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U S Army Physical Disability Agency Article


What is the TDRL?

The TDRL is a list of Army members found to be unfit for performance of military duties by reason of physical disability which may be permanent, but which has not sufficiently stabilized to permit an accurate assessment of a permanent degree of disability.  The Secretary of the Army is required by law to maintain the TDRL, and has delegated responsibility for this function to Headquarters, United States Army Physical Disability Agency (USAPDA).  See AR 635-40, Chapter 2, para 2-3d; DoD Directive 1332.18; Chapter 61 10 USC 1210.

What will happen when my medical condition has stabilized?

You will either be permanently retired if your disability is rated at 30 percent or more and you have less than 20 years of service; retired for permanent disability no matter the percentage of disability if you have over 20 years of service; separated with severance pay if your disability is rated less than 30 percent and you have less than 20 years service; or found physically fit for return to active duty (unless you have a newly obtained, non-service related disability which prevents return to duty).

How will the final determination be made in my case?

The same procedure used when you were placed on the TDRL will be employed.  A medical reevaluation is completed and, after being reviewed by you, is forwarded to a Physical Evaluation Board (PEB).  The determination by the PEB is not final and may be reviewed by the Physical Disability Agency.  All medical evidence will be carefully evaluated to ensure that a just and accurate determination is made.  To ensure that your interests are protected, you will be afforded the opportunity to appeal or rebut the PEB's findings before your case is finalized.

What happens if I am found physically fit?

  1. Regular Army Officers and warrant officers will, subject to their consent, be called to active duty and reappointed to the active list in the regular grade held when placed on TDRL or the next higher grade, as determined appropriate.  If the officer or warrant officer does not consent to be called to active duty, TDRL status and disability pay will cease as soon as possible.  See AR 635-40, para 7-11a (3) (a); 10 USC 1211.
  2. Regular Army enlisted members will, subject to their consent, be reenlisted in the grade held on the day preceding the date placed on TDRL, or in the next highest grade, as deemed appropriate.  If the member does not consent to reenlistment, TDRL status and disability pay will cease as soon as possible.  See AR 635-40, Para 7-11A (3) (b); 10 USC 1211.
  3. Members of the Army Reserve or National Guard will, subject to their consent, be reappointed or reenlisted in the Army Reserve or National Guard in the grade held on the day preceding the date placed on TDRL, or in the next higher grade, as determined appropriate.  This does not necessarily entail recall to active duty.  See AR 635-40, para 7-11a (3) c & d; 10 USC 1211.

How long can I stay on TDRL?

Five Years.  The law requires that a final determination be made before the fifth anniversary of placement on the TDRL.  However, you may be removed from TDRL at an earlier date whenever a periodic examination discloses that your medical condition has stabilized for rating purposes.  The law also directs the termination of Army retired pay and all retiree benefits if a final determination is not made at the end of five years.  This cannot be waived.  See, AR 635-40, para 7-11b (4); 10 USC 1210.

I am currently a TDRL member and will be permanently retired, will I receive a new DD Form 214?

No.  DD Form 214 is a record of release from active duty service and is only issued at time of separation from active duty.  If you are a current TDRL member and were on active duty at time of retirement, you received a DD Form 214 at the time of placement on the TDRL.  If you were not on active duty at time of placement on TDRL, you did not receive a DD 214 at that time.  If after your required TDRL reexamination the PEB recommends a permanent retirement, then you will receive orders removing you from the TDRL and placing you in a permanent retirement status.  A new DD Form 214 will not be prepared.  See AR 635-5, para 2-1.

Can my percentage of disability change while I am on TDRL?

Your percentage of disability will remain the same as long as you are on the TDRL.  Changes in the degree of severity of your disability will not affect your retired pay while you are on the TDRL.  When your condition has stabilized, the final determination in your case may result in removal from the TDRL as discussed in Question# 2.  See AR 635-40, para 7-20b.

Am I entitled to an Army Identification Card while on the TDRL?

Yes.  Your spouse and dependent children are also entitled to an ID card.  The cards are valid for the five-year period the law allows you to be carried on the TDRL unless you are removed earlier.  Application for this card can be made at the nearest military ID card office.  You should bring a copy of your retirement orders or DD Form 214 with you when you apply for an ID card.

What if I change my mailing address or place of residence while I am on the TDRL?

You are required to keep USAPDA advised of changes in your address.  It is essential that you do so in order for contact to be made promptly when being scheduled for your periodic physical examination and notification of your final PEB determination.  You will receive a notification letter and other pertinent information four (4) months prior to each scheduled examination as annotated in block 9 on the DA Form 199.  You should promptly notify us by letter, email or telephone whenever there is a change to your mailing address.  Failure to keep the Physical Disability Agency informed of any address changes could jeopardize your entitlement to disability retirement benefits.  Send change of address information to: Headquarters, Physical Disability Agency, ATTN: TDRL Branch, 2530 Crystal Drive, Arlington, Virginia 22202; call toll free to 1-855-863-0426; or email: usarmy.pentagon.hrc.mbx.usapda-tdrl@mail.mil.

