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tabMilitary Demographics 
Military Demographics

The following Air Force active-duty demographics information is current as of 30 June, 2012. The statistics do not include the Guard, Reserve or U.S. Air Force Academy cadets (approximately 4,000).

Snapshot of the Air Force
  • 329,293 Active Duty
    • 64,959 Officers
    • 264,334 Enlisted
  • 35 average age of the officer force
  • 29 average age for enlisted force
  • 38% are below the age of 26
  • 44% of enlisted are below 26
  • 14% of officers are below 26
Women first entered pilot training in 1976, navigator training in 1977 and fighter pilot training in 1993.
  • 18.9% women
  • 19.0% of the officers are women and
  • 18.9% of enlisted corps are women
  • 55% of the female officers are line officers; 45% are nonline
  • 85% of the male officers are line officers; 15% are nonline
  • 62,379 total population of women
  • 703 female pilots; 263 navigators; 202 air battle managers

The following percentages, which are self-reported, cover Air Force military members' racial information.
  • 73% White
  • 14% Black or African American
  • 2.9% Asian
  • 0.7% American Indian / Native Alaskan
  • 1.1% Native Hawaiian / Other Pacific Islander
  • 2.8% Identified more than one race
  • 4.8% Declined to respond

"Hispanic or Latino" is considered an ethnic, not a racial, category that is registered separately and in addition to the above racial categories.
  • 11.9% Hispanic or Latino
  • 84.4% Not Hispanic or Latino
  • 3.7% Declined to respond
Marital Status
  • 58% married, which is 70% of the officers and 55% of enlisted
  • 31,347 active duty members married to another active duty member
  • 1,297 married to members of other military services
  • 154,639 active duty members married to other (non military)
  • 134 active duty members married to reserve/guard other service
  • 4,494 active duty married to USAFR/ANG
  • 137,382 active duty members are not married
Total active federal military service
  • 11 years is the average total active federal military service
  • 8 years for enlisted Airmen
Officer academic education
  • 58.2% advanced
  • 46.6% master's
  • 10.0% professional
  • 1.6% doctorate
    Company Grade Officers
  • 32.7% advanced
  • 25.3% master's
  • 7.0% professional
  • 0.4% doctorate
    Field Grade Officers
  • 88.8% advanced
  • 72.8% master's
  • 12.9% professional
  • 3.1% doctorate
Enlisted academic education
  • 67.7% some college
  • 20.9% associate's
  • 6.5% bachelor's
  • 1.1% master's
  • 0.008% professional
    Airmen Tier
  • 84.40% some college
  • 4.075% associate's
  • 3.040% bachelor's
  • 0.047% master's degree
  • 0.001% professional
    NCO Tier
  • 64.50% some college
  • 29.250% associate's
  • 5.475% bachelor's
  • 0.672% master's
  • 0.007% professional
    Senior NCO Tier
  • 19.73% some college
  • 52.228% associate's
  • 21.818% bachelor's
  • 6.175% master's
  • 0.035% professional
Officer Developmental Education
  • 81.74% of officers have completed one or more developmental education courses either in residence or by correspondence
  • 9,010 have completed at least one senior developmental course
  • 14,692 have completed an intermediate course
  • 29,398 have completed basic developmental course
Source of commission
  • 42.4% commissioned through Reserve Officer Training Corps
  • 22.8% commissioned through the Air Force Academy
  • 17.4% commissioned through Officer Training School
  • 17.3% commissioned through other sources (direct appointment, etc.)
tabCivilian Demographics 
DAF Civilian Workforce
  • 142,536 USPFT Employees
  • 5,159 U.S. Citizen Temp or Term (UST/T) Employees
  • 1,482 U.S. Citizen Part Time, Intermittent (US Other) Employees
  • 1,696 LWOP > 30 days, Furlough, or Suspended (LWOP/FURL/SUSP) Employees
  • 24,230 Non-Appropriated Funds (NAF) Employees
  • 12,899 Local Nationals (LN)
The following demographics are for Air Force civilian employees paid from Congressionally-mandated appropriated funds (APF)* and is current as of June 30, 2012. All information below represents the USPFT population only.

Type of Work
  • 19.6% Professional
  • 37.2% Administrative
  • 12.9% Technical
  • 4.3% Clerical
  • 3.1% Other
  • 22.7% Blue Collar
Air Reserve Technicians
  • 10,030 Air Force Reserve Technicians
  • Average Age: 47.2
Length of Service
  • Average Years of Service: 14.3
Retirement Eligibility (USPFT)
  • 20.6% Become eligible in over 20 years
  • 31.1% Become eligible in 11-20 years
  • 18.9% Become eligible in 6-10 years
  • 17.7% Become eligible in 1-5 years
  • 9.4% Became eligible 0-5 years ago
  • 2.2% Became eligible over 5 years ago
  • 30.1% Female
  • 69.9% Male
  • 7.1% Hispanic or Latino
  • 92.9% Not Hispanic/Latino
  • 1.2% American Indian or Alaska Native
  • 3.3% Asian
  • 12.7% Black or African American
  • 0.4% Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
  • 75.7% White
  • 1.3% Two or more races
  • 5.5% None reported
  • 3.7% Overseas
  • 96.3% CONUS
Military Service
  • 5.2% Retired Officer
  • 20.3% Retired Enlisted
  • < .1% Retired Warrant Officer
  • 31.1% Some Military Service (Not Retired)
  • 43.5% No Military Service
Education (White Collar)  
  • 0.2% Unknown Education Level
  • 0.1% < H.S./GED
  • 24.7% H.S./GED
  • 19.5% AA/Some College
  • 28.4% BA
  • 24.7% MA
  • 2.4% PhD/Professional Degree
Education (Blue Collar)
  • 0.4% Unknown Education Level
  • 0.7% < H.S./GED
  • 70.4% H.S./GED
  • 23.5% AA/Some College
  • 4.4% BA
  • 0.5% MA
  • < .1% PhD/Professional Degree
Developmental Education (Detail)
  • 2,895 Completed Senior Service School
  • 4,966 Completed Intermediate Service School
  • 5,087 Completed Squadron Officer School
Executive-Level Training (Summary)
  • 300 Completed Executive-Level Training
Executive-Level Training (Detail)
  • 26 Completed Congressional Fellowship Program
  • 253 Completed Executive and Senior Exec Leadership
  • 22 Completed Public Administration Graduate School
  • 7 Completed Management Graduate School

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