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IRR Programs and Policies Team Article

Individual Ready Reserve

Welcome to the Individual Ready Reserve web page.  If you are a Soldier in the IRR, we at the Army Human Resources Command would like to thank you for your service to our Nation, and we welcome the opportunity to position you for success in the IRR program.

You are in the IRR because you are a Soldier who does not belong to a unit but still has a military service obligation to fulfill.  Many Soldiers serve several years on active duty then transfer to the Individual Ready Reserve to fulfill the remainder of their contract.

Each Soldier is required to meet minimum annual requirements.  You must update your personal contact information, attend muster duty when ordered to, complete a readiness screening questionnaire, and respond  to all official military correspondence.  Any Soldier in the IRR may also be involuntarily mobilized in time of national crisis, as seen in support of the Global War on Terror.

FY12 Muster Schedule

IRR Orientation Handbook

Individual Ready Reserve Affiliation Program

On 1 July 2011, the Army Reserve, in direct partnership with the Army Human Resources Command (HRC) and the Army National Guard (ARNG), began implementing the Individual Ready Reserve (IRR) Affiliation Program (IAP) in order to provide IRR Soldiers a local network of support, improve readiness, promote Continuum of Service, and retain Soldiers with valuable skills, knowledge, abilities and experiences.

Under this program, IRR members are affiliated with Army Reserve or Army National Guard units in their local area in order to provide a single point of contact to serve their military needs and answer questions concerning professional development, schools, and all aspects of career advancement.  Additionally, family members now have a place and point of contact to voice their concerns and questions.  HRC will retain all responsibility for the IRR personnel management.

IAP Questions and Answers


Opportunities in the Individual Ready Reserve

As an Individual Warrior, you will find numerous opportunities to continue your military career in the IRR. You can apply for professional development training, and you can be promoted.  You can also volunteer for active duty tours ranging in length from 30 days to 365 and longer.  Assignments are available in the United States and around the world.  Never forget that you are a trained, experienced Soldier, and a valued member of the Army Family whose skills are always appreciated by Active duty and Reserve units.

If you choose to transfer from the IRR to a Reserve unit (Troop Program Unit or TPU), you can keep your military skills honed and enjoy the camaraderie and support of unit membership.  Soldiers transferring from the IRR to a TPU are stabilized for two years (meaning they do not deploy for two years) and many qualify for a bonus.

If you become an Individual Mobilization Augmentee (IMA), you'll be assigned to augment a Reserve or Active Duty unit in order to complete your annual training requirements.

Opportunities in the Selected Reserve

Selected Reserve Soldiers enjoy many benefits.  In addition to receiving a paycheck, these Soldiers have the opportunity to qualify for a Reserve Retirement.  They may also enroll themselves and their families in life insurance, health insurance (TRICARE Select Reserve) and dental insurance programs.

Another Selected Reserve opportunity is the Active Guard/Reserve (AGR) program.  AGR Soldiers are Reserve Component Soldiers on indefinite, full-time active duty.  They enjoy all the benefits and privileges that an active duty Soldier does.

Tour Opportunities

For information on types of tours available, and how to request a tour, view Tour Opportunities

Muster Duty

You may receive orders to attend a one-day muster in your local area. For information about Musters, view Readiness Muster and Personnel Accountability Muster Information


If you have received orders to be mobilized complete information is available at: Mobilization/Demobilization Services for additional information.