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Agency for Healthcare Research Quality

Treating Tobacco Use and Dependence

Slide Presentation (Overview)

For public use, these slides are based on the Public Health Service (PHS)-Sponsored Clinical Practice Guideline—Treating Tobacco Use and Dependence: 2008 Update. They include many of the evidence tables and recommendations contained in this clinical practice guideline.

Select to download the PowerPoint® slides (1.5 MB; Text Version) (Plugin Software Help).

This presentation is organized into three main sections:

  1. Brief history and developmental process.
  2. Key findings of interest.
  3. Getting more information.

If all are used, the slides are suitable for a 30- to 40-minute presentation; however, presenters can select the most relevant slides for a particular topic. Many of the slides also include talking points for presenters that can be accessed by selecting View/Notes Page from the Powerpoint® Menu.

Treating Tobacco Use and Dependence: 2008 Update (Text Version of Slide Presentation)

  1. Treating Tobacco Use and Dependence: 2008 Update
  2. 2008 PHS Clinical Practice Guideline Update: Treating Tobacco Use and Dependence
  3. 2008 PHS Clinical Practice Guideline Update: Treating Tobacco Use and Dependence (continued)
  4. 2008 PHS Clinical Practice Guideline: Treating Tobacco Use and Dependence Update
  5. 2008 PHS Clinical Practice Guideline: Treating Tobacco Use and Dependence (continued)
  6. Funded by
  7. Panel Members
  8. PHS Liaisons
  9. Guideline Update Development Phases
  10. Final Selected Topics
  11. Peer Review/Public Comment
  12. 2008 PHS Clinical Practice Guideline Update: Treating Tobacco Use and Dependence
  13. Combinations: Medication and Counseling
  14. Combinations: Medication and Counseling (continued)
  15. Treatment Recommendations—Counseling
  16. Strength of Evidence for Recommendations
  17. Pro-Active Quitlines
  18. Pro-Active Quitlines (continued)
  19. Medication
  20. Varenicline
  21. Nicotine Lozenge
  22. Relative Efficacy
  23. Medication Recommendation
  24. Specific Populations
  25. Specific Populations (continued)
  26. Low Socio-Economic Status/Limited Formal Education
  27. Psychiatric Disorders Including Substance Use Disorders
  28. Specific Populations and Other Topics
  29. Adolescent Smokers
  30. Adolescent Smokers (continued)
  31. Pregnant Smokers
  32. System Recommendations
  33. Pregnant Smokers (continued)
  34. Intervention as a Covered Health Benefit
  35. Intervention as a Covered Health Benefit (continued)
  36. Intervention as a Covered Health Benefit (continued)
  37. Systems Interventions: Clinician Training and Chart Reminders
  38. Systems Interventions: Clinician Training and Chart Reminders (continued)
  39. Systems Interventions: Clinician Training and Chart Reminders (continued)
  40. Systems Interventions: Clinician Training and Chart Reminders (continued)
  41. For Smokers Not Willing To Make a Quit Attempt at This Time
  42. The "5 A's" Model for Treating Tobacco Use and Dependence—2000
  43. The "5 A's" Model for Treating Tobacco Use and Dependence—2008
  44. The "5 A's" Model for Treating Tobacco Use and Dependence—2008 (continued)
  45. 10 Key Guideline Recommendations
  46. 10 Key Guideline Recommendations (Numbers 1 and 2)
  47. 10 Key Guideline Recommendations (Number 3)
  48. 10 Key Guideline Recommendations (Numbers 4 and 5)
  49. 10 Key Guideline Recommendations (Number 6)
  50. 10 Key Guideline Recommendations (Numbers 7 and 8)
  51. 10 Key Guideline Recommendations (Numbers 9 and 10)
  52. 2008 PHS Clinical Practice Guideline Update: Treating Tobacco Use and Dependence (continued)
  53. Key Guideline Web Links

Current as of June 2009

Internet Citation:

Treating Tobacco Use and Dependence: 2008 Update. Slide presentation (Overview). Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD.


AHRQAdvancing Excellence in Health Care