Resources Directorate (DAIM-RD)


The Resource Directorate’s mission is to acquire and defend resources for Installation services and programs to support Soldiers, Families, and Civilians of an Expeditionary Army in a time of Persistent Conflict.


The Resource Directorate’s vision is to provide the best integrated resource management for Total Army Installation Management to support our Soldiers, Families, and Civilians by:

  • Providing timely, verifiable information, rooted in accurate and effective analysis to support leadership decision-making;
  • Communicating effectively within the Army to build the singular Army Story to OSD and Congress; and
  • Improving the management construct that provides a healthy, enriching workplace.

Strategic Goals / Objectives

  • Improve installation and infrastructure requirements.
    • Provide transparency for all installation requirements.
    • Enhance the credibility of requirements processes including models.
    • Expand the use of requirements models at all staff levels.
  • Enhance the credibility of the installation POM and budget.
    • Build the strategic framework to articulate the outcomes at different resource/risk levels.
    • Gain leadership understanding of risk framework.
    • Evaluate execution against the risk decisions.
  • Expand our internal and external influence on Installation strategy, structure and resource decisions.
    • Improve working relationships with organizations and stakeholders.
    • Shape external communications to further ACSIM and Army objectives
    • Evaluate execution against the risk decisions.
  • Establish an integrated financial compliance capability.
    • Develop and manage OACSIM’s Managers’ Internal Control (MIC) Program.
    • Comply with CFO Act reporting requirements.
    • Improve compliance with OMB/OSD requirements for a Performance Budget (PAF/PART).
    • Improve OACSIM’s Audits management and audits tasking process.
    • Create and manage a II PEG execution data / information Dashboard.
    • Synchronize all installation performance metrics.
  • Build a high performing Resource Directorate team.
    • Acquire needed skill sets.
    • Train and develop.
    • Define, design and improve internal business processes.
    • Retain workforce.

Strategic Goals / Metrics

  • Improve installation and infrastructure requirements.
    • Requirements that are understood, seen as credible, necessary, and sufficient
  • Enhance the credibility of the installation POM and budget.
    • Resource/Risk levels that are understood and seen as credible by Senior Leaders
    • Execution that reflects assumptions made IAW the resource risk decisions
  • Expand our internal and external influence on Installation strategy, structure and resource decisions.
    • Increased frequency of interactions at the staff level and decreased frequency of interactions at the 3 Star level to solve problems
    • Decrease the frequency of rewrites (internal) and increase the frequency of timely guidance
    • Conduct internal staff meetings no less frequently than bi-weekly
  • Establish an integrated financial compliance capability.
    • 100% of MIC Administrators, POCs, and Senior Leaders meet annual training requirements
    • 90-95% of all OACSIM personnel annually receive/attend MIC awareness training
    • Compliance with the Army’s MIC Program. Respond 100% of the time to Army MIC requirements
    • Unqualified Audit Opinion achieved IAW CFO Act guidelines
    • Accurate and timely response 90-95% of the time to auditing agency’s requirements (US AAA, GAO, DoDIG, etc.)
  • Build a high performing Resource Directorate team.
    • Fully staffed with the right skills
    • Happy staff
    • Do you feel well trained for your job?
    • If you had a choice would you do this again next year?
    • Do you feel that you have a manageable workload and can you accomplish your IDP?
    • Do you feel invested in the process?
    • Do you feel valued?
    • Are you doing the job you were hired to do?
    • Has the SOP been reviewed for possible improvement in the past year


Director's page