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Family Member Fact Sheet

Post Deployment Health Reassessment:
A message to the families of Service members…

We recognize that deployment may have an impact on the health and wellbeing of those who serve our country. Our mission is to provide quality health care to our dedicated Service members and help provide peace of mind to you, their dedicated families.

The Post-Deployment Health Reassessment, or PDHRA, is part of the force health protection program designed to extend the continuum of care for Service members’ deployment-related health concerns. It provides education, screening, assessment and access to care for a wide variety of questions and concerns that you and your loved one may have about their health after their return from deployment. The PDHRA, the second of two post-deployment health checks, provides your loved one with another opportunity to discuss questions or concerns with a health care provider.

How does the PDHRA process work?
The PDHRA is scheduled to begin three-to six-month after Service members return from deployment. A questionnaire is used to gather current demographic and health status information. Then, the Service member will have an opportunity to discuss their deployment health concerns with a health care provider. Together with the provider they can determine what additional services are needed, and referrals will be made at this time, if necessary.

Why are post-deployment health assessments important?
Family members are often concerned about the health and safety of their loved ones during deployment. And, when loved ones return, families may worry about how deployment has affected the Service member’s health and wellbeing.

When the Service member in your family completes the PDHRA, you can be reassured that their health concerns and issues are receiving professional attention. The PDHRA gives your loved one the opportunity to receive professional health care advice that can help put your mind at ease.

Frequently Asked Questions
Additional Resources

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PDHRA Information Site was last updated on 04/19/07.