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RSS and Podcast News Feeds

Use OSTI's RSS/Podcast feeds to Get OSTI news, announcements, and product or service updates delivered directly to your desktop or MP3 player.

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What Is RSS?

RSS (Really Simple Syndication or Rich Site Summary) allows users to stay up-to-date on changing content. RSS feeds often include headlines, news, events, blog entries or other content that frequently changes. RSS employs an XML-based structure that includes a title, date, brief description, and a link to the full text of content. Feeds can be read through a feed reader, or aggregator, that often can be downloaded for free.

To View Feeds

Using Internet Explorer 7

You can view feeds using Internet Explorer 7 on the Feeds tab in the Favorites Center. To view your feeds, select the Favorites Center button Picture of the Favorites Center button, and then select Feeds Picture of the Feeds button.

Using Feed Readers

RSS feed readers can be downloaded and installed, often for free. Lists of available feed readers can be found from a number of sources, including News on Feeds, DMOZ Open Directory Project exit federal site , and your favorite search engine, such as Google exit federal site or Yahoo exit federal site. In addition, a What Is RSS? tutorial can be found at the site.

What Is Podcast?

A podcast is an audio and/or video file that can be downloaded to a portable digital audio player (also known as an MP3 player). The word "podcast" is a combination of the terms "iPod" (Apple's portable digital audio player) and "broadcast." The subject matter of podcasts is often news, events, and commentary on current events.

The advantage of podcasts is that they can be downloaded to portable digital audio players, enabling podcast users to listen to or watch podcasts wherever and whenever they like.

To Get a Podcast Aggregator (MP3 Podcast)

Podcast aggregators are available for free, from a number of sources. Apple's iTunes exit federal site software (PC and Mac), jPodder exit federal site (PC), and Juice exit federal site (PC, Mac, and Linux) are available as a free download, and to access a tutorial on podcasting, see the podcasting tutorial at

Learn More about RSS

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