Press Releases

March 7, 2012
Today the President announced measures to help businesses and consumers upgrade to advanced vehicles, moving us closer to energy independence and economic security. This initiative is one step our nation can take to maintain our edge in innovation, which is a key part of House Democrats’ Make It In America plan to create jobs and strengthen American manufacturing. Innovation, especially in clean energy technologies, will help fuel our long-term economic competitiveness and add jobs in new and expanding sectors.   It is an essential component of the all-of-the-above energy strategy being pursued by the President and Democrats in Congress to ensure that this nation has sufficient energy available to meet its needs today and for many years to come. 
March 6, 2012
Right now, Congress ought to be doing everything it can to help our businesses compete in the global marketplace so they can create jobs here in America.  A big part of that is making sure they can also compete domestically.  I have always believed that our workers create the best products, which will always do well when there is a level playing field, and when countries unfairly subsidize their companies exports, we must use all the WTO-consistent tools at our disposal to level that playing field.
March 6, 2012
“Today the people of New Jersey lost a beloved public servant, and the House of Representatives lost a respected member.  As his state's first African American elected to Congress, Donald Payne was a trailblazer who helped pave the way for many to follow throughout the country.  Don was a tireless campaigner for justice.  Whether it was for the men and women from urban communities in Essex, Hudson, and Union Counties, the millions of American students who benefited from his service on the Committee on Education and the Workforce, or those suffering from poverty and oppression in Africa for whom he was a vocal advocate, his fight for justice at home and human rights around the world will be Don's lasting legacy.  His many travels to the Sudans brought hope to those experiencing the bitterness of war, hunger, and displacement, and his efforts drew Americans’ attention to the genocide in Darfur and ongoing violence across the Sudans.  All of us who had the honor of serving with him will dearly miss him and the energy and passion he brought to his job.  My thoughts are with his family today.”
March 5, 2012
“This bill reflects the immutable and enduring bond between our two nations,” Whip Hoyer said.  “It is a bond that reflects the shared values of our people and our shared interests in preserving stability in the Middle East.  The threat from Iran’s nuclear ambitions is real and demands serious, cooperative effort by both the United States and Israel.  I am proud to put forward this legislation along with Majority Leader Cantor, and I am hopeful it will pass with strong support from across party lines.  It is a reminder that support for Israel is not and should never be a partisan issue.” 
March 2, 2012
For three decades, Norm Dicks and I have served together in Congress, and he is not only a respected colleague but a dear friend.  I’m saddened that Norm has decided to retire at the end of the 112th Congress.  He will be greatly missed in the halls of the Capitol by Members on both sides of the aisle.
March 1, 2012
“I join today in celebrating the start of Women’s History Month, when Americans mark the progress we have made as a nation breaking down barriers and shattering glass ceilings.  From marching for equal rights to contributing to our prosperity as leaders in business and entrepreneurship, from serving our nation in uniform and giving their lives in every war to making important discoveries in science and medicine, women have carried forward the work of building America since its earliest days.  Describing the suffrage and equal rights movement she led early in the last century, Alice Paul said:  'Each of us puts in one little stone, and then you get a great mosaic at the end.'  Today, the mosaic of America is rich and inspiring because of the contributions of millions of ordinary and extraordinary women to the history of this country, including the many outstanding women I have the privilege of serving with in Congress.
March 1, 2012
On March 7, 1965, our friend and esteemed colleague from Georgia, John Lewis, was among the leaders of that march. He was the leader – he and Hosea Williams. Two by two they walked, some 600 with John and Hosea at the front of the line. That day, in an extraordinary practice of nonviolence, he and other marchers were brutally beaten while trying to cross the Edmund Pettus Bridge in Selma, Alabama. They were on their way to Montgomery, the state capital, to protest the murder of a young man, Jimmie Lee Jackson, who had been shot and killed while protecting his mother during a voting rights rally. And they were marching to Montgomery to say in a nonviolent way every American deserves the right to be able to register and to vote.
February 29, 2012
“I was pleased to see so many federal employees at today’s event.  These are public servants who perform important work on behalf of this nation, from keeping our homeland safe to ensuring the food we eat is safe and making certain our seniors get their Social Security checks on time.  Federal employees are a living example of government ‘for the people, by the people.'
February 29, 2012
House Democratic Whip Steny H. Hoyer (MD) will deliver remarks in support of federal workers at a rally hosted by the National Treasury Employees Union (NTEU) today, February 29 at 12:30 p.m. in the Congressional Auditorium in the Capitol Visitor Center (CVC-200). The rally is part of NTEU’s week-long 2012 legislative conference.
February 28, 2012
As Parliamentarian, John Sullivan has been a careful steward of the rules of the House and a strong defender of their proper exercise, which has earned him the respect of members and leaders from both parties.  When he became Parliamentarian in 2004, John brought with him seventeen years of experience working in the Office of the Parliamentarian, three years as counsel to the Armed Services Committee, and seven years as a Judge Advocate in the U.S. Air Force.  Having given over thirty-five years of his career to our nation, I join in thanking him for his many contributions.
February 28, 2012
Last month, our economy created 257,000 private sector jobs, beating expectations and representing the 23rd straight month of gains.  At the same time, manufacturing is on the upswing.  According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, more than half of metropolitan areas are seeing growth in manufacturing jobs, with Detroit leading the way.  In 2011, American manufacturers had an excellent year, demonstrating the potential in our manufacturing sector to continue producing the goods that make the world run.
