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National Capital Planning Commission - Washington, DC

National Capital Planning Commission
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  1. Region Forward discussion at Montgomery County Council tomorrow at 11:00am on how updated Activity Centers will drive growth and development
  2. Today we remember those who lost their lives 11 years ago today, and we honor them by continuing to foster the spirit of unity and service that blossomed in the wake of tragedy and adversity.
  3. We'd like to congratulate our own William Herbig for being selected as a member of the 2012-2013 class of the ULI Washington Regional Land Use Leadership Institute.
  4. We've got weekend homework for you: Comments on the draft SW Ecodistrict Plan due on Monday 9/10.
    Photo: We've got weekend homework for you: Comments on the draft SW Ecodistrict Plan due on Monday 9/10.
  5. Commission meeting today at 1pm! We'll be streaming the meeting live, though due to some ongoing AV upgrades, its possible we might experience some technical difficulties during today's broadcast. Apologies in advance for any inconvenience.
  6. Have you seen the new turf on the National Mall? The first panel in front of the Capitol is now covered in fresh sod. More grass is getting rolled out soon.
    Photo: Have you seen the new turf on the National Mall? The first panel in front of the Capitol is now covered in fresh sod. More grass is getting rolled out soon.
  7. The final agenda for this Thursday's Commission meeting is now available. And don't forget, the new start time is 1pm.
  8. In commemoration and celebration of the 150th anniversary of the Emancipation Proclamation, the National Park Service (NPS) and the African American Experience Fund (AAEF) of the National Park Foundation (Foundation) are sponsoring a nationwide student art competition entitled "Expressions of Freedom." Learn more:
    Photo: In commemoration and celebration of the 150th anniversary of the Emancipation Proclamation, the National Park Service (NPS) and the African American Experience Fund (AAEF) of the National Park Foundation (Foundation) are sponsoring a nationwide student art competition entitled "Expressions of Freedom." Learn more:
  9. We're looking forward to being able to travel using Capital Bikeshare from Washington down to Old Town Alexandria!
    Transit accessibility at its finest! Check out the new station right outside the King Street Metro. Excited yet? We are!
    Photo: Transit accessibility at its finest! Check out the new station right outside the King Street Metro. Excited yet? We are!
  10. The view you would have looking east from the Lincoln Memorial 44 years ago today, when Martin Luther King, Jr spoke his most famous words
    Photo: The view you would have looking east from the Lincoln Memorial 44 years ago today, when Martin Luther King, Jr spoke his most famous words
  11. Want to get up close and personal with one of the tallest buildings in Washington? On Wednesday, AIA DC is sponsoring a behind the scenes tour of the stabilization and repair work underway of the National Cathedral after last year's earthquake.
    Photo: Want to get up close and personal with one of the tallest buildings in Washington? On Wednesday, AIA DC is sponsoring a behind the scenes tour of the stabilization and repair work underway of the National Cathedral after last year's earthquake.
  12. On this day in 1814, with British soldiers descending on Washington, first lady Dolley Madison fled the White House -- carrying with her state papers, important pieces of silver and a full length portrait of George Washington.
    Photo: On this day in 1814, with British soldiers descending on Washington, first lady Dolley Madison fled the White House -- carrying with her state papers, important pieces of silver and a full length portrait of George Washington.
  13. Want to tour the St. Elizabeths Campus? On a bike? Here's your chance!
    Saturday, August 25 at 10:00am in EDT at 2700 Martin Luther King, Jr. Avenue SE
  14. The Tentative Agenda for the September Commission meeting is now available
  15. DC History Pop Quiz: The oldest private residence in the nation's capital is Old Stone House, located at 3051 M Street, NW.

    However, the house predates the founding of nation's capital and the L'Enfant Plan street grid, which means its original address was different.

    So the question is, what was M Street NW known as back then?
    Photo: DC History Pop Quiz: The oldest private residence in the nation's capital is Old Stone House, located at 3051 M Street, NW.

However, the house predates the founding of nation's capital and the L'Enfant Plan street grid, which means its original address was different. 

So the question is, what was M Street NW known as back then?
  16. The newly reconstructed reflecting pool of the Lincoln Memorial is beginning to be filled!
    Photo: The newly reconstructed reflecting pool of the Lincoln Memorial is beginning to be filled!

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