DOE Green Energy  

About DOE Green Energy

Search DOE Green Energy to find publicly available bibliographic citations, technical reports and patent information on different types of renewable energy resources and energy conservation, such as solar, wind, bioenergy, hydroelectric and geothermal. For example, R&D on different types of vehicle technology, as well as studies regarding electricity and other power sources, are available. Subject areas include but are not limited to hydrogen, solar energy, tidal and wave power, energy storage, and direct energy conversion.

When you search the Green Energy portal, your keyword query will be mapped to scientific concepts. This semantic technique, called "keyword to concept" mapping, is applied to your search behind the scenes and helps hone your search for more efficient knowledge access and discovery. This means that you will receive results that allow you to explore more narrow concepts, related concepts, or even broader concepts. DOE Green Energy affords you the use of the familiar and simple search box – yet still provides the benefits of an advanced search technology to help get at the information you need.

In addition, an auto-complete feature allows you to immediately see a list of associated concepts as you type your search query. The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI) presents these green energy results from research and development (R&D) conducted throughout the Department and by DOE-funded awards at universities. These green energy results consist of over 34,500 technical reports and approximately 1,300 patents from R&D projects representing an investment of several billion dollars. The DOE Green Energy site organizes this green energy R&D and makes it freely accessible to researchers, scientists, educators, students and the public. DOE Green Energy contains both current research and historical research.

This latest OSTI data collection can be used by researchers to speed scientific discovery and innovation and by business and industry to stimulate economic growth related to renewable energy and/or energy efficiency. In addition, the public can use this portal to discover applications of renewable energy science and energy efficiency.

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