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These data represent the following characteristics of wilderness: naturalness, solitude, and opportunities for primitive/unconfined recreation.<BR /><BR /> </FONT> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <H3>FGDC and ESRI Metadata:</H3> <UL> <LI><A HREF="#Identification_Information">Identification Information</A></LI> <LI><A HREF="#Data_Quality_Information">Data Quality Information</A></LI> <LI><A HREF="#Spatial_Data_Organization_Information">Spatial Data Organization Information</A></LI> <LI><A HREF="#Spatial_Reference_Information">Spatial Reference Information</A></LI> <LI><A HREF="#Entity_and_Attribute_Information">Entity and Attribute Information</A></LI> <LI><A HREF="#375738720"> Distribution Information </A></LI> <LI><A HREF="#Metadata_Reference_Information">Metadata Reference Information</A></LI> <LI><A HREF="#Binary_Enclosures">Binary Enclosures</A></LI> </UL> <BLOCKQUOTE><FONT SIZE="1"> Metadata elements shown with blue text are defined in the Federal Geographic Data Committee's (FGDC) <A TARGET="viewer" HREF="http://www.fgdc.gov/metadata/contstan.html"> <I>Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata (CSDGM)</I></A>. Elements shown with <FONT color="#006400">green</FONT> text are defined in the <A TARGET="viewer" HREF="http://www.esri.com/metadata/esriprof80.html"> <I>ESRI Profile of the CSDGM</I>.</A> Elements shown with a green asterisk (<FONT color="#006400">*</FONT>) will be automatically updated by ArcCatalog. ArcCatalog adds hints indicating which FGDC elements are mandatory; these are shown with <FONT color="#999999">gray</FONT> text. </FONT></BLOCKQUOTE> <A name="Identification_Information"><HR /></A> <DL> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA" size="3"><B>Identification Information:</B></FONT></DT> <BR /><BR /> <DD> <DL> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Citation:</B></FONT></DT> <DD> <DL> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Citation information:</B></FONT></DT> <DD> <DL> <DT> <FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Originators:</B></FONT> Bureau of Land Management, Arizona Strip District Office (BLM-ASDO)</DT> <BR /><BR /><DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Title:</B></FONT></DT> <DD>Areas with Wilderness Characteristics</DD> <DT><FONT color="#006400">*</FONT><FONT color="#006400"><B>File or table name:</B></FONT> mwc_appr</DT> <BR /><BR /><DT> <FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Publication date:</B></FONT> 200802</DT> <DT><FONT color="#006400">*</FONT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Geospatial data presentation form:</B></FONT> vector digital data</DT> <BR /><BR /><DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Publication information:</B></FONT></DT> <DD> <DL> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Publication place:</B></FONT> St. George, Utah</DT> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Publisher:</B></FONT> BLM-ASDO</DT> </DL> </DD> <BR /> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Online linkage:</B></FONT> <A TARGET="viewer" HREF="http://www.blm.gov/az/st/en/prog/maps/gis_files.html#strip"> http://www.blm.gov/az/st/en/prog/maps/gis_files.html#strip</A> </DT> <BR /><BR /></DL> </DD> </DL> </DD> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Description:</B></FONT></DT> <DD> <DL> <DIV> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Abstract:</B></FONT></DT> <PRE ID="original">These data represent those polygons selected by management staff to be included in Arizona Strip District Records of Decision and Approved Management Plan (2008) to be managed to contain wilderness characteristics. These data represent the following characteristics of wilderness: naturalness, solitude, and opportunities for primitive/unconfined recreation.</PRE> <SCRIPT>fix(original)</SCRIPT> </DIV><BR /> <DIV> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Purpose:</B></FONT></DT> <PRE ID="original">For regional analysis and display at 1:45,000. This dataset was prepared/acquired for use in the ASDO resource management planning process. These data establish a layer that spatially represents those acres on the Arizona Strip District that contain two or more of the wilderness characteristics of naturalness, solitude, and primitive/unconfined recreation.</PRE> <SCRIPT>fix(original)</SCRIPT> </DIV><BR /> <DIV> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Supplemental information:</B></FONT></DT> <PRE ID="original">Dataset locally known as mwc_appr. This dataset and other datasets in the Arizona Strip District Office Geographic Information Database (ASDOGID) represent data for the BLM Arizona Strip District Office, and may include the Arizona Strip Field Office, Vermilion Cliffs National Monument (VCNM) and/or the Grand Canyon-Parashant National Monument (GCPNM or PARA). The Grand Canyon-Parashant National Monument is managed jointly by the BLM and the National Park Service (NPS)._</PRE> <SCRIPT>fix(original)</SCRIPT> </DIV><BR /> <DT><FONT color="#006400">*</FONT><FONT color="#006400"><B>Language of dataset:</B></FONT> en</DT><BR /><BR /> </DL> </DD> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Time period of content:</B></FONT></DT> <DD> <DL> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Time period information:</B></FONT></DT> <DD> <DL> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Single date/time:</B></FONT></DT> <DD> <DL> <DT> <FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Calendar date:</B></FONT> 200802</DT> </DL> </DD> </DL> </DD> <BR /> <DIV> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Currentness reference:</B></FONT></DT> <PRE ID="original">ground condition</PRE> <SCRIPT>fix(original)</SCRIPT> </DIV><BR /> </DL> </DD> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Status:</B></FONT></DT> <DD> <DL> <DT> <FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Progress:</B></FONT> Complete</DT> <DT> <FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Maintenance and update frequency:</B></FONT> None planned</DT> </DL> </DD> <BR /> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Spatial domain:</B></FONT></DT> <DD> <DL> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Bounding coordinates:</B></FONT></DT> <DD> <DL> <DT><FONT color="#006400">*</FONT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>West bounding coordinate:</B></FONT> -114.074884</DT> <DT><FONT color="#006400">*</FONT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>East bounding coordinate:</B></FONT> -111.640558</DT> <DT><FONT color="#006400">*</FONT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>North bounding coordinate:</B></FONT> 37.006185</DT> <DT><FONT color="#006400">*</FONT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>South bounding coordinate:</B></FONT> 36.082957</DT> </DL> </DD> <BR /> <DT><FONT color="#006400"><B>Local bounding coordinates:</B></FONT></DT> <DD> <DL> <DT><FONT color="#006400">*</FONT><FONT color="#006400"><B>Left bounding coordinate:</B></FONT> 226258.014400</DT> <DT><FONT color="#006400">*</FONT><FONT color="#006400"><B>Right bounding coordinate:</B></FONT> 442355.118000</DT> <DT><FONT color="#006400">*</FONT><FONT color="#006400"><B>Top bounding coordinate:</B></FONT> 4095754.693100</DT> <DT><FONT color="#006400">*</FONT><FONT color="#006400"><B>Bottom bounding coordinate:</B></FONT> 3997429.097000</DT> </DL> </DD> <BR /> </DL> </DD> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Keywords:</B></FONT></DT> <DD> <DL> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Theme:</B></FONT></DT> <DD> <DL> <DT> <FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Theme keywords:</B></FONT> Bureau of Land Management, BLM, National Park Service, NPS, Wilderness, Wilderness characteristics</DT> <DT> <FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Theme keyword thesaurus:</B></FONT> None</DT> </DL> </DD> <BR /> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Theme:</B></FONT></DT> <DD> <DL> <DT> <FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Theme keywords:</B></FONT> Society</DT> <DT> <FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Theme keyword thesaurus:</B></FONT> ISO 19115</DT> </DL> </DD> <BR /> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Theme:</B></FONT></DT> <DD> <DL> <DT> <FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Theme keywords:</B></FONT> Recreation</DT> <DT> <FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Theme keyword thesaurus:</B></FONT> BLM-Theme</DT> </DL> </DD> <BR /> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Place:</B></FONT></DT> <DD> <DL> <DT> <FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Place keywords:</B></FONT> Arizona, Arizona Strip District Office, Arizona Strip Field Office, Grand Canyon Parashant National Monument, Vermilion Cliffs National Monument</DT> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Place keyword thesaurus:</B></FONT> BLM-State</DT> </DL> </DD> <BR /> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Place:</B></FONT></DT> <DD> <DL> <DT> <FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Place keywords:</B></FONT> Arizona Strip, Arizona Strip District Office, Arizona Strip Field Office, Grand Canyon-Parashant National Monument, Vermilion Cliffs National Monument</DT> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Place keyword thesaurus:</B></FONT> None</DT> </DL> </DD> <BR /> </DL> </DD> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Access constraints:</B></FONT> Discretionary, contains no sensitive information - generally considered releasable.