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Houston Chronicle Coverage of Olson Shuttle Accountability Language

Chronicle Blog
U.S. House passes bill demanding shuttle accountability

Tucked into what is largely an agriculture appropriations bill (H.R. 2112) House lawmakers have required NASA to regularly report on the progress of parsing out its retired shuttle orbiters to museums in Florida, New York, Washington D.C. and California. The orbiter language, in the bill passed today, requires quarterly reports from NASA that include the following information:

1)Expected dates of the physical transfer of each orbiter to its final destination
2) The total cost to NASA (net of any contribution made by the orbiter recipient) for the storage, preparation and transport of each orbiter
3) Details on how each orbiter will be physically moved and a plan for ensuring the safety of the orbiters in transit
4) A description of each recipient’s physical and educational plan for displaying its orbiter
5) Notification if any orbiter recipient has failed to meet a financial or physical milestone to which it had committed as a condition of orbiter receipt and, if so, an action plan for how NASA and the recipient will address that missed milestone.

Additionally, the language states that if NASA determines that a recipient cannot or will not meet the milestones (financial or physical) to which it committed as a condition of orbiter receipt, NASA should immediately notify the Congress and provide a proposed course of action. The bill is expected to soon pass the Senate and be signed by President Obama, said U.S. Rep. Pete Olson, who chafedat NASA’s decision to not award an orbiter to Houston. “In the wake of recent reports on alternate plans for displaying Enterprise in New York City, taxpayers deserve to know that the cities scheduled to receive orbiters can and will fully meet their obligations,” Olson said in a statement. “If they don’t, Congress will hold them accountable and consider alternate options. Several qualified cities, particularly Houston, the home of Mission Control, would gladly absorb the cost of hosting an orbiter. This language puts both the recipients of the orbiters and NASA on notice that Congress will demand accountability.”The request comes as New York’s Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum is having difficultymeeting some of the commitments it promised to NASA during the bidding process.

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