Press Releases

January 31, 2012
CBO’s Budget and Economic Outlook released today reveals what Americans already know: we have to get Americans back to work, and we have to get our fiscal house in order by reaching a big and balanced deficit reduction plan this year.  Such a plan requires both getting a handle on spending and raising revenue.  It is clear from the CBO’s forecast that allowing the Bush tax cuts to expire for the wealthiest Americans can be a part of that solution.  Real and effective deficit reduction should be based on the principle that everyone should pay their fair share.  I hope Republicans work with Democrats to take the steps we need as a nation to get us back on a sound fiscal path.
January 26, 2012
While I was saddened to learn that Rep. Brad Miller will be retiring from Congress, I am thankful for the chance to have served alongside him these past nine years.  Over the course of his time in Congress, Rep. Miller has fought for the well-being of North Carolina families, and he has worked tirelessly as a member of the Financial Services Committee to combat predatory lending practices and help those facing foreclosure stay in their homes.  Believing strongly in creating opportunities for more Americans to reach the middle class, Rep. Miller  has been a strong advocate for education and access to health care, and he has been a defender of North Carolina service members, veterans, and their families.  He will be missed in this House, and I join in wishing him the best as he moves on to the next step in his career.
January 25, 2012
None of us on this Floor are talented enough to summon the rhetoric that all of us feel in our hearts. We have young men and women, arrayed on the fields in Iraq, Afghanistan, and other troubled spots in the world. They are fighting for freedom and democracy and too many of them are injured on those fields. Our beloved colleague, Gabrielle Giffords, was injured on the field in the exercise of that democracy. And in being injured, she has become an example for us, for all Americans, indeed all the world, of courage, of clarity of purpose, of grace, of responsibility, of a sense of duty which she exercises this day.
January 25, 2012
I thought it was an excellent speech. I thought it was a serious speech. We have a lot of challenges. The President obviously focused on what I think is critical to the American people - that's jobs…[House Democrats] have had an agenda, we call it “Make It In America,” in the Congress of the United States for the last two years. We’ve talked to the President about it. His manufacturing focus we think was absolutely right. We’ve lost 9 million manufacturing jobs over the last 20 years. We need to expand our manufacturing sector. We need to make things here in America. We need to provide the kind of middle class jobs paying good wages and having good benefits that the America middle class needs to grow, not shrink.
January 24, 2012
The empty resolutions Republicans have put forward in order to draw an artificial contrast between the parties will only succeed in showing Americans the real difference between those in Congress who want to play games and those of us who want to get to work tackling our pressing challenges, including job creation and deficit reduction.  I hope Republicans will use tonight’s State of the Union address as an opportunity to set their games aside and begin working with Democrats on the important tasks we have before us.
January 24, 2012
Tonight, President Obama stood before Congress and the American people and asked us to envision the America we can achieve together, sharing his blueprint for doing so.  The plan he laid out is rooted in the same values of fairness and responsibility that have enabled generations of Americans to climb ladders of opportunity and pass their faith in the American Dream on to their children.
January 24, 2012
People used to believe that if you worked hard and took responsibility for yourself, you would make it in this country — that you could provide your children with a safe home, an education and opportunities of their own. Yet, today it is harder than ever for families to make ends meet even with two parents working full time. Costs are rising, and incomes for most Americans have not kept pace.
January 22, 2012
Throughout my years in Congress, there have been few Members I have come to admire as much as Gabby Giffords.  When she was first elected, Gabby got right to work for the people of Arizona’s Eighth District, standing up for veterans, advocating for a fairer wage for workers, and pushing for comprehensive immigration reform while securing our borders.  She earned the respect of colleagues on both sides of the aisle for her determination and strong convictions, and her willingness to work together to get things done.  Gabby always put her constituents first and made it her priority to listen to their concerns and carry them back with her to Washington.
January 20, 2012
In a decision that affirmed the right of every American woman to privacy and choice, the Supreme Court issued its ruling in Roe v. Wade thirty-nine years ago this Sunday.  I join in marking this anniversary, and I remain committed to protecting a woman’s right to choose while strengthening education programs and access to contraception to prevent unintended pregnancies.  I am proud to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with women’s health and privacy advocates in continuing to defend the constitutional right Roe v. Wade confirmed.
