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Charges and Complaints

Charges Filed / Settlements/Complaints Issued

Charges alleging Unfair Labor Practices are filed by individuals, unions or employers at NLRB regional offices, prompting an investigation by regional field examiners and attorneys. More than half of all charges are withdrawn or dismissed. In cases where an investigation finds probable merit, the majority settle by agreements between the parties. If no settlement can be reached, the Regional Director issues a complaint detailing the alleged violations.

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Year ULP Charges Settlements Complaints Issued
2001 28,124 10,876 2,247
2002 30,177 10,684 2,284
2003 28,781 10,923 2,067
2004 26,890 10,632 1,840
2005 24,720 9,722 1,373
2006 23,091 8,848 1,272
2007 22,331 8,149 1,099
2008 22,497 8,379 1,108
2009 22,943 7,767 1,166
2010 23,523 7,696 1,243
2011 22,177 6,246 1,342