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Electronics Materials Group


OE Leah and Youngsuk - GloveboxThe Electronics Materials Group promotes U. S. innovation and industrial competitiveness by aiding in the development and use of polymeric materials for electronic devices. The scope of these applications is diverse, ranging from the chemically amplified photoresists, where the polymer serves as a sacrificial template for pattern transfer in traditional CMOS integrated circuits, to next generation organic semiconductor devices where the polymer itself is the electrically active component. To accomplish our mission, we focus on providing measurement solutions to materials related roadblocks that hinder the advancement of these technologies. This is done by leveraging our expertise in polymers in thin films and nanoscale structures, polymers at the interface of inorganic or dissimilar materials, and a deep expertise in optical, X-ray, and neutron characterization techniques. With this powerful suite of characterization tools, we develop integrated measurement solutions for these technologies related to the molecular structure and morphology of the polymeric components. Our goal is to be the key resource within the Federal Government for materials metrology development for commercial electronics manufacturing.


Dimensional Metrology for Nanofabrication—Our goal is to develop measurements that quantify the shape, size, orientation, and fidelity of nanoscale patterns as a platform to quantitatively evaluate nanofabrication and assembly processes. …

COMPLETED:  Polymers for Next-Generation Lithography—Our goal is to develop measurement methods with sufficiently high spatial resolution to uncover the materials limitations in the resolution of state-of-the-art photoresist formulations. …

Metrology for Nanoimprint Lithography—Our goal is to develop, advance, and demonstrate measurements that facilitate Nanoimprint Lithography (NIL) as a viable technology for the patterning of robust, reliable, and functional …

Energy Storage & Delivery—The goal of the project is to develop measurement methods to characterize the nanoscale structure and dynamics of polymer electrolyte membranes (PEMs) to enable the development of robust fuel …

Organic Electronics and Photovoltaics—Our goal is to develop an integrated suite of nondestructive measurement methods to evaluate organic-based electrical devices and tie both the electrical performance and interfacial morphology of …

COMPLETED: Templated Assembly of Block Copolymer Films—Our goal is to develop critical measurement solutions that enable nanomanufacturing with template guided block copolymer assembly for next generation magnetic data storage, nanoscale electronics, …

COMPLETED: Dimensional Metrology for Nanoscale Patterns— Our goal is to develop and demonstrate precise measurement methods that quantify the physical shape, critical dimensions (CD) and the structure of nanoscale patterns and thin films …


Material Measurement Laboratory (MML)

Polymers Division
Christopher Soles, Group Leader

301-975-8087 Phone
301-975-3928 Facsimile

100 Bureau Dr. M/S 8541
Gaithersburg, MD 20899-8541