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Environmental Sustainability: 5 Ways to Help

  • duplex
    Go paperless

    Scan and distribute electronic copies of reports and letters or cut your paper use in half by creating double-sided prints.

  • switch
    Turn off the lights

    If you have control of them, turn lights off whenever you leave your office or work area.

  • recycle
    Use recycling bins

    Every ton of glass recycled saves nine gallons of fuel oil needed to make glass from virgin materials.  

  • buy green
    Buy green supplies

    Recycled paper, reconditioned toner cartridges, products with a high recycled or recyclable content with less packaging.

  • cycling
    Walk or bike there

    Save gas, wear and tear on your vehicle, and reduce air emissions while improving your heart health and reducing your risk of obesity.

Earth Week Events

Enhance your understanding of Brookhaven Lab’s effort to meet the America’s and the world’s energy needs through our alternative energy source research, on-site pollution prevention, and the personal choices we make that affect our community. 

Use the calendar below to map out your activities for the week. Visit the Pledge Tree, earn your sustainability bracelet, attend the environmental vendor fair, or see the latest hybrid and electric vehicles on the market.   



BNL Office Swap

10:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m., Berkner Hall, Room D
Support BNL's Housekeeping Standard to help ensure a safe, healthy, and clean environment for all workers. Clean out your office, conference rooms, and supply closets and get rid of clutter! Bring unwanted supplies to Berkner Hall Lobby and swap or just take what you need – for free! All supplies not swapped will be recycled. For more information, contact Francine Donnelly, Ext. 3381.



Earth Week Sustainability Challenge

Eton radio

Take the Earth Week Sustainability Challenge and be eligible to receive an Earth Week giveaway including this Etón FR160B hand-powered radio. Test your knowledge and learn how each one of us may reduce our carbon footprint. Take the Challenge



Wildlife and Student Art Displays

11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., Berkner Hall Lobby
Check out the photos of BNL wildlife, environmental-themed posters created by local elementary school children, and the Lab’s Operational and Research Sustainability Poster series, all on display in Berkner Hall lobby.  



Environmental Pledge Tree

April 16-18, 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., Berkner Hall Lobby
April 19-20, 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., Research Support Building
Come place your pledge on the environmental pledge tree. This year’s pledges focus on helping employees understand simple things they can do every day to support BNL's Site Sustainability Plan. All donations will be forwarded to the Foundation for Ecological Research in the Northeast (FERN), a not-for-profit organization whose mission is to conserve, protect, and enhance habitats in the Northeast through research, education, and dissemination of information. As always, there will be great giveaways, like t-shirts, ceramic mugs, and reusable travel mugs. For more information, contact Jason Remien, Ext. 3477. 



Special Event: Long Island Earth Summit

Berkner Hall, 11:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.
The Brookhaven Lab Community Relations Office is partnering with Citizens Campaign for the Environment to host the 2012 Long Island Earth Summit. The Earth Summit will combine good science with good advocacy. Join us for displays in Berkner Hall Lobby, a series of environmental workshops, and a panel discussion on Long Island’s environmental challenges. Then stay for the BSA Distinguished Lecture by Prof. Ellen Pikitch, School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences (SoMAS) at Stony Brook University, Institute for Ocean Conservation Science. Details and agenda.

Space is limited. Pre-registration for the workshops is recommended.



Green Vehicle Showcase

10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., Berkner Hall Circle
Come see what’s new in the world of electric vehicles, hybrid electric vehicles, and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles. Learn about the benefits of owning an energy efficient vehicle and how you can help reduce air emissions while enjoying increased fuel economy. Vehicles from local dealers will be on display in front of Berkner Hall. Open to the public. Employees are welcome to invite family and friends. For more information, contact Jeff Williams, Ext. 5587.



Environmental Vendor Fair

11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., Berkner Hall
Learn about “green” products, energy and ecological conservation. Plus, learn about ride-sharing. Vendors include Spy Coat Bee Man, Three Gals Industrial, Greener Country, Honest Tea, Metro Pool, Verterra, and more. For more information, contact Ruth Comas, Ext. 3545.



Art Contest Awards ceremony

4 p.m., Berkner Hall Auditorium
Join us for the annual art contest awards ceremony. Awards will be presented to children from local schools for creating posters relating to environmental sustainability. For more information, contact Karen Ratel, Ext. 3711.



Solar Farm Bike Tour

Noon, meet at the gazebo (east of NSLS-II construction site)
Remember to bring your bicycle and helmet. Take a guided bicycle tour of the Long Island Solar Farm and visit the future location of the Lab’s solar energy research array. Hear from experts about the largest solar power array in the Northeast United States, the Lab’s research on ecological impacts of the array, and plans to develop a solar energy research array on the Brookhaven Lab campus. A 2.5-mile direct route and 5-mile scenic route will depart from the gazebo at noon. The ride and presentations should take about 1 hour.
Map of the tour routes



Hecksher State Park Spring Festival

10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Join Lab staff at Hecksher Park to learn more about wildlife on Long Island, groundwater models, conservation, household hazardous wastes, and more.