</DT> <DIV> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Use constraints:</B></FONT></DT> <PRE ID="original">This data should not be used at a scale larger than 1:45,000. The data and corresponding attributes are only as accurate as the source maps from which they were obtained, and may vary depending on the data and method of acquisition. This data is suitable for regional planning, management decision support at intermediate scales (i.e. 1:45,000 or smaller), and cartographic purposes. The data is not suitable for analysis at scales larger than 1:45,000. If the Receiving Agency (RA) has modified the data in any way, they are obligated to describe the types of modifications they have performed on hardcopy maps utilizing the data. RA specifically agrees not to misrepresent ASDOGID datasets or to imply that any changes made were approved by BLM ASDO or NPS. No warranty is made by the BLM/NPS for use of the data for purposes not intended by BLM/NPS. This information may be updated without notification.</PRE> <SCRIPT>fix(original)</SCRIPT> </DIV> <BR /><DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Point of contact:</B></FONT></DT> <DD> <DL> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Contact information:</B></FONT></DT> <DD> <DL> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Contact person primary:</B></FONT></DT> <DD> <DL> <DT> <FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Contact person:</B></FONT> Todd Calico</DT> <DT> <FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Contact organization:</B></FONT> Bureau of Land Management, Arizona Strip District Office (BLM-ASDO)</DT> </DL> </DD> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Contact position:</B></FONT> GIS Specialist</DT> <BR /><BR /><DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Contact address:</B></FONT></DT> <DD> <DL> <DT> <FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Address type:</B></FONT> mailing and physical address</DT> <DIV> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Address:</B></FONT></DT> <PRE ID="original">345 East Riverside Dr.</PRE> <SCRIPT>fix(original)</SCRIPT> </DIV> <DT> <FONT color="#0000AA"><B>City:</B></FONT> St. George</DT> <DT> <FONT color="#0000AA"><B>State or province:</B></FONT> Utah</DT> <DT> <FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Postal code:</B></FONT> 84790</DT> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Country:</B></FONT> USA</DT> </DL> </DD> <BR /> <DT> <FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Contact voice telephone:</B></FONT> (435)688-3212</DT> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Contact TDD/TTY telephone:</B></FONT> (435)688-3200</DT> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Contact facsimile telephone:</B></FONT> (435)688-3258</DT> <BR /><BR /><DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Contact electronic mail address:</B></FONT> todd_calico@blm.gov</DT> <BR /><BR /><DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Hours of service:</B></FONT> 8:00 am to 4:30 pm</DT> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Contact instructions:</B></FONT></DT> <DIV> <PRE ID="original">Please use email to contact.</PRE> <SCRIPT>fix(original)</SCRIPT> </DIV> <BR /></DL> </DD> </DL> </DD> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Security information:</B></FONT></DT> <DD> <DL> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Security classification:</B></FONT> Unclassified</DT> </DL> </DD> <BR /> <DT><FONT color="#006400">*</FONT><FONT color="#006400"><B>Native dataset format:</B></FONT> Shapefile</DT> <DT><FONT color="#006400">*</FONT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Native data set environment:</B></FONT></DT> <DD>Microsoft Windows XP Version 5.1 (Build 2600) Service Pack 2; ESRI ArcCatalog</DD> <BR /><BR /><DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Cross reference:</B></FONT></DT> <DD> <DL> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Citation information:</B></FONT></DT> <DD> <DL> <DT> <FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Originators:</B></FONT> U.S. Department of the Interior, Arizona Strip District, Bureau of Land Management</DT> <BR /><BR /><DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Title:</B></FONT></DT> <DD>Arizona Strip Field Office Record of Decision (ROD) / Resource Management Plan</DD> <BR /><BR /><DT> <FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Publication date:</B></FONT> 200802</DT> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Geospatial data presentation form:</B></FONT> map</DT> <BR /><BR /><DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Online linkage:</B></FONT> <A TARGET="viewer" HREF="http://www.blm.gov/az/st/en/info/nepa/environmental_library/arizona_resource_management.html"> http://www.blm.gov/az/st/en/info/nepa/environmental_library/arizona_resource_management.html</A> </DT> <BR /><BR /></DL> </DD> </DL> </DD> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Cross reference:</B></FONT></DT> <DD> <DL> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Citation information:</B></FONT></DT> <DD> <DL> <DT> <FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Originators:</B></FONT> US Department of the Interior, Arizona Strip District, Bureau of Land Management, Lake Mead National Recreation Area, National Park Service</DT> <BR /><BR /><DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Title:</B></FONT></DT> <DD>Grand Canyon-Parashant National Monument - Record of Decision and Approved Management Plan</DD> <BR /><BR /><DT> <FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Publication date:</B></FONT> 200802</DT> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Geospatial data presentation form:</B></FONT> map</DT> <BR /><BR /><DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Online linkage:</B></FONT> <A TARGET="viewer" HREF="http://www.blm.gov/az/st/en/info/nepa/environmental_library/arizona_resource_management.html"> http://www.blm.gov/az/st/en/info/nepa/environmental_library/arizona_resource_management.html</A> </DT> <BR /><BR /></DL> </DD> </DL> </DD> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Cross reference:</B></FONT></DT> <DD> <DL> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Citation information:</B></FONT></DT> <DD> <DL> <DT> <FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Originators:</B></FONT> U.S. Department of the Interior, Arizona Strip District, Bureau of Land Management</DT> <BR /><BR /><DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Title:</B></FONT></DT> <DD>Vermilion Cliffs National Monument - Record of Decision and Approved Management Plan</DD> <BR /><BR /><DT> <FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Publication date:</B></FONT> 200802</DT> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Geospatial data presentation form:</B></FONT> map</DT> <BR /><BR /><DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Online linkage:</B></FONT> <A TARGET="viewer" HREF="http://www.blm.gov/az/st/en/info/nepa/environmental_library/arizona_resource_management.html"> http://www.blm.gov/az/st/en/info/nepa/environmental_library/arizona_resource_management.html</A> </DT> <BR /><BR /></DL> </DD> </DL> </DD> </DL> </DD> </DL> <A HREF="#Top">Back to Top</A> <A name="Data_Quality_Information"><HR /></A> <DL> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA" size="3"><B>Data Quality Information:</B></FONT></DT> <BR /><BR /> <DD> <DL> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Attribute accuracy:</B></FONT></DT> <DD> <DL> <DIV> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Attribute accuracy report:</B></FONT></DT> <PRE ID="original">Feature attributes were taken from source material. Code assignments are believed to be representative of the source document.</PRE> <SCRIPT>fix(original)</SCRIPT> </DIV> <BR /> </DL> </DD> <DIV> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Logical consistency report:</B></FONT></DT> <PRE ID="original">Data was reviewed for correct topological structure. Duplicate lines have been removed.</PRE> <SCRIPT>fix(original)</SCRIPT> </DIV> <BR /> <DIV> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Completeness report:</B></FONT></DT> <PRE ID="original">This dataset covers the entire BLM Arizona Strip District. It is constantly being reviewed and added to as additional information becomes available.</PRE> <SCRIPT>fix(original)</SCRIPT> </DIV> <BR /> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Positional accuracy:</B></FONT></DT> <DD> <DL> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Horizontal positional accuracy:</B></FONT></DT> <DD> <DL> <DIV> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Horizontal positional accuracy report:</B></FONT></DT> <PRE ID="original">The data was developed by screen digitizing polygons using a variety of field maps, photos, and other data sets. Coarse polygons were drawn in the field on maps printed with land status, transportation, and 1:24,000 or 1:100,000 digital raster graphs (DRG). These field maps were drawn to correspond with the wilderness characteristics evaluations that were written while in the field. In the office, information on the field maps was screen digitized using the same data sets in the background that were used in the field maps. Horizontal accuracy is not greater than 1:45,000. Positional accuracy was tested by visual comparison of the source data with the hard copy field maps.