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Building & Fire Research Software

(showing 1 - 15 of 15)
4sight: Concrete Service Life Prediction
Last Modified: 09/09/2011

The 4SIGHT computer program combines electro-diffusive transport, permeation, and chemical reaction to predict the ingress of external species … more

Last Modified: 08/01/2011

Life-cycle costing software for preliminary bridge design BridgeLCC is user-friendly life-cycle costing software developed by the National … more

Educational VCCTL Software
Last Modified: 09/15/2012

The educational version of the Virtual Cement and Concrete Testing Laboratory (eVCCTL) software provides a virtual testing laboratory environment … more

IFC File Analyzer
Last Modified: 08/28/2012

The IFC File Analyzer generates a spreadsheet from an IFC file. IFC (Industry Foundation Classes) is the data exchange standard used to facilitate … more

Software: BEES
Last Modified: 04/18/2011

The BEES ( B uilding for E nvironmental and E conomic S ustainability) software brings to your fingertips a powerful technique for selecting … more

Software: CET
Last Modified: 10/05/2010

The cost-effectiveness software tool helps users make straightforward and consistent comparisons of risk mitigation strategies based on … more

Software: CFAST
Last Modified: 02/22/2012

The Consolidated Model of Fire and Smoke Transport, CFAST, is a computer program that fire investigators, safety officials, engineers, architects … more

Software: CONTAM
Last Modified: 03/14/2012

CONTAM is a multizone indoor air quality and ventilation analysis computer program designed to help you determine: (a) airflows: infiltration, … more

Software: EVAP-COND
Last Modified: 11/16/2010

EVAP-COND is a software package that contains NIST's simulation models for a finned-tube evaporator and condenser. EVAP-COND's help menu … more

Software: FDS and Smokeview
Last Modified: 07/13/2012

  Fire Dynamics Simulator (FDS) is a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model of fire-driven fluid flow. The software solves numerically … more

Software: LoopDA
Last Modified: 03/14/2012

LoopDA is a natural ventilation design tool developed by the National Institute of Standards and Technology. Version 3.0 is an update to the … more

Software: Risk Mitigation Toolkit
Last Modified: 10/05/2010

  The Risk Mitigation Toolkit is a central source for identifying and retrieving risk assessment and risk management guidance documents, … more

Software: Sprinkler Use Decisioning
Last Modified: 05/24/2011

Sprinkler Use Decisioning is a Web-tool designed to facilitate economic analysis of residential fire sprinklers at the homeowner-and … more

Software: ToGS
Last Modified: 10/05/2010

Turnout Gear Selector (ToGS) helps the manufacturers, purchasers and users of fire turnout gear evaluate and select the turnout coat and pants … more

Last Modified: 08/22/2012

SteelVis is a viewer for CIS/2 files and a translator from CIS/2 to IFC files.  Uses are described below. The CIMSteel … more

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Gaithersburg, MD 20899-1070