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Information SpecialistInformation requests can be submitted through the NLLIC several ways including:

Online: Ask the NLLIC Form

Phone: 1-888/AMP-KNOW

Fax: 1-865/525-7917

Mail: 900 East Hill Ave., Suite 205, Knoxville, TN 37915

National Limb Loss Information Center

The National Limb Loss Information Center (NLLIC) provides comprehensive resources for people with limb loss, as well as their families, friends, and the health care professionals involved in their lives. NLLIC is operated by the Amputee Coalition of America (ACA), a national, nonprofit organization representing amputees, their families and healthcare providers.

We provide answers to questions on such topics as: technology and prosthetics, consumer rights, funding & agency resources, family & parenting, educational & vocational issues, sports, recreation & travel, statistical & research information, health & disability groups, rehabilitative & prosthetic services, state & federal agencies, and peer support.

The ACA/NLLIC Web site has met the selection criteria for inclusion in MEDLINE plus. MEDLINE plus, produced by the world's largest medical library, the National Library of Medicine at the National Institutes of Health, provides access to quality consumer health information.