</PRE> <SCRIPT>fix(original)</SCRIPT> </DIV> <BR /> </DL> </DD> </DL> </DD> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Lineage:</B></FONT></DT> <DD> <DL> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Source information:</B></FONT></DT> <DD> <DL> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Source citation:</B></FONT></DT> <DD> <DL> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Citation information:</B></FONT></DT> <DD> <DL> <DT> <FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Originators:</B></FONT> Arizona Strip District Recreation Staff</DT> <BR /><BR /><DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Title:</B></FONT></DT> <DD>mwc_alte</DD> <BR /><BR /><DT> <FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Publication date:</B></FONT> 2003-2004</DT> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Geospatial data presentation form:</B></FONT> vector digital data</DT> <BR /><BR /><DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Other citation details:</B></FONT></DT> <DD>Publisher: Arizona Strip 2005 DEIS; Publication place: administrative record</DD> <BR /><BR /> </DL> </DD> </DL> </DD> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Source scale denominator:</B></FONT> 1:45,000</DT> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Type of source media:</B></FONT> digital tape media</DT> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Source citation abbreviation:</B></FONT></DT> <DD>mwc_alte</DD> <DIV> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Source contribution:</B></FONT></DT> <PRE ID="original">The data set was developed as part of identifying areas where wilderness characteristics would be maintained by Arizona Strip District recreation staff.</PRE> <SCRIPT>fix(original)</SCRIPT> </DIV> <BR /> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Source time period of content:</B></FONT></DT> <DD> <DL> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Time period information:</B></FONT></DT> <DD> <DL> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Range of dates/times:</B></FONT></DT> <DD> <DL> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Beginning date:</B></FONT> 2002</DT> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Ending date:</B></FONT> 2004</DT> </DL> </DD> </DL> </DD> <BR /> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Source currentness reference:</B></FONT></DT> <DD>ground condition</DD> </DL> </DD> <BR /> </DL> </DD> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Process step:</B></FONT></DT> <DD> <DL> <DIV> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Process description:</B></FONT></DT> <PRE ID="original">Field data collected and presented by the Arizona Wilderness Coalition (AWC) were reviewed.</PRE> <SCRIPT>fix(original)</SCRIPT> </DIV> <BR /> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Process date:</B></FONT> 200211 - 200309</DT> <BR /><BR /><DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Process contact:</B></FONT></DT> <DD> <DL> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Contact information:</B></FONT></DT> <DD> <DL> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Contact person primary:</B></FONT></DT> <DD> <DL> <DT> <FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Contact person:</B></FONT> Dave Kiel</DT> <DT> <FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Contact organization:</B></FONT> Arizona Strip District Office</DT> </DL> </DD> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Contact position:</B></FONT> Outdoor Recreation Planner</DT> <BR /><BR /><DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Contact address:</B></FONT></DT> <DD> <DL> <DT> <FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Address type:</B></FONT> mailing and physical address</DT> <DIV> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Address:</B></FONT></DT> <PRE ID="original">345 East Riverside Dr.</PRE> <SCRIPT>fix(original)</SCRIPT> </DIV> <DT> <FONT color="#0000AA"><B>City:</B></FONT> St. George</DT> <DT> <FONT color="#0000AA"><B>State or province:</B></FONT> UT</DT> <DT> <FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Postal code:</B></FONT> 84790</DT> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Country:</B></FONT> USA</DT> </DL> </DD> <BR /> <DT> <FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Contact voice telephone:</B></FONT> 435-688-3240</DT> <BR /><BR /></DL> </DD> </DL> </DD> </DL> </DD> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Process step:</B></FONT></DT> <DD> <DL> <DIV> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Process description:</B></FONT></DT> <PRE ID="original">Field trips were made to evaluate the AWC proposal. Notes were taken, photos were taken, and evaluations were written.</PRE> <SCRIPT>fix(original)</SCRIPT> </DIV> <BR /> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Process date:</B></FONT> 200304 - 200311</DT> <BR /><BR /><DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Process contact:</B></FONT></DT> <DD> <DL> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Contact information:</B></FONT></DT> <DD> <DL> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Contact person primary:</B></FONT></DT> <DD> <DL> <DT> <FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Contact person:</B></FONT> Dave Kiel</DT> <DT> <FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Contact organization:</B></FONT> Arizona Strip District Office</DT> </DL> </DD> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Contact position:</B></FONT> Outdoor Recreation Planner</DT> <BR /><BR /><DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Contact address:</B></FONT></DT> <DD> <DL> <DT> <FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Address type:</B></FONT> mailing and physical address</DT> <DIV> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Address:</B></FONT></DT> <PRE ID="original">345 East Riverside Dr.</PRE> <SCRIPT>fix(original)</SCRIPT> </DIV> <DT> <FONT color="#0000AA"><B>City:</B></FONT> St. George</DT> <DT> <FONT color="#0000AA"><B>State or province:</B></FONT> UT</DT> <DT> <FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Postal code:</B></FONT> 84790</DT> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Country:</B></FONT> USA</DT> </DL> </DD> <BR /> <DT> <FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Contact voice telephone:</B></FONT> 435-688-3240</DT> <BR /><BR /></DL> </DD> </DL> </DD> </DL> </DD> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Process step:</B></FONT></DT> <DD> <DL> <DIV> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Process description:</B></FONT></DT> <PRE ID="original">In the office, polygons were screen digitized to correspond with field collected data. This resulted in the data sets wild_nat, wild_sol, and wild_primrec, which represent the wilderness characteristics of naturalness, solitude, and primitive/unconfined recreation. These data were then analyzed by staff and used to create the data set lwc (lands with wilderness characteristics).</PRE> <SCRIPT>fix(original)</SCRIPT> </DIV> <BR /> <DT><FONT color="#006400"><B>Process software and version:</B></FONT> ESRI ArcView 3.x</DT> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Process date:</B></FONT> 200312 - 200403</DT> <BR /><BR /><DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Process contact:</B></FONT></DT> <DD> <DL> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Contact information:</B></FONT></DT> <DD> <DL> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Contact person primary:</B></FONT></DT> <DD> <DL> <DT> <FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Contact person:</B></FONT> Dave Kiel</DT> <DT> <FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Contact organization:</B></FONT> Arizona Strip District Office</DT> </DL> </DD> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Contact position:</B></FONT> Outdoor Recreation Planner</DT> <BR /><BR /><DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Contact address:</B></FONT></DT> <DD> <DL> <DT> <FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Address type:</B></FONT> mailing and physical address</DT> <DIV> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Address:</B></FONT></DT> <PRE ID="original">345 East Riverside Dr.</PRE> <SCRIPT>fix(original)</SCRIPT> </DIV> <DT> <FONT color="#0000AA"><B>City:</B></FONT> St. George</DT> <DT> <FONT color="#0000AA"><B>State or province:</B></FONT> UT</DT> <DT> <FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Postal code:</B></FONT> 84790</DT> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Country:</B></FONT> USA</DT> </DL> </DD> <BR /> <DT> <FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Contact voice telephone:</B></FONT> 435-688-3240</DT> <BR /><BR /></DL> </DD> </DL> </DD> </DL> </DD> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Process step:</B></FONT></DT> <DD> <DL> <DIV> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Process description:</B></FONT></DT> <PRE ID="original">The alternative development process was then used to create this data set. This process is described in detail in the Arizona Strip DEIS, Appendix 3D, beginning on page 6.