February 23, 2012
We are also helping American families keep more of their hard-earned money through increased  energy savings.  Ambitious vehicle fuel economy standards set last year will cut oil consumption by 12 billion barrels and save American families $1.7 trillion over the next ten years.  The announcement today by the President of a $30 million investment in adavanced energy research is good news for middle class families and American businesses that rely on cars and trucks each day, because it represents another important step forward toward ensuring us access to the affordable energy that will drive our prosperity for generations. Today’s announcement will help us harness the most important resource of all: American ingenuity.
February 22, 2012
Sustaining our economic recovery depends on American businesses, especially manufacturers, remaining globally competitive and able to continue investing in innovation and job growth.  The President's proposal would lower the business tax rate by broadening the base through elimination of those loopholes that distort business decision making.  It also goes hand in hand with House Democrats' Make It In America comprehensive jobs plan by providing incentives for manufacturing and research that will help us retain our role as the world's innovation leader.  When we help manufacturers make their products here in America, it in turn helps create opportunities for more of our people to Make It In America.
February 17, 2012
“President Obama announced a series of new actions today that will help make U.S. manufacturers more competitive and boost exports.  I agree with the President that reauthorization of the Export-Import Bank is critical so we can make sure that America’s manufacturers have the financing they need to sell their goods all over the world and create jobs here at home, and I strongly support prompt passage of legislation reauthorizing the Export-Import Bank.  I also applaud the President’s commitment to use existing authority to aggressively counter foreign non-competitive financing from foreign governments that gives foreign manufacturers an unfair edge.
February 16, 2012
I am very disappointed that the proposed UI extension will be paid for by increasing the retirement contributions made by new federal workers. When we work to protect the middle class, it is only right to protect them all, and federal workers are hardworking Americans who have already contributed $60 billion to deficit reduction over the next decade. Our deficit problems were not created by these men and women, and they will not be solved by only asking them to contribute. If we are going to address our deficit in a big, bold and balanced way, we must look beyond just federal workers and ask others to share in the contributions our deficit problems demand.
February 13, 2012
Today, President Obama laid out his budget proposal for the next fiscal year, and I am pleased that it places a strong emphasis on investments in education, innovation, and infrastructure.  His budget builds on the blueprint he laid out during his State of the Union address last month – a blueprint that reflects the core commitment to job creation and the middle class in House Democrats’ Make It In America jobs plan.  Manufacturing will be key to our long-term recovery, and I am glad that the President’s budget includes provisions that will help us remain the world’s manufacturing leader and a place where innovation fuels the creation of middle class jobs for years to come.
February 9, 2012
House Democratic Whip Steny H. Hoyer (MD) discussed Republicans’ lack of a jobs plan and the need to extend payroll tax cuts, unemployment insurance and the Medicare physician payment rate before they expire on The Bill Press Show today.
February 3, 2012
Today’s report showed our economy added 257,000 private sector jobs in January, lowering our unemployment rate to 8.3%.   While it is a welcome sign that the pace of hiring has increased, and our economy experienced the twenty-third month of consecutive private sector job growth, 13 million Americans remain out of work and looking for jobs as we continue our still fragile recovery. 
February 2, 2012
"I commend the Senate for heeding the President's call in his State of the Union address to pass legislation ensuring that those who serve in government play by the same set of rules as everyone else and don’t profit from inside information. The STOCK Act, introduced in the House by Reps. Tim Walz and Louise Slaughter, has bipartisan support, and I am encouraged that the Republican leadership has agreed to address this issue next week."
February 2, 2012
"Over the past five years, I have come to know Heath Shuler as a resolute lawmaker, a determined advocate for getting America's fiscal house in order, and – above all – a good friend. I will greatly miss him in this House, where he has made an enormous impact as a leader of the Blue Dog Coalition and as a rising star in the Democratic caucus...
February 2, 2012
Instead of spending time working with Democrats to pass a comprehensive jobs plan, extend middle class tax cuts, or find a solution to our deficit problem, Republicans have wasted time on these two process bills.  Not only do they fail to bring us closer to finding a solution, but they only serve to tamper with the non-partisan judges we rely on at the Congressional Budget Office to provide unbiased budget analysis. 
February 1, 2012
We ought to have a bill, we ought to pass Mr. Van Hollen's bill, we ought to take this out of the politics and then I tell my friends what we ought to do is pass the big deal. We ought to pass a $4 trillion to $6 trillion big deal to get the fiscal house in order of the United States of America. And it ought to include all things on the table, including federal employee pay and benefits, including the military pay and benefits and expenditures, and domestic expenditures as well as entitlements. I've said that. We ought not to do it piecemeal as this bill reflects.
February 1, 2012
In 1926, when Dr. Carter G. Woodson launched the weeklong celebration that later became Black History Month, so much history was yet to be written.  The African American story had yet to be seen as an integral part of our shared American history, reflecting African Americans’ exclusion then from so many facets of national life.  In the decades since, through struggle and triumph, through tragedy and perseverance, by the hands of bold leaders and everyday citizens, we have seen the arc of history bend toward the justice and equality so many have long sought.  In Maryland and across our nation, we are enriched by the participation of African Americans in every part of American life – from government to business, from the arts to the law, in science, in education, and in national service.  Each milestone carries us all forward. 
January 31, 2012
A key component of House Democrats’ Make It In America jobs plan is taking action to ensure that our trading partners are playing fair.  President Obama has made this an important part of our trade policy and approach to economic competitiveness, and I applaud the diligence with which his Administration, including U.S. Trade Representative Ron Kirk, has successfully pursued this case before the World Trade Organization.  This ruling will discourage companies from relocating to China to take advantage of artificially-cheap raw materials, and it will help American manufacturers compete with China’s producers and create jobs here at home.