father-bottom   Bird   Summer Sundays

Listening to You

The Community Advisory Council advises the Laboratory Director on issues that are important to the community. All meetings are open to the public. Learn more about the Council.

Do you have an issue you'd like to raise, a question that you'd like to ask, or input you'd like to give?  Let us know!

About Us

Brookhaven scientists conduct research in the physical, biomedical, and environmental sciences, and in energy technology and national security. The Laboratory is among the five largest high-technology employers on Long Island. More...



Natural resources: the Laboratory's 5,250 acre campus, part of Long Island's Central Pine Barrens, is host to 230 plant species, 15 animal species and 85 species of birds.

Site cleanup: past operations and research at Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL) dating back to the 1940s have resulted in localized soil and groundwater contamination. In 1989, due to this contamination, BNL was placed on the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s National Priorities List.

The Lab and Department of Energy have made significant progress toward improving environmental operations and cleaning up the Lab site since contamination was first discovered in the mid-1980s. The Lab has also developed extensive monitoring and environmental management programs to help prevent future problems.

Contact: Jeanne DAscoli
Community Relations Manager
Building 400C
Upton, NY 11973-5000
(631) 344-2277


Visiting the Lab

You're invited to visit us at the Laboratory. Group tours can be arranged which are tailored to your interests. You can also visit us during our Summer Sunday open houses.

If you're unable to come to us, Lab representatives can come to you through our Speakers Bureau program.