</PRE> <SCRIPT>fix(original)</SCRIPT> </DIV> <BR /> <DT><FONT color="#006400"><B>Process software and version:</B></FONT> ESRI ArcView 3.x</DT> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Process date:</B></FONT> 200403 - 200410</DT> <BR /><BR /><DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Process contact:</B></FONT></DT> <DD> <DL> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Contact information:</B></FONT></DT> <DD> <DL> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Contact person primary:</B></FONT></DT> <DD> <DL> <DT> <FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Contact person:</B></FONT> Dave Kiel</DT> <DT> <FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Contact organization:</B></FONT> Arizona Strip District Office</DT> </DL> </DD> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Contact position:</B></FONT> Outdoor Recreation Planner</DT> <BR /><BR /><DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Contact address:</B></FONT></DT> <DD> <DL> <DT> <FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Address type:</B></FONT> mailing and physical address</DT> <DIV> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Address:</B></FONT></DT> <PRE ID="original">345 East Riverside Dr.</PRE> <SCRIPT>fix(original)</SCRIPT> </DIV> <DT> <FONT color="#0000AA"><B>City:</B></FONT> St. George</DT> <DT> <FONT color="#0000AA"><B>State or province:</B></FONT> UT</DT> <DT> <FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Postal code:</B></FONT> 84790</DT> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Country:</B></FONT> USA</DT> </DL> </DD> <BR /> <DT> <FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Contact voice telephone:</B></FONT> 435-688-3240</DT> <BR /><BR /></DL> </DD> </DL> </DD> </DL> </DD> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Process step:</B></FONT></DT> <DD> <DL> <DIV> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Process description:</B></FONT></DT> <PRE ID="original">Original digital data file was created by local GIS staff by converting mwc_alte data to reflect proposed plan changes resulting from public review and comment. This was the creation of mwc_feis.</PRE> <SCRIPT>fix(original)</SCRIPT> </DIV> <BR /> <DT><FONT color="#006400"><B>Process software and version:</B></FONT> ESRI ArcGIS 8.3 and ESRI ArcInfo Workstation 8.1</DT> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Process date:</B></FONT> 2006</DT> <BR /><BR /><DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Process contact:</B></FONT></DT> <DD> <DL> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Contact information:</B></FONT></DT> <DD> <DL> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Contact person primary:</B></FONT></DT> <DD> <DL> <DT> <FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Contact person:</B></FONT> Tom Folks</DT> <DT> <FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Contact organization:</B></FONT> Bureau of Land Management, Arizona Strip District Office (BLM-ASDO)</DT> </DL> </DD> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Contact position:</B></FONT> LD REC, CULTURAL &amp; WILDERN</DT> <BR /><BR /><DT> <FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Contact voice telephone:</B></FONT> 435-688-3264</DT> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Contact TDD/TTY telephone:</B></FONT> (435)688-3200</DT> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Contact facsimile telephone:</B></FONT> 435-688-3258</DT> <BR /><BR /><DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Contact electronic mail address:</B></FONT> TOM_FOLKS@blm.gov</DT> <BR /><BR /><DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Hours of service:</B></FONT> 8:00 am to 4:30 pm</DT> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Contact instructions:</B></FONT></DT> <DIV> <PRE ID="original">Please use email to contact.</PRE> <SCRIPT>fix(original)</SCRIPT> </DIV> <BR /></DL> </DD> </DL> </DD> </DL> </DD> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Process step:</B></FONT></DT> <DD> <DL> <DIV> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Process description:</B></FONT></DT> <PRE ID="original">Areas with Wilderness Characteristics from the proposed plan mwc_feis is used as basis for mwc_appr, which is the approved plan. Based on public comments following review of the proposed plan, modifications to the data are made and the final product is created.</PRE> <SCRIPT>fix(original)</SCRIPT> </DIV> <BR /> <DT><FONT color="#006400"><B>Process software and version:</B></FONT> ESRI ArcGIS 9.2 and ESRI ArcInfo Workstation 9.2</DT> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Process date:</B></FONT> 2007</DT> <BR /><BR /><DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Process contact:</B></FONT></DT> <DD> <DL> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Contact information:</B></FONT></DT> <DD> <DL> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Contact organization primary:</B></FONT></DT> <DD> <DL> <DT> <FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Contact person:</B></FONT> Todd Calico</DT> <DT> <FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Contact organization:</B></FONT> Bureau of Land Management, Arizona Strip District Office (BLM-ASDO)</DT> </DL> </DD> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Contact position:</B></FONT> GIS Specialist</DT> <BR /><BR /><DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Contact address:</B></FONT></DT> <DD> <DL> <DT> <FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Address type:</B></FONT> mailing and physical address</DT> <DIV> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Address:</B></FONT></DT> <PRE ID="original">345 East Riverside Dr.</PRE> <SCRIPT>fix(original)</SCRIPT> </DIV> <DT> <FONT color="#0000AA"><B>City:</B></FONT> St. George</DT> <DT> <FONT color="#0000AA"><B>State or province:</B></FONT> Utah</DT> <DT> <FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Postal code:</B></FONT> 84790</DT> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Country:</B></FONT> USA</DT> </DL> </DD> <BR /> <DT> <FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Contact voice telephone:</B></FONT> (435)688-3212</DT> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Contact TDD/TTY telephone:</B></FONT> (435)688-3200</DT> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Contact facsimile telephone:</B></FONT> (435)688-3258</DT> <BR /><BR /><DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Contact electronic mail address:</B></FONT> Todd_Calico@blm.gov</DT> <BR /><BR /><DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Hours of service:</B></FONT> 8 am to 4:30 pm</DT> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Contact instructions:</B></FONT></DT> <DIV> <PRE ID="original">Please contact by email.</PRE> <SCRIPT>fix(original)</SCRIPT> </DIV> <BR /></DL> </DD> </DL> </DD> </DL> </DD> </DL> </DD> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Cloud cover:</B></FONT> Unknown</DT> </DL> </DD> </DL> <A HREF="#Top">Back to Top</A> <A name="Spatial_Data_Organization_Information"><HR /></A> <DL> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA" size="3"><B>Spatial Data Organization Information:</B></FONT></DT> <BR /><BR /> <DD> <DL> <DT><FONT color="#006400">*</FONT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Direct spatial reference method:</B></FONT> Vector</DT> <BR /><BR /> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Point and vector object information:</B></FONT></DT> <DD> <DL> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>SDTS terms description:</B></FONT></DT> <DD> <DL> <DT><FONT color="#006400">*<B>Name:</B></FONT> mwc_appr</DT> <DT><FONT color="#006400">*</FONT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>SDTS point and vector object type:</B></FONT> G-polygon</DT> <DT><FONT color="#006400">*</FONT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Point and vector object count:</B></FONT> 40</DT> </DL> </DD> <BR /> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>SDTS terms description:</B></FONT></DT> <DD> <DL> <DT><FONT color="#006400">*<B>Name:</B></FONT> label</DT> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>SDTS point and vector object type:</B></FONT> Label point</DT> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Point and vector object count:</B></FONT> 41</DT> </DL> </DD> <BR /> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>SDTS terms description:</B></FONT></DT> <DD> <DL> <DT><FONT color="#006400">*<B>Name:</B></FONT> polygon</DT> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>SDTS point and vector object type:</B></FONT> GT-polygon composed of chains</DT> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Point and vector object count:</B></FONT> 41</DT> </DL> </DD> <BR /> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>SDTS terms description:</B></FONT></DT> <DD> <DL> <DT><FONT color="#006400">*<B>Name:</B></FONT> tic</DT> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>SDTS point and vector object type:</B></FONT> Point</DT> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Point