier for students to access the information they need to get registered and get involved. Laws are changing in several states, and Democrats will continue working to make sure everyone has the most up-to-date information to ensure their voice is heard.”