
The cover of the Strategic Posture Commission Report.

The bipartisan commission, facilitated by USIP from 2008-2009, was tasked by Congress to "examine and make recommendations with respect to the long-term strategic posture of the United States."  The Commission issued its final report to Congress on May 6, 2009.

Muslim World Initiative Logo

This initiative, which drew to a close in 2009, was designed to help to mobilize moderates, marginalize militants, and bridge the U.S./Muslim-world divide.

(Courtesy New York Times)  Picture of  a campaign billboard addressing corruption in Indonesia

Led by Daniel Brumberg, senior adviser to the Center for Conflict Analysis and Prevention, this project examines the conditions surrounding political reform in unstable and/or divided societies, aiming to provide a guide for peaceful and inclusive democratic transformation.

USIP has undertaken a major analytical study of Arab-Israeli peace negotiations since 1991, focusing on U.S. peacemaking strategies and initiatives. Its results are published in a book entitled Negotiating Arab-Israeli Peace: American Leadership in the Middle East, authored by Ambassador Daniel C. Kurtzer and Scott B. Lasensky.


As the dramatic events of the Arab Spring turn to the more mundane yet vital work of governance, constitution writing and peacebuilding, USIP is on the ground, bringing its unique brand of action and expertise to the effort.

The Day After project brought together a group of Syrians representing a large spectrum of the Syrian opposition—including senior representatives of the Syrian National Council (SNC), members of the Local Coordination Committees in Syria (LCC), and unaffiliated opposition figures from inside Syria and the Diaspora representing all major political trends and components of Syrian society—to participate in an independent transition planning process.