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At this event, Dr. Megan Mackenzie, a specialist on female soldiers in Sierra Leone, explored how the reintegration process for men has been securitized, or emphasized, as an essential element of the transition from war to peace.

Panel I: Gender Mainstreaming in the Military | USIP in partnership with Partners for Democratic Change, co-hosted a public event on January 19, 2011, highlighting the challenges faced by militaries in the 21st century with regards to the role of women in modern armed forces. Additionally, panelists discussed the role that civil society can play in security sector transformation, especially as it pertains to gender mainstreaming.

Panel II: Gender Mainstreaming in the Military
USIP in partnership with Partners for Democratic Change, co-hosted a public event on January 19 2011, highlighting the challenges faced by militaries in the 21st century with regards to the role of women in modern armed forces. Additionally, panelists discussed the role that civil society can play in security sector transformation, especially as it pertains to gender mainstreaming.

In November 2005, the United Nations announced the completion of its program to disarm and demobilize more than 60,000 members of the Afghanistan Military Forces. Coincidentally, the U.S. was building a new Afghanistan National Army to face the threat from a resurgent Taliban. What was the relationship between these seemingly incongruous actions? This event took place on February 3, 2011.

The return of former dictator Jean-Claude Duvalier to Haiti complicated the country’s political crisis and negatively impacted the ability of the international community to respond to the country’s mix of acute and chronic problems. Thomas Adams, the U.S. State Department’s Special Coordinator for Haiti, and a panel of distinguished experts looked ahead to the coming year.

USIP featured an introductory briefing of the Quadrennial Diplomacy and Development Review (QDDR) followed by a meeting of USIP's Security Sector Reform Working Group to discuss findings of a forthcoming USIP Special Report on "The European Union’s Experience With Security Sector Reform." This event took place on December 16, 2010.

USIP featured an introductory briefing of the Quadrennial Diplomacy and Development Review (QDDR) followed by a meeting of USIP's Security Sector Reform Working Group to discuss findings of a forthcoming USIP Special Report on "The European Union’s Experience With Security Sector Reform." This event took place on December 16, 2010.

Iraqi representatives and USIP experts assess the success of efforts to establish a genuine national partnership and discuss priorities for Iraq’s new government in 2011. This event took place on January 5, 2011.

Drawing from their vast diplomatic experience, Teresita and Howard Schaffer, authors of "How Pakistan Negotiates with the United States: Riding the Roller Coaster," discuss how Pakistan's ideological core, geopolitical position, culture, and military and governmental structures shape negotiations with the United States.

The United States Institute of Peace held a symposium Tuesday, October 26 on sports and peacebuilding. Sports have been used as a way to build trust, teamwork and social cohesion from the international to the neighborhood level for thousands of years. Panel 3 addresseed evaluation of sports’ contribution to peacebuilding.