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Office of Climate, Water, and Weather Services
NWS Hydrologic Services Division

Function: The Hydrologic Services Division oversees National Weather Service plans, policies, and procedures for hydrologic warning and forecast operation. HSD staff identify and validate service needs and establish operational requirements for hydrologic observations and forecasting applications. The Division manages and supports hydrologic services to the nation. The Division also helps prioritize requirements-driven science and technology development to improve products and services. Staff oversee and coordinates requirements for hydrologic training in the NWS. The Division represents the NWS on interagency, national and international groups and at forums on hydrology and water management.

Structure: HSD is comprised of two branches.

Hydrologic Services Branch: W/OS31, (WB0310)
Chief: Mary Mullusky

The Hydrologic Services Administration Branch oversees the NWS hydrologic warning and forecast program. Staff set operating policy and procedures and coordinates the design, validation and implementation of new products and services, establishes and maintains customer partnerships, and designs the strategic vision for hydrologic services. This Branch represents NWS on interagency and national forums on matters concerning hydrology and water management. The Branch coordinates NWS hydrologic training and works with other groups to support hydrologic customer awareness and education, including the:

Hydrologic Support Branch: W/OS32 (WB0320)
Chief: Mark Glaudemans

The Hydrologic Field Support Branch provides real-time, operational support and maintenance for nationally-delivered hydrologic applications. Staff define and establish operational requirements for hydrologic observations and forecasting applications. The Branch works with NWS field offices to solicit user-feedback on forecast applications techniques and to prioritize requirements-driven science and technology developments to improve products and services. The branch is responsible for the Weather Forecast Office Hydrology Field Support and the River Forecast Center Field Support."

NOAA, National Weather Service
Office of Climate, Water, and Weather Services
1325 East West Highway
Silver Spring, MD 20910
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Last Updated: January 5, 2012