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Articles with keyword "French Revolution"


Interesting Mustard

The rise of the restaurant.

Portrait of Gouverneur Morris


Ungoverned Passion

By Meredith Hindley

Founding Father and ladies' man Gouverneur Morris flees revolutionary Paris to discover the delights of central Europe.

Image of Madonna and Saints with Two Cherubs (detail)


Impertinent Questions with William M. Reddy

By Meredith Hindley (edited by)

William M. Reddy has made a career of demonstrating how honor, love, shame, fear, and desire operate as historical forces.


The Voracious Pen of Thomas Carlyle

By Meredith Hindley

A young historian pours forth The French Revolution, blood and all, inspiring a generation of Victorian writers.


Black Mozart

By James Williford

A Pennsylvania scholar brings new interest to the composer known as the Black Mozart.

Moliere dining with Louis XIV


Burying Molière

By Steve Moyer

How the French Revolution reappropriated the favored playwright of Louis XIV.


Remains of the Day

By Amy Lifson

By Between June 14 and July 27, 1794, hundreds of nobles, shopkeepers, clergy, corset makers, vintners, and other “suspicious” citizens were executed by guillotine at Place de la Nation in Paris.