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Interior Regional Emergency Coordination Councils (I-RECCs)

The Interior Regional Emergency Coordination Councils (I-RECCs) provide DOI bureaus and offices a mechanism to communicate and maintain liaison and coordination between I-RECC members and with each Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) region, including Regional Interagency Steering Committees (RISCs) and Regional Resource Coordination Centers (RRCCs). I-RECCs give DOI the ability to coordinate emergency activities across bureaus and offices. Members of the I-RECC are designated from each bureau/office that has capabilities or program equities within the region. Membership on the I-RECCs are coordinated through each Bureau's Emergency Coordinator and members have broad knowledge of their bureau's capabilities within the region.

The I-RECCs emergency management activities are coordinated with other Federal agencies as well as with State, local, and tribal governments. The I-RECCs are coordinating mechanisms and do not supplant the authority of bureaus or offices to manage resources within the region. The chairman of each I-RECC coordinates with I-RECC members to assure Departmental participation in regional emergency planning and response activities, and dissemination of information regarding these activities to all I-RECC members. At a minimum, I-RECCs meet quarterly.

Interior Regional Emergency Coordination Councils (I-RECCs) are located in the ten FEMA regions and in Alaska. The I-RECCs serve as a coordinating mechanism for emergency planning and response activities among the Interior bureaus which have lands or offices in the region, and provide points of contact for liaison with FEMA and other Federal, State, tribal and local agencies.

regional map Region I Region II Region III Region IV Region V Region VI Region VII Region VIII Region IX Region X Region AK