and vector object count:</B></FONT> 4</DT> </DL> </DD> <BR /> <DT><FONT color="#006400"><B>ESRI terms description:</B></FONT></DT> <DD> <DL> <DT><FONT color="#006400">*<B>Name:</B></FONT> mwc_appr</DT> <DT><FONT color="#006400">*</FONT><FONT color="#006400"><B>ESRI feature type:</B></FONT> Simple</DT> <DT><FONT color="#006400">*</FONT><FONT color="#006400"><B>ESRI feature geometry:</B></FONT> Polygon</DT> <DT><FONT color="#006400">*</FONT><FONT color="#006400"><B>ESRI topology:</B></FONT> FALSE</DT> <DT><FONT color="#006400">*</FONT><FONT color="#006400"><B>ESRI feature count:</B></FONT> 40</DT> <DT><FONT color="#006400">*</FONT><FONT color="#006400"><B>Spatial index:</B></FONT> FALSE</DT> <DT><FONT color="#006400">*</FONT><FONT color="#006400"><B>Linear referencing:</B></FONT> FALSE</DT> <BR /><BR /></DL> </DD> <DT><FONT color="#006400"><B>ESRI terms description:</B></FONT></DT> <DD> <DL> <DT><FONT color="#006400">*<B>Name:</B></FONT> label</DT> <DT><FONT color="#006400">*</FONT><FONT color="#006400"><B>ESRI feature type:</B></FONT> Simple</DT> <DT><FONT color="#006400">*</FONT><FONT color="#006400"><B>ESRI feature geometry:</B></FONT> Label</DT> <DT><FONT color="#006400">*</FONT><FONT color="#006400"><B>ESRI topology:</B></FONT> FALSE</DT> <DT><FONT color="#006400">*</FONT><FONT color="#006400"><B>ESRI feature count:</B></FONT> 40</DT> <DT><FONT color="#006400">*</FONT><FONT color="#006400"><B>Spatial index:</B></FONT> FALSE</DT> <DT><FONT color="#006400">*</FONT><FONT color="#006400"><B>Linear referencing:</B></FONT> FALSE</DT> <BR /><BR /></DL> </DD> <DT><FONT color="#006400"><B>ESRI terms description:</B></FONT></DT> <DD> <DL> <DT><FONT color="#006400">*<B>Name:</B></FONT> polygon</DT> <DT><FONT color="#006400">*</FONT><FONT color="#006400"><B>ESRI feature type:</B></FONT> Simple</DT> <DT><FONT color="#006400">*</FONT><FONT color="#006400"><B>ESRI feature geometry:</B></FONT> Polygon</DT> <DT><FONT color="#006400">*</FONT><FONT color="#006400"><B>ESRI topology:</B></FONT> TRUE</DT> <DT><FONT color="#006400">*</FONT><FONT color="#006400"><B>ESRI feature count:</B></FONT> 40</DT> <DT><FONT color="#006400">*</FONT><FONT color="#006400"><B>Spatial index:</B></FONT> TRUE</DT> <DT><FONT color="#006400">*</FONT><FONT color="#006400"><B>Linear referencing:</B></FONT> FALSE</DT> <BR /><BR /></DL> </DD> <DT><FONT color="#006400"><B>ESRI terms description:</B></FONT></DT> <DD> <DL> <DT><FONT color="#006400">*<B>Name:</B></FONT> tic</DT> <DT><FONT color="#006400">*</FONT><FONT color="#006400"><B>ESRI feature type:</B></FONT> Simple</DT> <DT><FONT color="#006400">*</FONT><FONT color="#006400"><B>ESRI feature geometry:</B></FONT> Tic</DT> <DT><FONT color="#006400">*</FONT><FONT color="#006400"><B>ESRI topology:</B></FONT> FALSE</DT> <DT><FONT color="#006400">*</FONT><FONT color="#006400"><B>ESRI feature count:</B></FONT> 4</DT> <DT><FONT color="#006400">*</FONT><FONT color="#006400"><B>Spatial index:</B></FONT> FALSE</DT> <DT><FONT color="#006400">*</FONT><FONT color="#006400"><B>Linear referencing:</B></FONT> FALSE</DT> <BR /><BR /></DL> </DD> </DL> </DD> </DL> </DD> </DL> <A HREF="#Top">Back to Top</A> <A name="Spatial_Reference_Information"><HR /></A> <DL> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA" size="3"><B>Spatial Reference Information:</B></FONT></DT> <BR /><BR /> <DD> <DL> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Horizontal coordinate system definition:</B></FONT></DT> <DD> <DL> <DT><FONT color="#006400"><B>Coordinate system name:</B></FONT></DT> <DD> <DL> <DT><FONT color="#006400">*</FONT><FONT color="#006400"><B>Projected coordinate system name:</B></FONT> NAD_1983_UTM_Zone_12N</DT> <DT><FONT color="#006400">*</FONT><FONT color="#006400"><B>Geographic coordinate system name:</B></FONT> GCS_North_American_1983</DT> </DL> </DD> <BR /> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Planar:</B></FONT></DT> <DD> <DL> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Grid coordinate system:</B></FONT></DT> <DD> <DL> <DT><FONT color="#006400">*</FONT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Grid coordinate system name:</B></FONT> Universal Transverse Mercator</DT> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Universal Transverse Mercator:</B></FONT></DT> <DD> <DL> <DT><FONT color="#006400">*</FONT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>UTM zone number:</B></FONT> 12</DT> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Transverse mercator:</B></FONT></DT> <DL><DT><FONT color="#006400">*</FONT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Scale factor at central meridian:</B></FONT> 0.999600</DT> <DT><FONT color="#006400">*</FONT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Longitude of central meridian:</B></FONT> -111.000000</DT> <DT><FONT color="#006400">*</FONT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Latitude of projection origin:</B></FONT> 0.000000</DT> <DT><FONT color="#006400">*</FONT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>False easting:</B></FONT> 500000.000000</DT> <DT><FONT color="#006400">*</FONT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>False northing:</B></FONT> 0.000000</DT> </DL> </DL> </DD> </DL> </DD> <BR /> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Planar coordinate information:</B></FONT></DT> <DD> <DL> <DT><FONT color="#006400">*</FONT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Planar coordinate encoding method:</B></FONT> coordinate pair</DT> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Coordinate representation:</B></FONT></DT> <DD> <DL> <DT><FONT color="#006400">*</FONT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Abscissa resolution:</B></FONT> 0.000000</DT> <DT><FONT color="#006400">*</FONT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Ordinate resolution:</B></FONT> 0.000000</DT> </DL> </DD> <DT><FONT color="#006400">*</FONT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Planar distance units:</B></FONT> meters</DT> </DL> </DD> <BR /> </DL> </DD> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Geodetic model:</B></FONT></DT> <DD> <DL> <DT><FONT color="#006400">*</FONT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Horizontal datum name:</B></FONT> North American Datum of 1983</DT> <DT><FONT color="#006400">*</FONT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Ellipsoid name:</B></FONT> Geodetic Reference System 80</DT> <DT><FONT color="#006400">*</FONT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Semi-major axis:</B></FONT> 6378137.000000</DT> <DT><FONT color="#006400">*</FONT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Denominator of flattening ratio:</B></FONT> 298.257222</DT> </DL> </DD> <BR /> </DL> </DD> </DL> </DD> </DL> <A HREF="#Top">Back to Top</A> <A name="Entity_and_Attribute_Information"><HR /></A> <DL> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA" size="3"><B>Entity and Attribute Information:</B></FONT></DT> <BR /><BR /> <DD> <DL> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Detailed description:</B></FONT></DT> <DD> <DL> <DT><FONT color="#006400">*<B>Name:</B></FONT> mwc_appr</DT> <BR /><BR /> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Entity type:</B></FONT></DT> <DD> <DL> <DT><FONT color="#006400">*</FONT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Entity type label:</B></FONT> mwc_appr</DT> <DT><FONT color="#006400">*</FONT><FONT color="#006400"><B>Entity type type:</B></FONT> Feature Class</DT> <DT><FONT color="#006400">*</FONT><FONT color="#006400"><B>Entity type count:</B></FONT> 40</DT> </DL> </DD> <BR /> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Attribute:</B></FONT></DT> <DD> <DL> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Attribute label:</B></FONT> FID</DT> <DT><FONT color="#006400">*</FONT><FONT color="#006400"><B>Attribute alias:</B></FONT> FID</DT> <DIV> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Attribute definition:</B></FONT></DT> <PRE ID="original">Internal feature number.</PRE> <SCRIPT>fix(original)</SCRIPT> </DIV> <DIV> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Attribute definition source:</B></FONT></DT> <PRE ID="original">ESRI</PRE> <SCRIPT>fix(original)</SCRIPT> </DIV> <BR /><DT><FONT color="#006400">*</FONT><FONT color="#006400"><B>Attribute type:</B></FONT> OID</DT> <DT><FONT color="#006400">*</FONT><FONT color="#006400"><B>Attribute width:</B></FONT> 4</DT> <DT><FONT color="#006400">*</FONT><FONT color="#006400"><B>Attribute precision:</B></FONT> 0</DT> <DT><FONT color="#006400">*</FONT><FONT color="#006400"><B>Attribute scale:</B></FONT> 0</DT> <BR /><BR /><DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Attribute domain values:</B></FONT></DT> <DD> <DL> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Unrepresentable domain:</B></FONT></DT> <DD>Sequential unique whole numbers that are automatically generated.</DD> <BR /><BR /> </DL> </DD> </DL> </DD> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Attribute:</B></FONT></DT> <DD> <DL> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Attribute label:</B></FONT> Shape</DT> <DT><FONT color="#006400">*</FONT><FONT color="#006400"><B>Attribute alias:</B></FONT> Shape</DT> <DIV> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Attribute definition:</B></FONT></DT> <PRE ID="original">Feature geometry.