January 20, 2012
I am always excited to be back at Pax River with some of the finest men and women in the Department of Defense.  Today I am especially glad to be here with you to introduce a man I have known for over thirty years.    We’re proud to have him at Pax River today to demonstrate all of the great work being done here and the critical importance of this installation to our military readiness and operations.
January 19, 2012
When Maurice Hinchey came to Congress is 1993, he brought with him the experiences of a Navy sailor, factory worker, and respected state lawmaker.  These experiences helped him become a leader in Congress when it came to supporting our veterans, protecting the environment, and ensuring that government by the people always works for the people.  I have been honored to serve with him for the past nineteen years, and his voice – a moral voice for conservation, economic justice, and equality of opportunity – will be greatly missed in Congress.   I extend to him and his family my best wishes on his retirement.
January 17, 2012
Democratic Whip Hoyer stated, “I am pleased that Congress is actively taking steps to update how it connects with the American people online, improve transparency and better interact with our constituents to keep them informed. There is still work to be done, but Democrats and Republicans alike understand the duty we share to make the legislative process as open and accessible as possible. This report continues the hard work of Members from both sides of the aisle in shaping how we can better connect the American people to their government in order to better serve them.”
January 16, 2012
Today we honor the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and his life of service. In October, we witnessed the dedication of a new memorial on the National Mall in Washington honoring Dr. King and his work. His statue now looks out across the Tidal Basin in the direction of the memorial to the author who wrote the words into which Dr. King breathed new life: 'We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.' 
January 11, 2012
“Austin has been a key asset in my leadership office since first joining our team as an intern in 2004,” said Hoyer. “Since then, he has served in a variety of roles and excelled in each one. As Floor Assistant and later Deputy Floor Director, Austin has helped manage the day-to-day operations of the Floor and has demonstrated a depth and breadth of knowledge of parliamentary procedure and the legislative process. Members have come to rely on Austin’s good judgment and leadership on the Floor and he is well known and well liked by all Members. Similarly, Shuwanza has served on my staff since joining as a staff assistant four years ago and has continually demonstrated her competence and capabilities across a range of responsibilities. As Floor Assistant, she excelled with a tremendous work ethic, focus and insightful knowledge of the House floor. I am confident that Austin and Shuwanza will continue to ensure an organized, responsive, and robust Democratic Whip Floor operation as the new session of Congress commences. Both Austin and Shuwanza will be a tremendous resource to the Democratic Caucus and I look forward to working with them in their new roles.”
January 10, 2012
Since joining the Administration as Director of Intergovernmental Affairs, Cecilia Muñoz has been an effective bridge-builder, helping strengthen ties between the White House, elected officials and community leaders across the country. She has demonstrated a commitment to strengthening our country through job creation, access to affordable health care and quality education, and comprehensive immigration reform. Her work on the National Council of La Raza before coming to the White House helped bring important voices into the national conversation on these and other issues. I congratulate her on her selection today as Director of the President’s Domestic Policy Council, where I am confident she will continue to serve as an untiring advocate for middle class families and all those striving to achieve the American Dream. I look forward to working with her as she moves into this new role.
January 9, 2012
I congratulate Jack Lew on his selection as the new White House Chief of Staff. He brings to the role a wealth of experience in government, law, and community service. His work as Director of the Office of Management and Budget and Deputy Secretary of State have helped the President achieve a number of important domestic and foreign policy successes. As the Congress and White House work together this year on reaching a comprehensive solution to our deficit problem, appointing as Chief of Staff someone as knowledgeable and involved in budget issues as Jack Lew reflects the President’s commitment to fiscal responsibility. I look forward to working with him as we move forward.
January 6, 2012
This morning’s announcement that our economy added 200,000 jobs in December, bringing our unemployment rate down to 8.5%, is a sign of progress and provides further evidence that our economy is recovering. However, while we have now experienced twenty-two straight months of private sector job growth, too many Americans remain out of work.
