Next Generation Fire Suppression Technology Program

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The NGP was initiated in 1997 to find suitable replacement technologies for halon 1301, a potent depleter of stratospheric ozone, for use in existing weapons systems. The rationale and Program description can be found in the FY1996 document under Publications. While the early NGP research was proving successful in providing both necessary understanding of and direction for fire suppression technologies, there was continuing engineering underway to test evolving commercial technologies. In November 1999, a more modest NGP was conceived with a focus on fire suppression technologies for aircraft. The evolution of and strategy for the updated NGP is described in the FY2000 strategy document. Under Publications, both documents are provided for the reader, since the new version refers extensively to the original.

The NGP reached completion in 2007. The final report is available for download by clicking on the "Final Report" link on the left of this page or on CD by clicking on "Contacts." A limited number of bound copies are available for libraries and may be requested by clicking on "Contacts."


Richard G. Gann, Ph.D.,
Senior Research Scientist
Building and Fire Research Laboratory
National Institute of Standards and Technology
Gaithersburg, MD 20899-8665
Phone: (301) 975-6866
Fax: (301) 975-3652