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How to Submit a Comment

  • The CFTC welcomes comments on proposed rules and industry submissions pending CFTC action.

    For proposed rules and other items published in the Federal Register, comment deadlines are specified in the Federal Register release. For other submissions open for comment, comment deadlines are included on the list of Pending Industry Filings.

    To be assured consideration by the Commission, comments must be filed prior to the close of the official comment period.  Comments filed after the close of the official comment period may be considered, at the Commission's discretion.   After the close of the comment period, persons may continue to submit comments through the Commission’s website.

    How to File a Comment

    Use the Online Form:

    • Find the Proposed Rule or Industry submission on which you want to comment in the list of All Open Comment Deadlines
    • Click the Submit Comment button next to the item
    • Enter the required information into the form and enter your comment or provide your comment as an attachment
    • Your comment and any attachment you provide will be published, without removal of any personally identifying or other sensitive information

    Other Comment Submission Methods:

    If you are unable to use the online form to comment on proposed rules, other methods of comment submission are available.  They are listed in the “addresses” section of the Federal Register release or in the press release announcing the Industry Filing.  Please submit your comment by only one method.

    Comments should include the subject of the proposed rule or other open issue to which you are responding. If applicable, the RIN Number associated with the Federal Register Release should be included. Mark your submission as a comment. All comments on proposed rules and other submissions become a part of the public record and are published on

    Important Notice

    All comments on proposed rules and other submissions become part of the public record and will be published on Comments provided via paper will be converted to PDF and then posted on our website. All comments will be published without review and without removal of any personally identifying information or information your business may wish to be held confidentially. If you wish the Commission to consider information that you believe is exempt from disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act, you may submit a petition for confidential treatment of the exempt information according to the procedure set forth in CFTC regulations at 17 C.F.R. § 145.9. If you have questions, please contact before submitting your comments.

    The Commission reserves the right, but shall have no obligation, to review, pre-screen, filter, redact, refuse or remove any or all of your submission from that it may deem to be inappropriate for publication, such as obscene language. Nothwithstanding, all submissions that have been withdrawn because they are inappropriate for publication that contain comments on the merits of a rulemaking or another official Commission action will be retained in the public comment file and will be considered as required under the Administrative Procedure Act and other applicable laws, and may be accessible under the Freedom of Information Act.

    The Commission will collect, process, disclose and store your personal information in accordance with the CFTC Privacy Policy and as stated on this page. Your submission of comments on this page constitutes your agreement to that Privacy Policy and to the publication of your submission, as explained above.

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