How often will I have to undergo a physical examination?

You are required by law to undergo physical examinations at least once every 18 months.  However, examinations may be scheduled as early as six (6) months if deemed necessary by appropriate medical/disability authorities.  Your re-examination month will be reflected in block 9 of your DA Form 199 (Physical Evaluation Board Proceedings). See AR 635-40, paragraph 7-4; 10 USC 1210.

Must I undergo TDRL physical examinations if I have elected to receive VA compensation instead of retired pay from the Army?

Yes.  You are required by law to undergo periodic physical examinations as ordered by the Secretary of the Army.  This requirement exists even if you waive Army retired pay in favor of VA compensation or are receiving treatment at a VA Hospital.  Examinations administered by the VA to determine the amount of compensation you are eligible to receive from that agency cannot take the place of examinations required by the Army.  In other words, your responsibilities to the Army and the VA with respect to physical examinations are separate and distinct.  See AR 635-40; para 7-4 (a).

If I apply for benefits from the VA, which I may be entitled to, will these benefits be based on the percentage of disability I received from the Army?

No.  If you processed through the DoD/VA Integrated Disability Evaluation System (IDES), you received proposed VA ratings at that time.  The disability percentage you received from the Army was based on your unfitting conditions, while the percentage from the VA was based on all conditions that are service connected.  The total ratings may be the same or may differ.  If you did not process through the IDES, you will have to apply to the VA separately and the VA ratings may differ from those you received from the Army.

I received notice that my re-examination will be done by a contractor and not by an Army Medical Treatment Facility (MTF).  Why?  When I was placed on the TDRL I was told that my re-exam would be done by an Army MTF.

The Army’s Medical Command (MEDCOM) determines who conducts TDRL re-examinations.   In late 2010, the Northern Regional Medical Command (NRMC) contracted the performance of TDRL re-examinations to Ivan Walks and Associates (IWA).  This affects all TDRL members who live in the northeast, along the Atlantic coast from North Carolina northward, and many members living in the northern Midwest region.  These individuals will be notified by PDA that their re-examinations will be performed by IWA, and IWA will contact them to schedule their re-examinations.  More information on IWA is available at the following website: www.ivanwalks.com.  They can be reached at 301-583-5191 ext 8000 or by email at TDRL@ivanwalks.com.

Who can furnish advice and assistance when I report to for examination?

Each MTF has on its staff a Physical Evaluation Board Liaison Officer (PEBLO).  The PEBLO's job is to offer counseling and provide assistance to members as appropriate.  You are encouraged to take advantage of the services provided by the PEBLO.  If your re-examination is being done by IWA, the Doctor’s office/medical facility will be expecting you and prepared to assist you.  Your Veterans Evaluation Liaison Officer (VELO), with duties similar to a PEBLO, may also be contacted for assistance.  See AR 635-40, para 7-5.

Where will my examinations take place?

Your medical file will normally be referred to the Army Medical Treatment Facility (MTF) closest to your home.  The hospital commander will be responsible for conducting the examination at his facility or scheduling it at another federal medical facility or civilian hospital/clinic at or near your home.  If your re-examination is being done by IWA, they will schedule you at a doctor’s office or medical facility that is normally within 150 miles of your home. 

When and how will I be scheduled for examination?

The USAPDA will forward a letter to the designated hospital four (4) months in advance requesting that a physical examination be conducted.  After an appointment has been made for you, the hospital commander will send you additional correspondence advising you of the exact date and time to report.  If your re-examination is being done by IWA, you will receive correspondence notifying you of the exact date(s) and time(s) of your scheduled appointment (s). See AR 635-40, para 7-9.

I was placed on the TDRL via the Department of Defense (DOD)/VA Integrated Disability Evaluation System (IDES) program.  Where will my examination take place?

Under current procedures, your reevaluation will be conducted the same as for individuals placed on the TDRL via the legacy (non-IDES) system.  Procedures described above apply to all TDRL members, whether placed on TDRL via IDES or legacy processing.

What do I have to bring to my TDRL reexamination?

You must bring copies of all medical records (civilian, Department of Veterans Affairs, and military records, to include all medication/pharmacy records) documenting all treatment you have received since placement on the TDRL or since the last TDRL reevaluation, whichever is more recent.  Your records will be reviewed by the physician who examines you, and will be included in the medical documents forwarded to the Physical Evaluation Board.  Failure to follow these directions can adversely affect your case and is grounds for suspending your disability payments.