</PRE> <SCRIPT>fix(original)</SCRIPT> </DIV> <DIV> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Attribute definition source:</B></FONT></DT> <PRE ID="original">ESRI</PRE> <SCRIPT>fix(original)</SCRIPT> </DIV> <BR /><DT><FONT color="#006400">*</FONT><FONT color="#006400"><B>Attribute type:</B></FONT> Geometry</DT> <DT><FONT color="#006400">*</FONT><FONT color="#006400"><B>Attribute width:</B></FONT> 0</DT> <DT><FONT color="#006400">*</FONT><FONT color="#006400"><B>Attribute precision:</B></FONT> 0</DT> <DT><FONT color="#006400">*</FONT><FONT color="#006400"><B>Attribute scale:</B></FONT> 0</DT> <BR /><BR /><DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Attribute domain values:</B></FONT></DT> <DD> <DL> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Unrepresentable domain:</B></FONT></DT> <DD>Coordinates defining the features.</DD> <BR /><BR /> </DL> </DD> </DL> </DD> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Attribute:</B></FONT></DT> <DD> <DL> <DT><FONT color="#006400">*</FONT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Attribute label:</B></FONT> UNIT_NAME</DT> <DT><FONT color="#006400">*</FONT><FONT color="#006400"><B>Attribute alias:</B></FONT> UNIT_NAME</DT> <DIV> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Attribute definition:</B></FONT></DT> <PRE ID="original">Defines the geographic name assigned to each unique wilderness characteristic unit.</PRE> <SCRIPT>fix(original)</SCRIPT> </DIV> <BR /><DT><FONT color="#006400">*</FONT><FONT color="#006400"><B>Attribute type:</B></FONT> String</DT> <DT><FONT color="#006400">*</FONT><FONT color="#006400"><B>Attribute width:</B></FONT> 75</DT> <BR /><BR /></DL> </DD> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Attribute:</B></FONT></DT> <DD> <DL> <DT><FONT color="#006400">*</FONT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Attribute label:</B></FONT> SCORE_1</DT> <DT><FONT color="#006400">*</FONT><FONT color="#006400"><B>Attribute alias:</B></FONT> SCORE_1</DT> <DIV> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Attribute definition:</B></FONT></DT> <PRE ID="original">Defines the total numeric value placed on an individual wilderness characteristic unit. The criteria values are as follows: 1. Overlaps with an additional (third) wilderness characteristic polygon. 12 points; 2. Is contiguous to an existing designated wilderness or an NPS proposed wilderness area. 8 points; 3. Any portion of the polygon area is coincidental with a corresponding Semi-Primitive Non-Motorized ROS polygon. 5 points; 4. Contains listed species or other critical T and E plant/wildlife habitat that would be enhanced/protected by MWC status. 3 points; 5. Contains known cultural sites or areas that would be enhanced/protected by MWC status. 2 points; 6. Any portion of the polygon area is coincidental with VRM inventory class 2. 2 points; 7. Contains specific geologic, biologic, or other natural features that are distinctive or exceptional. 2 points</PRE> <SCRIPT>fix(original)</SCRIPT> </DIV> <BR /><DT><FONT color="#006400">*</FONT><FONT color="#006400"><B>Attribute type:</B></FONT> Number</DT> <DT><FONT color="#006400">*</FONT><FONT color="#006400"><B>Attribute width:</B></FONT> 4</DT> <BR /><BR /><DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Attribute domain values:</B></FONT></DT> <DD> <DL> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Range domain:</B></FONT></DT> <DD> <DL> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Range domain minimum:</B></FONT> 0</DT> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Range domain maximum:</B></FONT> 48</DT> </DL> </DD> <BR /> </DL> </DD> </DL> </DD> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Attribute:</B></FONT></DT> <DD> <DL> <DT><FONT color="#006400">*</FONT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Attribute label:</B></FONT> SCORE_2</DT> <DT><FONT color="#006400">*</FONT><FONT color="#006400"><B>Attribute alias:</B></FONT> SCORE_2</DT> <DIV> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Attribute definition:</B></FONT></DT> <PRE ID="original">Defines the risk level of each individual wilderness characteristic polygon. Example: the closer the polygon to an urban interface, the greater the risk of losing those wilderness characteristics. A yes answer to any of the statements in this section results in the listed point total for that statement: 1. This area is considered to be at high risk. This may be due to one or more of the following conditions: -a.- The area is in close proximity to a community interface zone (generally less than ten miles) -b.- The area is outside national monument, existing ACEC boundaries, other protective withdrawals, or special designations. -c.- The topography is generally low relief and/or has large sections along the boundary that are conducive to unauthorized motorized access. -d.- The area has high potential for increased visitation over the next twenty years.10 points; 2. This area is considered to be at moderate risk. This may be due to one or more of the following conditions: -a.- The area is within moderate proximity to a community interface zone (generally between 10 and 25 miles); -b.- The area may be either inside or outside national monument, existing ACEC boundaries, other protective withdrawals, or special designations. -c.- The topography is generally low to moderate relief and/or has some sections along the boundary that are conducive to unauthorized motorized access. -d.- The area has moderate potential for increased visitation over the next twenty years. 6 Points; 3. This area is considered to be at low risk. This may be due to one or more of the following conditions: -a.- The area is a considerable distance from a community interface zone (generally more than 25 miles) -b.- The area may be either inside or outside national monument, existing ACEC boundaries, other protective withdrawals, or special designations. -c.- The topography is generally moderate to high relief and/or has few sections along the boundary that are conducive to unauthorized motorized access. -d.- The area has low potential for increased visitation over the next twenty years. 3 Points; 4. This area is considered to be at low risk. This may be due to one or more of the following conditions: -a.- The area is a considerable distance from a community interface zone (generally more than 25 miles) -b.- The area is inside a national monument, existing ACEC boundary, other protective withdrawal, or special designation. -c.- The topography is generally moderate to high relief and/or has no sections along the boundary that are conducive to unauthorized motorized access. -d.- The area has very low potential for increased visitation over the next twenty years.1 Point</PRE> <SCRIPT>fix(original)</SCRIPT> </DIV> <BR /><DT><FONT color="#006400">*</FONT><FONT color="#006400"><B>Attribute type:</B></FONT> Number</DT> <DT><FONT color="#006400">*</FONT><FONT color="#006400"><B>Attribute width:</B></FONT> 4</DT> <BR /><BR /><DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Attribute domain values:</B></FONT></DT> <DD> <DL> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Range domain:</B></FONT></DT> <DD> <DL> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Range domain minimum:</B></FONT> 0</DT> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Range domain maximum:</B></FONT> 40</DT> </DL> </DD> <BR /> </DL> </DD> </DL> </DD> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Attribute:</B></FONT></DT> <DD> <DL> <DT><FONT color="#006400">*</FONT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Attribute label:</B></FONT> SCORE_3</DT> <DT><FONT color="#006400">*</FONT><FONT color="#006400"><B>Attribute alias:</B></FONT> SCORE_3</DT> <DIV> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Attribute definition:</B></FONT></DT> <PRE ID="original">Defines the manageability level of each individual wilderness characteristic polygon. Example: a polygon that has few natural barriers to motorized intrusion would have a lower manageability score. A yes answer to any of the statements in this section results in the listed point total for that statement. A yes answer to any of the statements in this section results in the listed point total for that statement. 1. Management of this area is the most efficient and effective, due to one or more of the following conditions: -a.- Topographic or vegetative features provide natural barriers to vehicular intrusions. -b.- Vehicular access to the perimeter is limited by natural barriers and parking is clustered in areas considered easy to manage. -c.- Current use patterns are well known and are not expected to place additional stress on the resources required to manage the area. -d.- Future use patterns and outdoor trends are not expected to place additional stress on the resources required to manage area. -e.- Budget constraints are not expected to affect the resources required for adequate management of the area. -f.- Enforcement activities are expected to be minimal.10 Points; 2. Management of this area is efficient and effective, due to one or more of the following conditions: -a.- Topographic or vegetative features provide some natural barriers to vehicular intrusions, but portions of the area may be more difficult to manage. -b.- Vehicular access to a majority of the perimeter is limited by natural barriers and a most of the parking is clustered in areas considered easy to manage, but may be scattered in other areas. -c.