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USGS - science for a changing world

Landsat Missions

Countdown to LDCM Launch 147Days

Sept 4, 2012 - 9 million Landsat downloads...and counting
The use of Landsat data has exploded since the USGS began distributing the data at no cost via the internet. Read More

August 24, 2012 - Landsat metadata release moves forward A large metadata and file name update will be released on August 29, 2012. All access to Landsat data will be down for the day, with a return on August 30th. Details about the changes to metadata and file names can be found at

July 23, 2012 - USGS Rolls Out New LandsatLook Viewer
In honor of this, the 40th Anniversary of the Landsat 1 launch, and in preparation for Landsat 8 in February 2013, the USGS has rolled out a prototype viewer that allows easy access to the over 3 million scenes in the Landsat archive. Find out more about the LandsatLook Viewer. Go to the LandsatLook Viewer.

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Volume 6 Issue 3 2012 now available

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Recent Image

Hurricane Isaac Flooding

Acquisition Date: Aug 1, 2012, September 2, 2012
Path: 22 Row: 39
Lat: 30.300 Long: -90.100

Hurricane Isaac Flooding

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Data Access

LandsatLook Viewer
A comprehensive searching and downloading tool for LandsatLook images, along with access to Level 1 Data Products.
A visual-based tool to search and download many dataset collections from the USGS Archive.
A query-based tool to search and download many datasets from the from the USGS Archive.
EarthNow! displays data received from the Landsat 7 satellites as they pass over the United States.
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Page Last Modified: 09/11/12 07:10 am