Joining Forces Blog

  • USTA Launches PSA to Highlight Efforts to Use Tennis to Support Military Families

    As part of Joining Forces, the United States Tennis Association (USTA) is launching a new Public Service Announcement today featuring Dr. Jill Biden that describes the many ways the USTA is using tennis to inspire and help connect service members and military families.

    The USTA has made an unprecedented effort through its Military Outreach Program to reach more than 100,000 service members and military families to introduce them to the benefits of tennis. The USTA uses programs to reach service members and military families in communities and on bases, and to help wounded warriors through tennis therapy clinics when they come home.

    “Tennis can connect our service men and women with each other, their families, and their communities,” Dr. Biden said. “Joining Forces is proud to have partners like the USTA, whose support honors the courage and sacrifice of our military families.”

    As part of the USTA’s Military Outreach Program, the US Open will host a Military Appreciation Day on Monday, September 3rd, 2012 to honor and acknowledge the sacrifice of 14 Wounded Warriors.

    Watch the PSA here or below and to learn more about Joining Forces visit, like Joining Forces on Facebook and follow @JoiningForces on Twitter.

    Melanie Kaye is the Communications Director to Dr. Jill Biden

  • Announcing 125,000 Hires Through Joining Forces

    Earlier this week, First Lady Michelle Obama traveled to Naval Station Mayport near Jacksonville, Florida to announce that 2,000 private sector businesses had hired or trained 125,000 veterans and military spouses in the past year through Joining Forces.

    Check out behind the scenes footage from the announcement event in this new video, and hear veterans discuss what this initiative has meant to them as they transition back to civilian life and look for work that allows them to use the skills and experience they gained in the military to continue serving our country. 

  • First Lady Announces 125,000 Veterans and Military Spouses Hired Through Joining Forces

    First Lady Michelle Obama delivers remarks during a Joining Forces event (August 22, 2012)

    First Lady Michelle Obama delivers remarks announcing a major veterans and military spouse employment milestone during a Joining Forces 125,000th hire event at Naval Station Mayport in Jacksonville, Florida, Aug. 22, 2012. (Official White House Photo by Chuck Kennedy)

    Earlier today, I joined with First Lady Michelle Obama at Naval Station Mayport near Jacksonville, Florida as she announced that 2,000 companies had hired or trained an amazing 125,000 veterans and military spouses in the past year through Joining Forces.

    This effort, combined with policies and legislation put in place by the President have resulted in a 20 percent decrease in veteran unemployment compared to this time last year.

    It was an extraordinary event, set among several Navy Seahawk helicopters, that kicked off with a new Joining Forces video telling the story of how we got to today's announcement. Hundreds of Sailors from on Navy's premier warships and helicopter squadrons were in attendance along with their families.

    The Chief of Naval Personnel, Vice Admiral Scott Van Buskirk, was there and delivered inspiring remarks.

    Leaders of businesses who have been hiring literally thousands of veterans were there -- and they brought with them veterans and spouses who they hired in the past year.

    As several of the veterans told me, Joining Forces has made a significant impact on their lives.

  • Healthy Food for Kids Is a Matter of National Security

    The Army operates child development programs in over fifty percent of the states and several foreign countries, literally around the globe. Ensuring children receive healthy meals and snacks has always been a challenge. Although eligible programs participate in the USDA food program, there is a wide variety of food choices that qualify for reimbursement, some of which are not as healthy as others. Encouraged by Ms. Obama’s initiative to reduce childhood obesity, a series of nutritionally balanced menus were developed by Mary Ellen Pratt, Chief of Army Child Development programs.

    The idea started after visiting several installation Army child development programs and seeing first-hand the types of food children were being served – both in quantity and quality. Ms. Pratt said, “I remember saying to someone after looking at a full food cart of fish sticks, saltine crackers, fried potatoes, corn and milk and saying, “Oh good, I haven’t missed watching the meal service” and her reply, “Oh, yes, you did – those are the leftovers.” The food was not just unhealthy, much of it was undesirable from the child’s perspective. Ms. Pratt goes on to say, “I also began listening to the ideas of the “Let’s Move” campaign and realizing I had the ability to really affect a huge number of children if I just did something to fix the problem.” 

  • Helping Veterans Succeed at Home

    Desert Storm veteran Jason Tobey served in the United States Marine Corps for six years before receiving an honorable discharge and returning home. Like many veterans, he faced difficulty in this transition, searching for jobs and exploring different careers, but never finding one that was the right fit. Jason enrolled in a Goodwill microenterprise development program gaining new skills that helped him launch his own security business. Not only is his firm succeeding, but Jason is also able to pay it forward—employing other military veterans and their families as they seek to make the same transition. 

    Every day, hundreds of military veterans like Jason change out of their uniforms. Goodwill is proud to be one of the organizations that have answered First Lady Michelle Obama and Dr. Jill Biden’s call to help these veterans and their families. Through the Goodwill for America’s Heroes and their Families program, they have served more than 51,000 veterans and family members, and helped more than 1,350 find meaningful employment.  

  • U.S. Coast Guard – Focused on America’s Military Families

    Military spouses gathered in New Orleans last week to talk about issues and concerns involving military families. This gathering was held in conjunction with the National Naval Officers Association (NNOA), an organization composed of military officers from the three Sea Services. This is yet another example of how the President, through his policies and government agency actions reinforces the importance of “Joining Forces”. Joining Forces is a comprehensive national initiative sponsored by the First Lady and Dr. Biden. Joining Forces was developed to mobilize all sectors of society to give our service members and their families the opportunities and support they have earned.

    Coast Gaurd Spouses

    During the meeting of NNOA spouses, Mrs. Linda Papp, spouse of the 24th Commandant of the U.S. Coast Guard, Admiral Robert J. Papp, Jr., talked about President Obama’s commitment to strengthen our military families. Mrs. Papp noted that support for military families is more than just a command responsibility, and encouraged attendees to help get the word out about available resources to military families. “We are the best support system for our military members,” said Papp.