MSMR August 2012: Pertussis Diagnoses among Service Members and Other Beneficiaries of the U.S. Military Health System, January 2005-June 2012
MSMR August 2012: Hospitalizations for Hepatitis A, B, and C, Active Component, U.S. Armed Forces, 1991-2011
Quadrivalent Human Papillomavirus Vaccine Initiation, Coverage, and Compliance Among U.S. Active Component Service Women, 2006-2011 -  Consistent with ACIP recommendations, the DoD has made the HPV4 vaccine available to all eligible service members aged 17–26 years. Despite vaccine availability, utilization of the HPV4 vaccine by active component U.S. service women has been reported to be low.
Influenza Activity — United States, 2011–12 Season and Composition of the 2012–13 Influenza Vaccine - This report summarizes influenza activity in the United States during the 2011–12 influenza season and reports the recommendations for the components of the 2012–13 Northern Hemisphere influenza vaccine.
CDC guidance on completing the recommended pediatric immunizations schedule during the shortage of Pentacel and Daptacel. The shortage is expected to last through summer 2012
This web-on-demand program, offered by the CDC, is a comprehensive overview of the principles of vaccination, general recommendations, immunization strategies for providers, and specific information about vaccine-preventable diseases and the vaccines that prevent them.
In August 2011, a male U.S. Army soldier with progressive right arm and shoulder pain, nausea, vomiting, ataxia, anxiety, and dysphagia was admitted to an emergency department (ED) in New York for suspected rabies. Rabies virus antigens were detected in a nuchal skin biopsy, rabies virus antibodies in serum and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), and rabies viral RNA in saliva and CSF specimens by state and CDC rabies laboratories. An Afghanistan canine rabies virus variant was identified.
A primer by the American Academy of Microbiology to understanding how vaccines work and why they are important, but there is much more to learn. The best information on vaccination comes from the experts studying them. If you would like to learn more about vaccines you can turn to any of the sources listed in this report.  They will provide reliable information, checked by scientists and researchers for accuracy.
In 2000 the US achieved measles elimination however, importation of measles continues and  in 2011 the US reported 222 measles cases and 17 outbreaks. 90% of cases reported last year were associated with importation from other countries.
After a 12-year hiatus, military recruit training centers resumed administration of adenovirus type 4 and type 7 vaccine, live, oral (adenovirus vaccine) to trainees beginning in October of 2011. Subsequently, rates of febrile respiratory illnesses (FRI) and adenovirus isolations markedly declined. These findings are consistent with those of a placebo-controlled efficacy trial conducted prior to the vaccine’s licensure by the FDA.  Continued surveillance will clarify the longer term impact of vaccine use.
A case review of myopericarditis in service members following vaccination with the smallpox vaccine.
AAP recommends immunization against human papillomavirus (HPV) for all 11- through 12-year-old children as part of the adolescent immunization program.
There were no new serious vaccine safety concerns following TIV-HD identified in VAERS during the first year after licensure. Findings were consistent with conditions found from pre-licensure studies (e.g., fever and pain) that were more frequently reported after TIV-HD than after receipt of standard dose TIV.
This FDA study is important because it provides additional scientific information confirming that the benefits of aluminum-containing vaccines administered during the first year of life outweigh any theoretical concerns about the potential effect of aluminum on infants.