USIP Prevention Newsletter - September 2012

September 2012 | Prevention Newsletter

In this Issue

  • SPOTLIGHT on The Syrian Civil War: Threatening Lebanon's Fragile Stability: Syria's year-and-a-half long internal strife has not only challenged Lebanon with tens of thousands of refugees, gun battles on the border and kidnappings, but reignited tensions along Lebanon's own sectarian fault lines.
    • U.S.-Pakistan Relations
    • Tensions on Korean Peninsula
    • Iran and P5+1 Nuclear Talks
    • Responsibility to Protect: Moving Beyond the Period of Reflection
    • The Political Transition in Libya

About This Newsletter

The bimonthly Prevention Newsletter provides highlights of USIP's conceptual work and region specific work aimed at the prevention of conflicts in North Africa, the Middle East, South and Northeast Asia, and our special project on atrocity prevention. It also provides Over the Horizon thinking on trends in different regions, as well as events, working groups and publications. Every Newsletter will spotlight a single country, conflict, or event, and include short highlights of all regions and issues covered by the Center. | Sign up to receive the bi-monthly newsletter via e-mail

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