Nurturing Parenting Logo Nurturing Parenting
Family Development Resources, publishers of the Nurturing Parenting Programs

Parenting the nurturing way Parenting the nurturing way
Designed to empower individuals and families with new knowledge and skills.
5 to 12 sessions
Designed for at-risk youth, teen parents and families experiencing moderate levels of dysfunction.
12 to 20 sessions
Designed for families referred for parenting education by Mental Health/Social Services.
15 to 25 sessions
Designed for agencies to offer long-term, more comprehensive parenting education.
26 to 55 sessions

  Dr. Stephen J. Bavolek

Dr. Stephen J. Bavolek Stephen J. Bavolek, Ph.D., is a recognized leader in the fields of child abuse and neglect, treatment and prevention, and parenting education. Dr. Bavolek has conducted extensive research in... Learn More  
    Training Resources
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    NREPP   Six Protective Pactors

Included in SAMHSA's National Registry of Evidence-Based Programs and Practices.

The Evidence-Based Nurturing Parenting Programs are building Protective Factors in families that when present... Learn More  
Latest News

- Announcements from Family Development Resources, Inc.

: Celebrating our 30 Year Anniversary

Creating a Worldwide Culture of Nurturing

Stephen J. Bavolek, Ph.D. is a recognized leader in the fields of child abuse and neglect treatment and prevention, parenting education and developing programs for teaching nurturing skills to school-age children. 

Dr. Bavolek conducts workshops worldwide, appears on radio and television talk show programs, publishes numerous books and articles. He is Founder and... Read More