Safety is a Prioty at Jefferson Lab

All staff, users and contractors receive training to ensure they know and follow the lab's health, safety and environmental policies and procedures.

safety & environment

At Jefferson Lab, the health and safety of employees, users, contractors, visitors and the general public are our highest priorities.

In concert with federal and state regulations, and based on years of experience and benchmarking, the lab has established rules and procedures that protect health and safety.

It is lab policy to comply with all environmental regulations and laws.

It is also the lab’s policy to efficiently use energy resources, and to comply with all energy conservation legislation, executive orders and programs regarding federally owned or funded facilities.

The lab’s energy management program implements sound energy and sustainability practices, while continually investing in more efficient technology and equipment, and identifying best operating practices to conserve energy and water resources.

Managing Jefferson Lab's environment, safety, health and quality programs is the Environment, Safety, Health & Quality Division.