- Current use patterns are known or can be predicted and are expected to place a minimal amount of additional stress on the resources required to manage the area. -d.- Future use patterns and outdoor trends are expected to place a minimal amount of additional stress on the resources required to manage the area. -e.- Budget constraints are expected to have a minimal effect on the resources required for adequate management of the area. -f.- Enforcement activities are expected to be minimal to moderate. 6 Points; 3. Management of this area is moderately efficient and effective, due to one or more of the following conditions: -a.- Topographic or vegetative features provide few natural barriers to vehicular intrusions, and portions of the area may be difficult to manage. -b.- Vehicular access to most of the perimeter is not limited by natural barriers and most of the parking is dispersed over the perimeter. -c.- Current use patterns may or may not be well known and are expected to place a moderate amount of stress on the resources required to manage the area. -d.- Future use patterns and outdoor trends are expected to place a moderate amount of stress on the resources required to manage the area. -e.- Budget constraints may have a negative effect on the resources required for adequate management of the area.-f.- Enforcement activities are expected to be moderate. 3 Points; 4. Management of this area is the least efficient and effective, due to one or more of the following conditions: -a.- Topographic or vegetative features provide almost no natural barriers to vehicular intrusions, and portions of the area may be very difficult to manage.-b.- Vehicular access to most of the perimeter is unlimited and parking areas are widely dispersed. -c.- Current use patterns may or may not be known and are expected to place a significant amount of stress on the resources required to manage the area .-d.- Future use patterns and outdoor trends are expected to place a significant amount of stress on the resources required to manage the area.-e.- Budget constraints will negatively affect adequate management of the area.-f.- Enforcement activities are expected to be significant.1 Points</PRE> <SCRIPT>fix(original)</SCRIPT> </DIV> <BR /><DT><FONT color="#006400">*</FONT><FONT color="#006400"><B>Attribute type:</B></FONT> Number</DT> <DT><FONT color="#006400">*</FONT><FONT color="#006400"><B>Attribute width:</B></FONT> 4</DT> <BR /><BR /><DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Attribute domain values:</B></FONT></DT> <DD> <DL> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Range domain:</B></FONT></DT> <DD> <DL> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Range domain minimum:</B></FONT> 0</DT> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Range domain maximum:</B></FONT> 43</DT> </DL> </DD> <BR /> </DL> </DD> </DL> </DD> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Attribute:</B></FONT></DT> <DD> <DL> <DT><FONT color="#006400">*</FONT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Attribute label:</B></FONT> UNIT</DT> <DT><FONT color="#006400">*</FONT><FONT color="#006400"><B>Attribute alias:</B></FONT> UNIT</DT> <DIV> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Attribute definition:</B></FONT></DT> <PRE ID="original">The management area in which the polygon is located.</PRE> <SCRIPT>fix(original)</SCRIPT> </DIV> <BR /><DT><FONT color="#006400">*</FONT><FONT color="#006400"><B>Attribute type:</B></FONT> String</DT> <DT><FONT color="#006400">*</FONT><FONT color="#006400"><B>Attribute width:</B></FONT> 5</DT> <BR /><BR /><DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Attribute domain values:</B></FONT></DT> <DD> <DL> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Enumerated domain:</B></FONT></DT> <DD> <DL> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Enumerated domain value:</B></FONT> ASFO</DT> <DIV> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Enumerated domain value definition:</B></FONT></DT> <PRE ID="original">Arizona Strip Field Office</PRE> <SCRIPT>fix(original)</SCRIPT> </DIV> </DL> </DD> <BR /> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Enumerated domain:</B></FONT></DT> <DD> <DL> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Enumerated domain value:</B></FONT> GCPNM</DT> <DIV> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Enumerated domain value definition:</B></FONT></DT> <PRE ID="original">Grand Canyon - Parashant National Monument</PRE> <SCRIPT>fix(original)</SCRIPT> </DIV> </DL> </DD> <BR /> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Enumerated domain:</B></FONT></DT> <DD> <DL> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Enumerated domain value:</B></FONT> VCNM</DT> <DIV> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Enumerated domain value definition:</B></FONT></DT> <PRE ID="original">Vermilion Cliffs National Monument</PRE> <SCRIPT>fix(original)</SCRIPT> </DIV> </DL> </DD> <BR /> </DL> </DD> </DL> </DD> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Attribute:</B></FONT></DT> <DD> <DL> <DT><FONT color="#006400">*</FONT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Attribute label:</B></FONT> ACRES</DT> <DT><FONT color="#006400">*</FONT><FONT color="#006400"><B>Attribute alias:</B></FONT> ACRES</DT> <DIV> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Attribute definition:</B></FONT></DT> <PRE ID="original">The exact acreage of each polygon in the dataset.</PRE> <SCRIPT>fix(original)</SCRIPT> </DIV> <BR /><DT><FONT color="#006400">*</FONT><FONT color="#006400"><B>Attribute type:</B></FONT> Float</DT> <DT><FONT color="#006400">*</FONT><FONT color="#006400"><B>Attribute width:</B></FONT> 19</DT> <DT><FONT color="#006400">*</FONT><FONT color="#006400"><B>Attribute number of decimals:</B></FONT> 11</DT> <BR /><BR /></DL> </DD> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Attribute:</B></FONT></DT> <DD> <DL> <DT><FONT color="#006400">*</FONT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Attribute label:</B></FONT> Shape_Area</DT> <DT><FONT color="#006400">*</FONT><FONT color="#006400"><B>Attribute alias:</B></FONT> Shape_Area</DT> <DIV> <DT><FONT color="#006400">*</FONT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Attribute definition:</B></FONT></DT> <PRE ID="original">Area of feature in internal units squared.</PRE> <SCRIPT>fix(original)</SCRIPT> </DIV> <DIV> <DT><FONT color="#006400">*</FONT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Attribute definition source:</B></FONT></DT> <PRE ID="original">ESRI</PRE> <SCRIPT>fix(original)</SCRIPT> </DIV> <BR /><DT><FONT color="#006400">*</FONT><FONT color="#006400"><B>Attribute type:</B></FONT> Float</DT> <DT><FONT color="#006400">*</FONT><FONT color="#006400"><B>Attribute width:</B></FONT> 19</DT> <DT><FONT color="#006400">*</FONT><FONT color="#006400"><B>Attribute number of decimals:</B></FONT> 11</DT> <BR /><BR /><DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Attribute domain values:</B></FONT></DT> <DD> <DL> <DT><FONT color="#006400">*</FONT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Unrepresentable domain:</B></FONT></DT> <DD>Positive real numbers that are automatically generated.</DD> <BR /><BR /> </DL> </DD> </DL> </DD> </DL> </DD> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Overview description:</B></FONT></DT> <DD> <DL> <DIV> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Entity and attribute overview:</B></FONT></DT> <PRE ID="original">Attribute items are in typical ArcInfo point, line and polygon format.</PRE> <SCRIPT>fix(original)</SCRIPT> </DIV> <BR /> </DL> </DD> </DL> </DD> </DL> <A HREF="#Top">Back to Top</A> <A NAME="375738720"> <HR /> </A> <DL> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA" size="3"><B>Distribution Information:</B></FONT> </DT> <BR /><BR /> <DD> <DL> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Distributor:</B></FONT></DT> <DD> <DL> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Contact information:</B></FONT></DT> <DD> <DL> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Contact person primary:</B></FONT></DT> <DD> <DL> <DT> <FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Contact person:</B></FONT> Todd Calico</DT> <DT> <FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Contact organization:</B></FONT> Bureau of Land Management, Arizona Strip District Office (BLM-ASDO)</DT> </DL> </DD> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Contact position:</B></FONT> GIS Specialist</DT> <BR /><BR /><DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Contact address:</B></FONT></DT> <DD> <DL> <DT> <FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Address type:</B></FONT> mailing and physical address</DT> <DIV> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Address:</B></FONT></DT> <PRE ID="original">345 East Riverside Dr.