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Selections Branch Article

Selection Boards

Our Mission

The DA Secretariat conducts all centralized Active Component, Reserve Component, Officer and Non-Commissioned Officer selection boards, providing administrative and technical support to selection boards in order to select the best qualified Officers and NCOs for promotion, command, and school. 

The DA Secretariat conducts over 80 boards each year.  These include all Officer promotion boards from the grade of Chief Warrant Officer Three through Major General, Centralized Selection List (CSL) boards for Lieutenant Colonel and Colonel command and key billets, and school boards to select eligible Officers to attend Intermediate Level Education and Senior Service College.  The DA Secretariat also conducts the Army's Senior NCO promotion boards from Sergeant First Class to Sergeant Major, and the Command Sergeant Major CSL boards.

Law (Title 10, USC) and Army policies govern the selection board process.  It is a fair and equitable process with many safeguards to ensure that high standards are maintained and that the integrity of the process is absolute and above reproach.  Whether you're coming to HRC as a board member or seeking more information about the selection process, we welcome you.

Board Schedules

My Board File

Board Results

Professional Development Tools

Board Preparation



Frequently Asked Questions