Can I expect to complete my examination in one day?

You will probably be examined on an outpatient basis.  However, the nature of the examination and tests required may take more than one day, so be prepared to stay overnight or attend multiple appointments.  Appointments are based on availability at the hospital.  Your PEBLO/VELO will be able to provide you the details of your appointments.

What if I fail to report for a scheduled examination?

The law specifies that your entitlement to receive Army retired pay will be terminated if you fail to report for a physical examination without showing just cause.  Once terminated, your entitlements are not reinstated until you undergo an examination.  You must promptly notify the hospital at which you are scheduled if you cannot attend a scheduled appointment.  Repeated failure to report for examinations may result in suspension of retired pay or administrative removal from the TDRL on the fifth anniversary of placement thereon without entitlement to any of the benefits resulting from disability separation or retirement.  See AR 635-40, para 7-11b; 10 USC 1210.

What if I am physically incapable of traveling to the hospital by myself?

If medically required, a relative or friend can accompany you to a reexamination as a non-medical attendant.  The attendant will be issued Department of the Army Invitational Travel orders for their trip and can be reimbursed for authorized expenses.  Requests must be made in advance with accompanying medical documentation citing the need for a non-medical attendant, and signed by the examining physician.  See AR 635-40, para 7-10e.

How will my examination be handled if I am living outside of the Continental United States?

If you reside in an overseas area (Europe or the Far East, for example), arrangements for your examination at the closest military hospital will be made by the overseas MTF commander.  If you live in Hawaii or Alaska, you will be examined at the installation MTF in those states. 

Am I required to report for reexaminations if I am attending school or have a job?

Yes.  You must report for your examinations even if they interfere with your job or school enrollment.  In this situation, USAPDA will furnish a statement, upon request, explaining the legal requirement for your absence to undergo a physical examination, which you can present to your employer or school officials.

Will I be paid for my personal expenses incurred while traveling to the MTF for my examination, and what if I do not have sufficient money to make the trip?

Yes, you will be reimbursed.  Reimbursement is determined in accordance with the Joint Federal Travel Regulation (JFTR).  Effective 1 October 2011, all TDRL travel will be processed using the Defense Travel System (DTS). If air or ground travel is required, travel arrangements must be made through the Commercial Travel Office (CTO-currently Carlson Travel) by calling 1-800-756-6111.  If travel by POV is more advantageous to the government, you will be authorized to travel by POV to your appointment and are entitled to mileage reimbursement for that travel.  Your travel orders will normally not authorize a rental car.  If you require the use of a rental car you must submit a request through your PEBLO/VELO prior to your travel and your orders will have to be amended.  Rental cars must also be reserved through the CTO.  If your trip is greater than 12 hours in duration you are also authorized meal reimbursement.  If you do not have sufficient money to make the trip you may request a travel advance by contacting your PEBLO/VELO for assistance.  You should do so at least 10 days prior to your travel, and must have a bank account for your travel to be posted.  Your PEBLO/VELO will also assist you with completing your form for reimbursement of authorized expenses.  It is strongly encouraged that you discuss your travel arrangements with your PEBLO/VELO prior to travel to the hospital to ensure that you are clear on your entitlements.  The same rules apply to travel to a formal PEB if required.

Who should I contact if I have questions about my physical examinations or other matters pertaining to my status on the TDRL?

In addition to contacting your PEBLO/VELO, you may contact the USAPDA TDRL Branch at 1-855-863-0426 or via email at usarmy.pentagon.hrc.mbx.usapda-tdrl@mail.mil.

What if I do not receive my monthly Army retired paycheck or have other problems concerning my pay?

Contact the Defense Finance & Accounting Service (DFAS), at DFAS Military Retirement Pay, P.O. Box 7130, London, KY 40742-7130 or 1-800-321-1080.

If I elect to receive disability compensation or other benefits from the VA, where can I obtain information or assistance?

You should contact your local or regional VA office or visit their website at www.va.gov.

If Soldiers and Veterans are not currently part of AW2 but think they may qualify what should they do?

The AW2 eligibility criteria are available on the WTC website. Soldiers, Veterans, and Family members may contact AW2 directly to determine individual eligibility:  Toll-free: (877) 393-9058 or Email: AW2MedicalOperations@conus.army.mil.

Additional Information

The above information is provided as a brief summary of commonly asked questions by current TDRL members and Soldiers entering the Physical Disability Evaluation System (PDES) for the first time.  You should attempt to educate yourself with the help of the PEBLOs as your primary resource.  Additional information can be found on the Office of the Soldiers’ Counsel and PDA websites at:



Suggested web sites:

My Army Benefits


Wounded, Ill and Injured Compensation & Benefits Handbook


Turbo Tap


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