</PRE> <SCRIPT>fix(original)</SCRIPT> </DIV> <DT> <FONT color="#0000AA"><B>City:</B></FONT> St. George</DT> <DT> <FONT color="#0000AA"><B>State or province:</B></FONT> Utah</DT> <DT> <FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Postal code:</B></FONT> 84790</DT> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Country:</B></FONT> USA</DT> </DL> </DD> <BR /> <DT> <FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Contact voice telephone:</B></FONT> (435)688-3212</DT> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Contact TDD/TTY telephone:</B></FONT> (435)688-3200</DT> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Contact facsimile telephone:</B></FONT> (435)688-3258</DT> <BR /><BR /><DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Contact electronic mail address:</B></FONT> todd_calico@blm.gov</DT> <BR /><BR /><DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Hours of service:</B></FONT> 8 am to 4:30 pm</DT> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Contact instructions:</B></FONT></DT> <DIV> <PRE ID="original">Please contact by email.</PRE> <SCRIPT>fix(original)</SCRIPT> </DIV> <BR /></DL> </DD> </DL> </DD> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Resource description:</B></FONT> Downloadable Data</DT> <BR /><BR /> <DIV> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Distribution liability:</B></FONT></DT> <PRE ID="original">BLM-ASDO and NPS provide this data "as is" without liability. No warranty is made by the Bureau of Land Management or National Park Service as to the accuracy, reliability, or completeness of these data for individual use or aggregate use with other data.</PRE> <SCRIPT>fix(original)</SCRIPT> </DIV> <BR /> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Standard order process:</B></FONT></DT> <DD> <DL> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Digital form:</B></FONT></DT> <DD> <DL> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Digital transfer information:</B></FONT></DT> <DD> <DL> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Format name:</B></FONT> ARCE</DT> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Transfer size:</B></FONT> 0.203</DT> <DT><FONT color="#006400">*</FONT><FONT color="#006400"><B>Dataset size:</B></FONT> 0.465</DT> </DL> </DD> <BR /> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Digital transfer option:</B></FONT></DT> <DD> <DL> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Online option:</B></FONT></DT> <DD> <DL> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Computer contact information:</B></FONT></DT> <DD> <DL> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Network address:</B></FONT></DT> <DD> <DL> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Network resource name:</B></FONT> <A TARGET="viewer" HREF="http://www.blm.gov/az/asfo/index.htm"> http://www.blm.gov/az/asfo/index.htm</A> </DT> </DL> </DD> <BR /> </DL> </DD> </DL> </DD> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Offline option:</B></FONT></DT> <DD> <DL> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Offline media:</B></FONT> CD-ROM</DT> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Recording capacity:</B></FONT></DT> <DD> <DL> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Recording density:</B></FONT> 700</DT> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Recording density Units:</B></FONT> megabytes</DT> </DL> </DD> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Recording format:</B></FONT> Windows XP</DT> </DL> </DD> <BR /> </DL> </DD> </DL> </DD> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Fees:</B></FONT> Hard copy pages - $0.13 per page; Media - actual cost of CD, etc. (right now we are charging $0.80 per CD - includes the case); Labor - $8.45 per quarter hour; Paper copies - $2.50 for every 9 inches of length printed; Mylar copies - $5.33 for every 9 inches of length printed</DT> <DIV> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Ordering instructions:</B></FONT></DT> <PRE ID="original">Contact Distributor</PRE> <SCRIPT>fix(original)</SCRIPT> </DIV> <BR /><BR /></DL> </DD> <DIV> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Custom order process:</B></FONT></DT> <PRE ID="original">Contact Distributor</PRE> <SCRIPT>fix(original)</SCRIPT> </DIV> <BR /><BR /><DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Available time period:</B></FONT></DT> <DD> <DL> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Time period information:</B></FONT></DT> <DD> <DL> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Single date/time:</B></FONT></DT> <DD> <DL> <DT> <FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Calendar date:</B></FONT> 200802</DT> </DL> </DD> </DL> </DD> <BR /> </DL> </DD> </DL> </DD> </DL> <A HREF="#Top">Back to Top</A> <A name="Metadata_Reference_Information"><HR /></A> <DL> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA" size="3"><B>Metadata Reference Information:</B></FONT></DT> <BR /><BR /> <DD> <DL> <DT><FONT color="#006400">*</FONT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Metadata date:</B></FONT> 20090128</DT> <BR /><BR /><DT><FONT color="#006400">*</FONT><FONT color="#006400"><B>Language of metadata:</B></FONT> en</DT> <BR /><BR /> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Metadata contact:</B></FONT></DT> <DD> <DL> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Contact information:</B></FONT></DT> <DD> <DL> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Contact person primary:</B></FONT></DT> <DD> <DL> <DT> <FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Contact person:</B></FONT> Todd Calico</DT> <DT> <FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Contact organization:</B></FONT> Arizona Strip District Office, BLM</DT> </DL> </DD> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Contact position:</B></FONT> GIS Specialist</DT> <BR /><BR /><DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Contact address:</B></FONT></DT> <DD> <DL> <DT> <FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Address type:</B></FONT> mailing and physical address</DT> <DIV> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Address:</B></FONT></DT> <PRE ID="original">345 East Riverside Drive</PRE> <SCRIPT>fix(original)</SCRIPT> </DIV> <DT> <FONT color="#0000AA"><B>City:</B></FONT> St. George</DT> <DT> <FONT color="#0000AA"><B>State or province:</B></FONT> UT</DT> <DT> <FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Postal code:</B></FONT> 84790</DT> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Country:</B></FONT> USA</DT> </DL> </DD> <BR /> <DT> <FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Contact voice telephone:</B></FONT> (435) 688-3212</DT> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Contact TDD/TTY telephone:</B></FONT> (435) 688-3200</DT> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Contact facsimile telephone:</B></FONT> (435) 688-3258</DT> <BR /><BR /><DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Contact electronic mail address:</B></FONT> todd_calico@blm.gov</DT> <BR /><BR /><DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Hours of service:</B></FONT> 8 am to 4:30 pm</DT> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Contact instructions:</B></FONT></DT> <DIV> <PRE ID="original">Please contact by email.</PRE> <SCRIPT>fix(original)</SCRIPT> </DIV> <BR /></DL> </DD> </DL> </DD> <DT><FONT color="#006400">*</FONT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Metadata standard name:</B></FONT> FGDC Content Standards for Digital Geospatial Metadata</DT> <DT><FONT color="#006400">*</FONT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Metadata standard version:</B></FONT> FGDC-STD-001-1998</DT> <DT><FONT color="#006400">*</FONT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Metadata time convention:</B></FONT> local time</DT> <BR /><BR /><DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Metadata access constraints:</B></FONT> None</DT> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Metadata use constraints:</B></FONT></DT> <DD>None</DD> <BR /><BR /><DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Metadata security information:</B></FONT></DT> <DD> <DL> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Metadata security classification system:</B></FONT> None</DT> </DL> </DD> <BR /> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Metadata extensions:</B></FONT></DT> <DD> <DL> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Online linkage:</B></FONT> <A TARGET="viewer" HREF="http://www.esri.com/metadata/esriprof80.html"> http://www.esri.com/metadata/esriprof80.html</A> </DT> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Profile name:</B></FONT> ESRI Metadata Profile</DT> </DL> </DD> <BR /> <DT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Metadata extensions:</B></FONT></DT> <DD> <DL> <DT><FONT color="#006400">*</FONT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Online linkage:</B></FONT> <A TARGET="viewer" HREF="http://www.esri.com/metadata/esriprof80.html"> http://www.esri.com/metadata/esriprof80.html</A> </DT> <DT><FONT color="#006400">*</FONT><FONT color="#0000AA"><B>Profile name:</B></FONT> ESRI Metadata Profile</DT> </DL> </DD> <BR /> </DL> </DD> </DL> <A HREF="#Top">Back to Top</A> <A name="Binary_Enclosures"><HR /></A> <DL> <DT><FONT color="#006400" size="3"><B>Binary Enclosures:</B></FONT></DT> <BR /><BR /> <DD> <DL> <DT><FONT color="#006400"><B>Thumbnail:</B></FONT></DT> <DD> <DL> <DT><FONT color="#006400"><B>Enclosure type:</B></FONT> Picture</DT> <BR /><BR /> <IMG ID="thumbnail" ALIGN="absmiddle" STYLE="height:144; border:'2 outset #FFFFFF'; position:relative" SRC="mwc_appr0.bmp" /> </DL> </DD> <BR /> </DL> </DD> </DL> <A HREF="#Top">Back to Top</A> </FONT> </BODY> </HTML>