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  1. Telework Strategy Solutions
    Rate: $0.00

    Telework Strategy Solutions

    PSC works with the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) to provide services that assist organizations in developing and implementing telework programs.

PSC works with the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) to provide services that assist organizations in developing and implementing telework programs. These programs reduce operating costs, increase employee morale, expand recruiting scope, minimize environmental impact, and decrease energy consumption.

Services offered include:

  • Evaluation of the organization’s telework knowledge
  • Review of the organization’s telework policy
  • Guidance for determining position classification and eligibility
  • Advice for aligning individual and organizational performance with telework strategies
  • Training for managers and employees
  • Development of individual employee telework plans

Offered to:

All federal agencies


By agreement per customer


301-957-0567; jamie.cooke@psc.hhs.gov