January 5, 2012
This Administration has pursued a strong national security policy that has achieved significant victories in eliminating Al-Qaeda leaders and decimating the group’s operational capabilities. It [has] engaged in successful cooperation and coordination with our NATO allies in Libya without losing a single American life and brought our troops back from Iraq with dignity. Today’s announcement follows a strategic review of defense policy and aims to strengthen our Armed Forces’ ability to address the challenges of a changing global security environment. In line with this new strategy, the defense budget will adapt to ensure that our military has all the resources it needs to support the changing mission, while at the same time contributing to comprehensive deficit reduction. Our deficits themselves represent a national security threat that must be addressed, further reason why it is important to achieve a big and balanced solution this year. This new strategy recognizes that our military continues to be the greatest in the world and a source of pride for all Americans.
January 5, 2012
One year ago today, Republicans took control of the House of Representatives and promised to focus on job creation. But one year later, we’ve witnessed the least productive session of Congress in recent years. Republicans still do not have a comprehensive jobs plan and have not taken meaningful action to reduce the deficit in a big, balanced way. Instead of debating and voting on jobs bills like House Democrats’ Make It In America plan, the House Republican leadership walked away from the American people and focused on an ideological and partisan agenda that had nothing to do with getting Americans back to work. They brought us to the brink of shutdown and default. They held hostage a tax cut for middle class families and unemployment insurance benefits for Americans who lost jobs through no fault of their own. And they have, through their actions, increased the uncertainty faced by working families trying to plan for the future and by businesses waiting to expand and hire.  
January 4, 2012
I am pleased President Obama appointed the highly qualified Richard Cordray to lead the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. Mr. Cordray brings to the position a strong record and a commitment to protecting American consumers, homeowners, investors and small businesses. For months, Senate Republicans have distorted the confirmation process and made it clear that they will block Mr. Cordray or any other nominee—regardless of qualifications—to lead this new consumer protection bureau. The American people deserve better, and we can no longer wait to put a referee back on the field to protect American consumers from the excesses and abuses that led to the financial crisis.
December 23, 2011
Today's vote ensures that on January 1st, 160 million Americans will not see their taxes go up, over 2 million Americans will not lose unemployment insurance as they look for work, and 48 million Americans will not lose access to their doctor. Now we must immediately focus on extending these critical policies for a full year. I am hopeful that Republicans will work with us to do so quickly, and not take Americans to the brink once more.
December 22, 2011
Today Senator McConnell joined Senate Republicans and House Democrats in calling on House Republicans to prevent a tax increase on middle class families by passing the bipartisan Senate bill. If House Republicans refuse to act, on January 1 they will be responsible for 160 million Americans seeing a tax increase, 2.2 million Americans losing unemployment benefits, and 48 million Americans potentially losing access to their doctors. The American people deserve certainty that we will not allow any of those things to happen. That is why we must pass the bipartisan Senate compromise bill to prevent a tax increase from happening as we continue to work on a year-long extension. I therefore urge Speaker Boehner to either allow this to be passed by unanimous consent, or call the House back into session to pass the Senate bill.
December 22, 2011
It has now been two days since House Republicans said an emphatic no to the bipartisan compromise and walked away from America’s working people. While Democrats have spent that time trying to get a vote to avoid the tax hike, Republicans have been arguing about process and politics.
December 21, 2011
One year ago tomorrow, we reached a milestone that marked a new era of opportunity for gay and lesbian Americans wishing to serve our country openly in uniform.  When President Obama signed the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell Repeal Act of 2010” into law, providing for its repeal, our country declared an end to the discriminatory policy that told Americans they could not serve their country simply because of who they are and who they love. 
December 21, 2011
Mr. Van Hollen and I just participated on the Floor of the House and sought to seek recognition so that we could ask unanimous consent to place on the Floor and pass legislation which would give certainty and assurance to seniors, to the unemployed, and to 160,000 million Americans who are at risk of losing their tax cut on January 1st. The ability to have that certainty, to have that confidence, not just at this holiday period but in January and in February while we take action to try to come to an agreement on the one year extension that we want.